
Tycoon’s Young Wife

“Uncle Ivan, Are you taken? If not, why don’t you be my boyfriend?” ‘Wait! I got marriage proposal on my first date?’

BlackGuide · Ciudad
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41 Chs


His men are all stronger than those gangsters out there. But the woman standing not so far from him took them down in a blink of an eye.

None of his men would be able to lay a hand on her but got their ass beaten up instead.

They're known as one of the stronger gangsters but his men couldn't even get a chance to fight back. And they looked like weak people while fighting her.

Vivian then started taking a few steps forward like nothing happened.

"Hand over the woman on the chair or you can choose to be beaten up like your men."

The man chuckles. "I can't hand her over. She had done something that she shouldn't have."

"Which is?"

"She had an affair with someone else's husband."

'Lucy hooked up with a married man? The hell is wrong with her?"


"I can't tell you. It's our main rule that we can't let the one who hired us identity."

Walking toward the man slowly with dangerous smiles on her face. Her mouth was curled up in a smile but her eyes were not.

"I see. You choose the hard way."

Seeing that Vivian was about to reach them. The man panicked a little. He took out a knife and put it against Lucy's throat. "D… Don't come closer or I'll slit her throat."


Lucy's throat was cutted a little. Vivian could see that small blood was rolled down a little.

Vivian's eyes grew darker, but her lips were still curled up in a smile. "Go ahead. She keeps making trouble non stop. She deserved it. If you slid her throat, that'll put me at ease. But you will end up no better than her."

She then took out a gun that was hidden in her pocket and pointed it to the man. "A life for a life. I'm not sure if my bullet will kill faster or your knife."

"Hehe." Vivian then giggles with excitement. "It had been so long that I killed someone. I'm so excited to do it again. I can't wait to see the blood flowing down your head."

'Oh God! I never knew someone could look frightening while they are smiling.'

The next second, her face turned serious with eyes darkening. "You let her go and your life will be free. You slit her throat and my bullet goes straight to your head. You choose. I'll give you 3 seconds."


The man flinched. He never thought that things would end up this way. He was confident in himself when he took over the mission.


He doesn't know what to do. His high pride doesn't want to let him give in easily.


"Ahh… you said you gave me three seconds. Why did you shoot my leg at the count of two?"

Vivian shrugged her shoulders. "You're taking too long to give an answer. It'll save me time If I just kill you here."

"I don't have time for this. I'll just kill everybody and leave this place."

One hand pressing his knee that had been shot to stop the bleeding. He got on his knees, trembling with fears.

"Please let us off. You can take this woman, but please spare our lives."

"You should've done that from the start. Don't you think it's too late for that? I'm just getting excited."

'If I knew things would turn out this way, you think I'll get ourselves involved? And did she just say that she's just getting excited? This devil woman shoots my leg without batting her eyes. She looks like she's enjoying it instead.'

The gang leader was curious about the frail woman that can take them down in a blink of an eye and can kill when she wants without blinking her eyes.

But of course he doesn't have the nerve to ask with the situation he is in right now.

He was sure that she's not someone people can mess with. She looked skinny and frail that she wouldn't be able to fight or kill on the surface, but was super strong in reality and didn't hesitate to kill anyone standing in her way.

This is his first time in his whole life that he witnessed a frail looking woman get excited fighting and killing.

She looked like she was having fun beating up people.

The gang leader could see that Vivian was getting even more excited after she shot one of his legs.

Cold sweats started running down to his spine.

The dangerous look on Vivian's face makes the gang leader tremble with fear. He was so scared that he had already forgotten about his painful leg.

Seeing that the man kneeling down on the ground was trembling in fear, Vivian sighed while shaking her head.

"I'll give you guys ten seconds to get out of my sight. I'll shoot whoever hasn't left this building after ten seconds."

Everyone tried their best to get their painful bodies up the ground to run for their lives.


"Oh God. She's not human. She's a devil in disguise coming out from hell. Let's get out of here."


"Hurry brothers! If you guys don't want to be dead today, hurry up and get out of here as soon as possible. She's a cold-hearted woman. Let's hurry before we lose our lives."

The guys groaning in pain as they try to get up on their feet to run away for their lives.

'If we don't get out of here, she'll kill us for sure. God damn it. My leg… ahhh…'

Within six seconds, all the men are long gone. But of course their leader was struggling to get up with his painful leg.

They are too scared and forget about him while running for their lives.

And it took a few longer seconds before the gang leader was able to get out of Vivian sights.

Vivian was telling the truth when she said she's just getting excited. But she doesn't want to waste anymore time in the dirty place.

Vivian didn't plan to use any weapons but the gang leader started to pull out his knife first and hurt Lucy's neck first.

If not, Vivian won't even bother pulling out her gun and shoots one of his legs.

She let those gangsters off this time and told them that she won't forgive them next time they touch her people.

"You can come out now. Stop hiding like a scary pussy cat. I can't believe you hid after you called me over."

A tall handsome man walked out of the corner of the abandoned building.

"I apologize for dragging you into this boss."

"Save that for later. Get Lucy out of here and take her to the hospital."


Vivian then walked out of the abandoned building to her motorcycle.

Vivian knew that Lucy was a player and hooked up with lots of men. But she never thought that Lucy would one day have an affair with a married man.

But Vivian can't blame her. Because she, herself, ended up sleeping with someone who's about to get married.

Vivian felt like Lucy's situation and hers was just the same. Lucy slept with someone else's husband and she, herself, slept with someone else's fiancé.

Out of nowhere, Ivan's face popped up in Vivian's head.

She tried so hard to erase Ivan in her mind, but now he appears in her mind easily.

Vivian was sure that's because of Lucy's situation, not because she missed him or wanted to see him.

She rides her motorcycle back home with mixed emotions running through her chest. She doesn't feel like doing anything after the man who she tried to forget face appears in her head.

She missed him. She really does. But, she couldn't do anything.

It's not like he can just call or text him after what she'd done to him.

She doesn't want to go home either. It feels too quiet and empty by herself with no one around.

Ivan's clothes are still hanging in her closet. She hasn't sent them to his place yet. She felt like he didn't need those clothes since she was sure that he already had lots of them.

That's why she just kept them in her closet and didn't send them to Ivan. Vivian was sure that Ivan must've already forgotten about everything and moved on.

She just hoped that he didn't go to other women behind his fiance's back.

At first, Vivian was surprised that the article was taken down in a blink of an eye right after Ivan saw it.

But she understood because if she were in his shoes, of course she wanted to protect the one she loved. That's why Vivian was sure that Ivan was protecting his own fiance by having someone take down the article about them.