
TWO WORLDS: Erica's Travel

Driven by her loyalty towards the queen, Erica must make the humans pay for their crime; but what happens when everything turns out to be a lie and there is bigger story she never knew about.

Estherio · Fantasía
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75 Chs

Chapter 18: Vashi


 It felt like a big dream come true when Mr. Hansel won the people's heart and became the mayor of Bellaire city. There was no one else worthy of that title if not him who has been into business and was willing to take any risks for the betterment f the people. The city was hot as a lot of activity were been handled by the new mayor of the city.

This didn't favor Lava in anyway because he felt he is now in a bigger bondage now his father is the mayor which will make him a very big target to their enemies since he is his father's only weakness. His father had tightened the security around him and even pointed out places he should be and places he shouldn't be, time to come back home and things not to do to avoid ruining his reputation.

Oma at the other side have been having sleepless night over the bloody knife she had found on Erica's clothes; It have been three days now that she hasn't slept well because Erica kept appearing in her dreams with the knife. She would have just ignored the knife when she found it, but the fact that the bloody knife was found on the same day someone close to Mr. Hansel was murdered made her very suspicious that Erica might be a serial killer on loose and is hiding under her roof, she wished all of this were just in her head and none of it were real.

" Should I tell my mum before it's too late?" She wondered to herself

"Are you still going to keep ignoring me for something I don't know about?" Came Erica's voice interrupting her thoughts

Oma freaked out a little bit from the chair she was sitting on

" N... n. no... I mean... I am just sick a...and doesn't feel like talking" she lied with her words breaking

" You shouldn't be, tomorrow is going to be a big day for you" Erica told her

" What big day?" She curiously asked

" How can you forget your high school party for the finalists?" Erica questioned

" Oh, sorry; I thought you meant another thing" Oma responded

" Are you sure you are okay? You have been quiet, it's unlike you" Erica said

" Am okay, just a bit sick from running errands" she lied

" I can help with the errands today, you should sleep" Erica told her

" What about you? You are going to be Lava's date at the party, how are you planning for that?" Oma asked

" Well... I think I should go and clear things with him. I don't think we are compatible for each other; we are too different" she said silently

" How different? Are you hiding anything from me; I mean him?" Oma corrected her words even though she meant it

" Do you think that I am hiding anything from you?" Erica asked her looking directly into her eye

" N...n...no, am just saying, you keep mentioning different worlds, where you come from and a lot of confusing words so it triggers suspense" she told her

" You shouldn't worry about any of those words I say, don't stress your brain over nothing" Erica said smiling

" Have you thought about finding your memory? I can ask my mum to help..."

" It's not a good idea; because those memories might be something I don't want to remember" Erica quickly interrupted her

" Okay" Oma silently said with her hands shivering.

Erica held her hands

" You are my best memory, and I don't want anything to jeopardize that; I might not seem perfect in your eye for some reasons, but I will never make you regret knowing me" She said to her calmly.

Oma felt warmth inside of her, maybe Erica had used her calm eye to trigger the soft spot of her again like she always does to people around her but it felt good knowing that she was someone's good memory.


The queen kept pacing around her room in anger, she has been like that for days looking restless

" Your majesty" came Olga voice

" I hope no one saw you enter here?" The queen asked

" Not at all your majesty, I made sure of that" she responded

" Have you found out where Vashi is hiding?" The queen curiously asked

" Not yet my queen, Vashi is very cunning; She won't hide somewhere we can find her" Olga said

" Yes, I know that, she has just twenty-five days to live, she wouldn't be a fool to just hide without finding a way to survive" the queen said

" Maybe she headed for her daughter" Olga said

The queen looked at her nodding her head

" Her daughter? Why didn't I think of that?" The queen asked herself " she won't be stupid to just go into the human world, she will find a way to become one" 

" That means she is still in the sea and somewhere close to the temple looking for me; she must have believed that i will be having something to help her become human" Olga said smiling

" She will come back for you; she needs you to make a human pearl for her to grow legs" the queen said smiling devilishly

" I should go and wait for her arrival" Olga said sounding evil as she bowed to the queen.

Princess Adunni quickly departed from her hiding place after eavesdropping to the queen discussion with Olga's. She had been monitoring the queen's every movement ever since she found out Vashi was missing.

" You can't believe what I just found out" Princess Adunni happily said swimming into her room. She stood there dazed when she had seen Vashi inside her room holding Amanda hostage

" Speak of the devil" she said

" I won't hesitate to slit her throat if you scream" Vashi threatened