

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasía
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75 Chs

Chapter 53: For Peace and Unity

(Kingdom of Oceania)

"How are we going to tell the princess that her mother can't remember anything?" Prince Luca asked his father

"We have to be careful about this, we don't know who is our enemy yet" King George responded

"Do you think Marco has something to do with her attack?" Prince Luca asked him

"Shh, it's a treason to blame one kingdom without evidence, someone might hear you" King George said looking around

"It's just that i keep on thinking about it" Prince Luca said

"We have to inform the princess about the Queens situation, the queen is at a very vulnerable state now" King George said to his son

"I will get the message fish ready to deliver the message" Prince Luca told his father.

(News Headline)

The last news was a quake to the city but all thanks to the mayor who pay no deaf ear to the people's cries, The mayor popularly known as Mr. Hansel had taken keen interest to see to it that the killing of innocent people was subdued. Mr. Hansel alongside with his son had been making efforts in growing the fish business and helping the people of the city. Just two days ago, Mr. Hansel assisted his men to the hospital to see the patience who were healed from the experimented drug he delivered, they had a speedy recovery from their sickness; the patience prayed for abundant blessings to Mr. Hansel who had not turned their back on them....

"The mayor is really a good person; we are proud of him" Oma's mum said

"I wonder what trick he had used for this" Oma said between her teeth.

Mr. Charles angrily threw away the Tv remote without waiting for them to complete whatever it was

" Fuck! he keeps growing in the midst of troubles" Mr. Charles said

"Maybe we should take away the brain of his success" Olga said with a smirk

"He is definitely the brain of his success and it isn't easy to kill him without everyone pondering on his case" Mr. Hansel said

"In every success, there is always a brain and also... a monster to eat it's brain" Olga said with a devious smile.

"What are you really?" Mr. Charles asked with a smile on his face

"A mass destruction" she responded with a smirk.


As soon as the messenger fish tries to cross the boundary, a weapon from nowhere slashes its skin causing huge damage, a merman swims closer to it and collected the message stone from it before the fish sinks deep down the water.

(Somewhere at the sea)

"Am glad they didn't take this too" Erica said looking at the pearl on her hand "I need to go back at the sea as soon as possible, I can't go back without guaranteeing the safety of the human world; my presence here seems to have created chaos among the people as my kinds roams around the stranger's land" Erica said silently

"There can never be unity among the world of the humans and the sea worlds" she said.