
An Interesting Conversation with a Long Forgotten Diety Part II

The Great goddess of Teotihuacan gazed upon Berengar with a playful smirk before she responded to his question in a deliberately deflective manner.

"I'm sorry, but that is not something I can reveal. Do not fret, I am sure that in time you will find those who brought you here, and on that day you can ask them all the questions you want about your role in this world. For now, just know that your soul belongs to me, so do nothing that will bring me dishonor!"

In response to this, Berengar merely chuckled before responding to the deity's quip.

"Fine, I promise I won't do anything to dishonor your name..."

After this was said, the two of them shared a laugh, knowing full well that Berengar would not live up to that promise. When they had finally calmed down, the German Emperor asked the next most important question on his mind.

"So that girl I brought with me is a princess of the Aztec Empire? It's a damned good thing I didn't kill her..."