
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasía
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75 Chs

Chapter 65: Unexpected

(Back at the second Underground Laboratory)

"She is already dead, why do you need her so badly?" Imelda asked trying to stop Erica from leaving with the body.

Erica kicked her out with her foot

"You are nothing but a monster, how dare you demand I give you my mother's body for your little play?" Erica asked angrily

"If she matters to you, why did you let her die? you should have saved your mother; we are all monsters" Imelda said trying to get back at her

"Nothing i do will save her, her immune system was already weak before she fought the sea-witch" Erica told her while making an attempt to reach the door despite Imelda grabbing her leg again

"Please, just this time; I will be useless to Mr. Hansel if he finds out the body and the fluid is gone" Imelda said

"Do you think you are just going to stop with her? you humans always want what you can't have" she told her kicking her out harsher than the last time that Imelda groaned in pain from it.

"Exactly, they keep wanting more; they even backstab their own to get what they want" A familiar voice said the moment Erica had opened the door to leave

"You are just everywhere, I bet the military didn't mess you up enough" Erica Icily said to Olga

"Well, I can't just die yet" Olga said with a smirk.


Mr. Charles escaped with two of his men who were having the fluid with them, they had left during the open fire between his men and that of Mr. Hansel's men, there was no taxi on the road as they were in an unidentified area and a secret zone hardly known by people; no one would easily come across that route.

"Shit, we need to get a car to leave here" Mr. Charles said

"We can't go back sir; we might be dead before we get one" One of his men said

"That daughter of a gun, I should have seen this coming" Mr. Charles said looking frustrated

"We don't know the road so well Sir, it might be difficult for us too if we did find a car" the second man said.

"Wait, do you hear that?" Mr. Charles asked stopping them from speaking further

"I see a car" the first man said

"It looks like one of our men, the plate number says so" the second man responded

"Thank goodness" Mr. Charles happily said moving forward to stop the car

"But how did they know we are here? The hostage was the only one that knew this route" the first man who was holding the bottle of fluid said in suspect of the sudden arrival of the car

Before they could think further of the matter, the car approached them in great speed without a break, they jumped out of the road thinking that was the end of it but the driver revised back to them in great speed which left them in fear, the driver hit one of the men who had fallen leaving him half dead; it drove ahead to Mr. Charles and the remaining man.

It was fast enough to meet up with them but when they had lost their balance and fell; the driver stopped right at their front. Mr. Charles second bodyguard peed on his pants after the near-death experience.

They were shocked to see a lady who was unfamiliar to them come out of the driver's seat when the car door had opened

"Who the hell are you and why are you trying to kill us?" Mr. Charles asked

"Am a nobody who dislikes your gut and that of everyone who is just like you" Erica said walking close to them

Mr. Charles and his bodyguard moves backward in fear of the unknown person who had scared the hell out of them. Erica took away the bottle of fluid they had with them and smashed them to pieces on the ground letting the liquid waste on the sand.

"No!" Mr. Charles shouted in shock of what she had done, Erica walked past them and continued her journey into the building. 

As Mr. Charles was still frustrated at the sudden shock they just faced and their efforts that have been wasted, they saw the car boot open too; fear gripped them as they watched closely to see what it was.

They hastily got up from the ground at the sight of Olga coming out of the car boot

"What the hell" Mr. Charles said in great fear going backward

"We meet again" Olga said chuckling at them

"Don't come near me" Mr. Charles warned as his feet move hastily before he could actually think of moving himself

"Am coming for you, but not today; just know I am everywhere you go" Olga told him with an evil grin.

(Present Time)

"You followed me" Erica said with a slight fake smile

"Let's not go into the whole story because only one of us is going to be leaving here alive; only one" Olga told her