

Shana Brewer's life changes when she is recruited by a secret agency that hunts supernatural beings. With her father missing and time running out, she dives into a world of danger and dark magic. Guided by the enigmatic Quinn and the stern Luke, Shana must uncover hidden truths, navigate deadly creatures, and face her fears. Her mission takes her to Astarte, home of the mysterious Silver Wood witches, where allies and enemies blur. As she learns more about the dark forces at play, Shana realizes her journey is only beginning.

EmiLee_678 · Fantasía
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15 Chs


Shaking off the vivid imagery of her dream, Shana prepared for school with a renewed sense of self. She chose an outfit that radiated confidence: a sleek black crop top paired with a short mini skirt, her hair pulled up into a stylish bun. Accentuated with white sneakers, she felt unstoppable.

As she walked through the school gates, she instantly became the center of attention. Whispers fluttered around her like leaves in the wind, and eyes followed her every step. Amidst the sea of faces, Emily's stood out, her gaze laced with envy and malice.

Approaching Shana with a smirk, Emily launched the first verbal volley. "Trying a bit too hard, aren't we, Shana? Planning to audition for a role in a teen drama?"

Without missing a beat, Shana returned fire with a cool, collected tone. "I'd rather try too hard than not try at all, Emily. But I suppose some roles are just meant for us naturally," she said, her gaze sharp, hinting at Emily's notorious penchant for high school theatrics.

The crowd that had gathered around them erupted into murmurs and stifled laughs, leaving Emily flustered and speechless. With a triumphant smile, Shana turned on her heel, leaving Emily in her wake, her point made without the need for further words.

The school day passed in a blur of lessons and whispers, Shana and Lyra's spirits unhampered by the morning's confrontation. Yet, as they approached Shana's house, a new curiosity unfolded before them. A black Mercedes, sleek and out of place, sat in the driveway, its presence an unsolved puzzle.

Exchanging bewildered glances, the girls entered the house, only to be greeted by an unexpected sight. Three gentlemen, clad in black, stood waiting. Their serious expressions hinted at the gravity of their visit, though their intentions remained shrouded in mystery.

"Can we help you?" Shana inquired, her voice steady despite the rapid beating of her heart.