
Combating Misinformation

After consulting with his mother about his previous Actions, Berengar arrived at Ludwig's workshop. Where He greeted his old friend with a quick hug; both men had been swamped with work recently and could immediately feel each other's growing exhaustion.

"Ludwig, my old friend, tell me you have some good news?"

Ludwig chuckled lightly as he heard Berengar's remarks; he indeed did have good news.

"Well, My Lord, you picked the most opportune time to pick a fight with the Church! After all the Printing Press machines you invented have long since been implemented and are currently working at full capacity. You just have to say the word, and we will change their production output to help you fight the misinformation the Church is bound to present about you!"

Berengar slapped Ludwig on the shoulder and gave him a thumbs up.

"Ludwig, you are a genius!"