

In Japan, the three KiShin video games quickly became a major topic of discussion. Shounen Jump promptly published their review of the newly released KiShin video games.

Due to the 'Video Game Addicts' review of Shounen Jump's success, other manga publishers followed suit, creating their own video game reviews conducted by professional players. Even magazine companies jumped on the bandwagon.

Given that the "Video Game Addicts" were the most popular and successful video game reviewers at this time, some magazine companies sought to include their reviews in their publications. As a result, reviews by Video Game Addicts for various video games were published, attracting a significant readership.

The first game to be reviewed was Castlevania. The introduction lauded its innovative gameplay, captivating graphics, and catchy soundtrack, along with its spooky theme. The review also touched on the controls. However, it criticized the game for its limited gameplay, particularly the inability to jump on stairs and the restricted range of the whip, which could pose challenges. The final boss was singled out as a particularly frustrating and difficult encounter.

As for Mega Man, the introduction commended it as a perfect example of a challenging yet immensely enjoyable game. Players were tasked with running, jumping, and defeating enemies across six different levels, each culminating in a battle against a robot master. Upon defeating a robot master, their special weapon was added to the player's inventory, introducing a strategic element to the game. The review also emphasized the basic controls and the use of capsules, both large and small, to restore health and weapon charge. Extra lives were scattered in hard-to-reach places. Although Mega Man received high praise, it was rated just slightly below Castlevania.

Regarding 'Dragon Quest,' the Video Game Addicts assessed it as an RPG. It featured captivating music, extensive dungeons to explore, towns to visit, a variety of weapons and armor to purchase, and numerous battles – with the occasional level up to boot. For players who relished this style of gameplay, 'Dragon Quest' found favor, although the reviewers did highlight its shortcomings. The rating for 'Dragon Quest' fell just slightly below that of 'Mega Man.'

These reviews ignited discussions and piqued the interest of the video game community. Many individuals found themselves captivated by at least one of the three KiShin video games.

On the flip side, there was a substantial number of people who did not warm up to the video games released by KiShin.

While the release of KiShin's video games saw an increase in sales and garnered favor among many, there was also a notable group of individuals who did not find KiShin's new offerings to their liking.

Recognizing the superiority of 16-bit technology over 8-bit, Tora and Suzuki had already begun the gradual process of enhancing their video game graphics, even though they might not yet match the gameplay standards set by KiShin.



Meanwhile, in the United States of America, video game players who purchased KiShin's new video games expressed a strong liking for the game 'Castlevania.'

For them, 'Castlevania' provided more enjoyment than Suzuki's 'Thriller.'

Additionally, 'Mega Man,' known for its incredible difficulty, ignited a significant challenge within the gaming communities.

Conversely, 'Dragon Quest' appeared to be the less favored choice. This could be attributed to the fact that, unlike in Japan, RPG games like 'Dragon Quest' were currently less popular in the United States at this moment.

At present, the most popular video games in the United States of America were 'Super Mario Bros.,' 'The Legend of Zelda,' and 'Street Fighter.'

Although 'The Legend of Zelda' shared some similarities with RPGs, it wasn't a pure RPG, and it was considered highly enjoyable compared to 'Final Fantasy' or 'Dragon Quest' according to the opinions of U.S. players.

'Super Mario Bros.' stood out as possibly the most renowned video game globally. Whether in East Asia, Southeast Asia, Japan, the USA, or even some European countries, 'Super Mario Bros.' enjoyed universal recognition.

Tora and Suzuki attempted to compete with the popularity of 'Super Mario Bros.' by creating games that emulated its style, but their efforts were in vain. The allure of 'Super Mario Bros.' was indescribable at this moment.

Meanwhile, 'Street Fighter' introduced a new style of gameplay that was immensely favored by both new and experienced players alike.


[KiShin Headquarters]

In the KiShin headquarters, Shin and Mira are currently situated in a conference room, where they are engaged in discussions regarding the sales and marketing strategy of their company.

The sales of the three video games had declined compared to previous figures, which raised concerns among the executives.

Due to confidentiality reasons, they were unaware of the current status of the research on the 16-bit video game console. However, they proposed the idea of potentially leaking information about their ongoing work on a superior system to reassure their fans. Shin, on the other hand, paid little heed to the executives' worries.

In his view, these executives were not entirely trustworthy, and they were oblivious to the fact that the company was presently researching a handheld gaming device.

After the meeting concluded and Shin found himself back in his office, his phone emitted a soft beep, prompting him to answer.

"Hello, Mr. Masayoshi," Shin greeted with a smile. "Have you taken care of everything?"

Orio Masayoshi's voice responded, "Boss, we've already hired actors and actresses, prepared the extras, and the entire filming team is ready. Taping is about to commence."

Satisfied, Shin replied, "That's excellent. I'll likely visit again to oversee the taping." After a brief conversation with Orio Masayoshi, Shin ended the call.

Shin was planning to travel to the USA once more, not only to supervise the taping but also to assess the motion capture and CGI companies that had piqued his interest. His intention was to negotiate with these companies to secure their technology for future development in his 3D video games.

With a smile, Shin began a discussion with Mira, who had entered his office for a moment. This time, he wanted to invite Mira to accompany him to the US, but she shook her head, explaining that she still needed to attend university.


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