

In the hidden world of Werewolf University, Alex's scholarship opens the doors to magic, love, and self-discovery. Amid secrets whispered by a campus gossip blog, Alex battles misbeliefs while chasing the heart of Cassandra, a descendant of the Lycoan family, a generation of the first werewolves. As they uncover ancient truths and face a manipulative foe, their journey becomes a symphony of loyalty, unity, and embracing worthiness in the shadow of a moonlit destiny."

EGWUJI · Fantasía
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

Alex POV

The morning sun bathed our modest log cabin in a warm glow, casting a bittersweet light on the moment that had finally arrived. Today, I was leaving my home and family behind, embarking on a journey that had once seemed impossible. I stood on the threshold, my heart heavy with a mixture of excitement and trepidation.

"Alex," my mother's voice trembled as she hugged me tight, her silver hair falling over her shoulders. Her embrace was warm, a reassurance that she had always been my unwavering support. "Take care of yourself, and remember that we're always here for you."

"I will, Mom," I replied, my voice betraying the emotions that surged within me. My gaze then shifted to my elder brother, James, whose grin was both proud and wistful. We exchanged a nod, our unspoken bond a testament to the years of shared memories.

But when I turned to face my father, his stern expression remained unchanged. It was as if he refused to acknowledge my departure, as if the distance between us had become an insurmountable chasm. The silence hung heavy, an unspoken tension that spoke volumes.

"Goodbye, Father," I managed to say, my voice a little shaky. But he simply nodded, his gaze distant, and turned to walk away without a word.

I swallowed the lump in my throat, a mixture of hurt and determination welling within me. I couldn't let his lack of farewell diminish my resolve. With one last glance at the cabin that had been my sanctuary, I took a deep breath and walked away, ready to embrace the new chapter that awaited me.

The journey to the university was unlike anything I had ever experienced. I followed the directions I had received, navigating the bustling streets of New York City with a sense of awe. The city's energy pulsed around me, a vibrant backdrop to the unknown that lay ahead.

As I approached a seemingly ordinary alley, my heart raced with anticipation. This was the location of the secret portal that would transport me to the hidden world of the werewolf university. I took a deep breath, my hand trembling slightly as I raised it to touch a brick wall.

With a soft hum, the bricks shimmered and shifted, revealing a swirling portal of light. I hesitated for a moment, the unknown stretching before me like an open door. But my resolve was unwavering, and I stepped through the portal, the sensation of being pulled and twisted giving way to a rush of wind and disorientation.

When my surroundings finally stabilized, I found myself standing on the grounds of the werewolf university. It was unlike anything I had ever seen—a gothic structure that seemed to blend seamlessly with the surrounding cityscape. Tall towers reached for the sky, and intricate arches adorned the façade.

As I stood there, taking in the awe-inspiring sight, a group of students walked past me, their voices a mixture of excitement and chatter. It was clear that I was far from alone in this new adventure. Determined to find my place, I shouldered my bag and set off to navigate the initial challenges that awaited me.

The university was a maze of corridors and courtyards, each turn revealing a new discovery. I approached a building marked "Student Services," where I hoped to gather information about my dormitory and classes. Inside, a helpful staff member provided me with a schedule and directions to my new living quarters.

The dormitory was a mixture of anticipation and chaos. Students bustled about, moving in their belongings and greeting old friends or making new ones. I found my assigned room and met my roommate, a friendly guy named Mark who was quick to offer a hand in settling in.

Once the day unfolded, I attended orientation sessions, familiarized myself with the layout of the university, and met a few fellow students. The challenges of adjusting to this new world were undeniable, but beneath the uncertainty lay a sense of exhilaration—an opportunity to grow, to forge connections, and to prove to myself that I was capable of embracing the unexpected.

The sun set over the werewolf university, casting a warm, orange glow across the campus and I looked out from my dormitory window. The city of New York twinkled in the distance, a reminder of the life I had left behind but also a symbol of the new journey I had embarked upon. With a renewed sense of determination, I leaned against the windowsill, ready to face whatever challenges and adventures lay ahead in this hidden world of magic and mystery.


Stepping into the bustling courtyard of the werewolf university, I was met with a mixture of excitement and unease. The grandeur of the gothic architecture still awed me, but the atmosphere was charged with an energy I couldn't quite decipher. As I walked amidst groups of students, a ripple of whispers followed me, punctuated by stifled laughter.

"Look, it's a normie!"

The words cut through the air, like sharp thorns of judgment. "Normie," a term used for werewolves like me who had earned scholarships to attend the prestigious university. It wasn't meant as a compliment; rather, it was a reminder of our perceived inferiority among those who hailed from more esteemed backgrounds.

Despite my best efforts to keep my chin up, the taunts pricked at my confidence. My heart pounded as I navigated the sea of unfamiliar faces, the weight of being an outsider pressing down on me.

Amidst the crowd, a voice broke through the chatter. "Hey, man, don't let them get to you."

I turned to see a guy with a warm smile and a reassuring presence. His dark skin contrasted against his bright smile, and his eyes held a genuine kindness that I found both surprising and comforting.

"I'm Tunde," he introduced himself, extending a hand.

I shook his hand, a sense of gratitude welling up within me. "Alex."

Tunde's smile widened. "Welcome to the world of werewolf academia. Trust me, it gets easier."

Over time, Tunde became my lifeline in the whirlwind of the university's challenges. He introduced me to others who shared my background, showing me that I wasn't alone in my struggle to prove myself. Through his guidance, I discovered the hidden corners of the campus—the places where students like us congregated, supporting one another in our pursuit of excellence.

As we shared stories and experiences, I learned that Tunde hailed from Nigeria, making the journey to this magical realm to embrace his own destiny. His determination to succeed despite the odds inspired me, and our shared laughter lightened the weight of the challenges we faced.

One day, as we strolled through a courtyard, Tunde clapped me on the back. "You know, those normie comments won't matter in the long run. We're here for a reason."

His words were a reminder that my presence at the university was a testament to my abilities, not a symbol of inadequacy. With newfound resolve, I decided to face my classes and studies head-on, determined to prove that my scholarship was earned through merit, not pity.