
A Long Awaited Reunion

As Berengar had promised, he spent the next two weeks lazing about in his manor at Gibraltar with his loving new bride by his side. The couple seemed to get along exceptionally well and had spent much of the time in the bedroom. After all, Berengar had grown weary from months of conflict and needed something to lift his spirits. 

During this time, men and resources swapped from the Iberian Peninsula to the Kingdom of Austria; for some time to come, there would be a massive transition in the Emirate of Granada. However, eventually, Berengar got into his royal clipper and returned home to the fatherland.

With such a swift ship, the journey was relatively smooth, and in a matter of days, he and his new bride arrived in Trieste. The moment Berengar stepped off the docks, he could barely recognize the port city. Nearly half a year had passed since he first stepped foot in Granada intending of putting an end to the Iberian Union and the Catholic Church's ambitions.