
The Deal

The first prince hurried to the throne room to meet his father once he had arrived and saw his father on the throne he catches his breath and walked slowly toward him he began to speak " this is unreasonable unheard of I should be the next king for I am your first born you must make me the crown prince " the eldest prince deemed their father. Instead of being enraged the king looked at his son and smiled and chuckled afterwards he told his son " son you aren't the first one to barge into the throne room and demand I make you the crown prince although I must applaud you for your bravery of not being scared of enraging me I however will not make you the crown prince you must abide by my rules and follow my specific instructions for I have given my sons a task to see wether they are worthy to be crowned king of tritus now go fourth my son into your room and come again on the morrow so we shall discuss the details of this task" the king said before departing out of the throne room. As the prince walk out of the throne room and along the hall way he saw the rest of his brothers there talking, more like arguing, " you really barge into the throne room and demanded that father crown you the crown prince just because you're the eldest but let me tell you what it doesn't work that way so what if you're the eldest that doesn't make you any better than all of us here " the third prince said " will you ladies just shut up father didn't choose neither of you so you can stop squawking at each other like chicken do " the fifth prince added " why you ungrateful brother!! " the first and the third princes shouted with a loud tone " he's right you know if you two didn't barge in like lunatics we could have heard the details of the task a lot sooner " the second prince said " like you didn't barge in too " the third prince said harshly " well for your information I didn't I walked into the throne room like an ordinary person would and TALKED to father about the details of the task unlike some hot heads " the second prince said with mockery. While the princes were arguing the fourth prince left quietly without letting his brothers know that he left, the fourth prince wanted nothing to do with the argument nor with his brothers, he is most of the time quiet and won't speak when it's not necessary he looks mad most of the time his brothers saw him. " hmm weren't there five of us? " the fifth prince asked " don't bother looking for him he's always like that he's alone now and he will be alone in the future we can't do anything about it he's different from us " the third prince added.....