
Twisted Secrets

I'm...so... dead. It's Luke Matthew! Run and escape only to be beaten another day or plead for mercy making promises to forever be his slave and still get beaten up. Yeah I'm taking the first option. I quickly jump on my feet hoping to make a beeline for the janitor's closet, when I'm suddenly yanked back by my hair - ouch! this mop of brown hasn't seen a saloon in months. Mind being gentle? " Doesn't this just bring back old memories, love? " Luke drawls in his annoying British accent. Okay, so you bumped into him on Friday last week, you shouted at him after and might have called him a number of names one of which was an idiotic butthead with an oversized ego. Then you've been avoiding him all week. You can't exactly blame the guy for having a personal vendetta against you. *** “ You seem to enjoy playing with fire.” Nikon says without looking up as he attends to some papers. “ I don't like being disrespected. ” I tell him coldly. *** He feels it's all revenge. But has this need to protect her. He doesn't know when it started. But later realizes it doesn't really matter. What happens when Linda's past comes looking for her? What happens when she realizes what she knows about her past isn't all there is? And what happens when she gets herself tangled up in secrets so twisted they might get her killed? Follow Linda on her journey as she grows into a strong female with so many secrets to uncover. *** Please support this author and check out my other books * Burning Hatred: Entwined Destinies ( it's a fantasy romance ) please help me with your support *My sexy greek God matchmaker ( completed) And Please note that the cover is not mine. Mafia Teen fiction filled with lots of mystery and secrets. You're not going to find any other book like this. Mystery, action, romance and so many more await you. Just add this to your reading list, then sit back and enjoy the ride. Thanks

Myst3ryqueentory · Adolescente
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171 Chs


So sorry for updating late. I had the time messed up.

Als_Darkangel thanks for voting. I appreciate it.

Linda's POV

As we walk through the tunnel and draw closer to the room I can hear screams bouncing off the walls and bringing echoes of the past to mind both merging to taunt me now.

I'm standing right in front of the room and I'm scared to go in knowing what I'll see but Esperanza pats me slightly and I come back to myself, resolved to go in no matter what.

I step in to see the boys being held up by their hands which have been bound by ropes.

They are covered in bruises.

The sight makes me flinch in shock.

I was expecting this but seeing them hurting right in front of me still hurts.

I need to stop this.

" how did you find them when no one knew where they were? You seem to have tracked them down quite easily. " those words from one of Alonso's men stop me in my track.

Just how did they find me.

" I can't tell you that. " Luke replies sounding defiant despite all the beatings he's received.

" well then this is just going to keep on being fun for me. " he says punching Luke in the guts.

" stop! " I yell unable to take the sight of Luke being in pain. " I'll tell you how he found me. Just stop hitting him. " I plead.

Luke lifts his head shocked to see me there.

I turn away from him facing his assailant.

The dark haired man turns towards me his cold gaze meeting mine. He holds my gaze for a few seconds and then tilts the left side of his lips up. " and just how did he find you? " he asks mockingly.

" I told my father and he in turn informed him of my whereabouts. " I reply blatantly lying.

" and why was he looking for you? "

" I don't think that's any of your business. " I say moving closer to the boys.

They struggle to smile at me but although I'm hurting for them I turn away from them and face the man whom I am talking to.

I am met with his hardened gaze and if I say it doesn't scare me I would be lying.

But I jut my chin forward and say to him looking him straight in the eyes. " I've answered your question. Now let them go. "

He smirks at me and then replies. " I'll need to confirm what you've said so until then I can choose to do whatever I want. "

I have this strong itch in my hand to slap him so hard his head falls to the ground and breaks his stupid smirk.

He must have seen the look on my face because he then says. " if you don't like it. You can take it up with Don Alonso. "

At that moment the subject of our discussion steps in with his entourage.

" Isabella... " his quiet voice calls out. " what are you doing here? "

" I came here for my friends. "

He walks up to me and takes a look at the boys and then at me. " they are friends of yours? " he asks

" yes. You are hurting them unnecessarily. Let them go. They came to see me nothing else. " I say to him coldly. The anger I've always felt towards him for my dad's death hangs over me like a dark cloud and I find myself wanting to yell at him.

His eyes become even more dark sending cold trails down my spine. " you seem to be forgetting your manners. You should watch how you speak to me. " he says, the warning quite clear in his tone.

I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my bosom. " or what? Will you kill me or worse disown me as you did your daughter?... "

A hot slap sends me sprawling to the floor just as a gasp fills the room and static sounds fill my ears for a short while.

" you fucking bastard!..." Luke yells and gets rewarded with another punch to his guy which leaves him gasping in pain.

Someone tries to pull me up but I push them away and stand up on my own to face Nikon. " just so you know. You can do your worse. I have never once considered you family. Not since you let my father die. You disowning me would be the biggest favour you've ever done for me. "

He raises his hand to hit me once more and I flinch closing my eyes, waiting for the impact.

But it never comes.

I open my eyes to see my grandmother Constanza standing in front of me facing my grandfather.

" Please don't hit her. " she says to him. I can hear the plea in her voice.

I roll my eyes tired of the theatrics going on in front of me.

He nods his head and she moves to the side rubbing her elbow as if in pain.

He gives me that menacing smile of his which he rarely gives to anyone.

This means that I just might have woken the sleeping lion.

" I'll set your friends free but until you leave. They go nowhere. "

I look at him angry that he has to complicate things. " I don't see the need... "

" shut up you! You impudent brat. " he says cutting me off before I can finish my words. " now as I was saying I will let them go and they will stay in this house under my watchful eyes. If you so much as try to get on my nerves. I will have them killed right in front of you. Just like before except this time I'll make you see them tortured slowly and painfully until their screams are the only thing you hear at night. "

I gulp down the hot ball of fear blocking my voice. But even when I'm sure I have gotten my voice back. I don't dare to utter a word.

" Fernando. Have them taken to the infirmary. "

" as for you be a good girl and go to your room. "

" not until I see them being treated. " I tell him unable to trust his words for all I know infirmary could mean grave when it comes to Nikon.

" Linda! " Leah says harshly.

" do you think I'm joking with you? "

Before I can say anything more Constanza beats me to it. " she is probably worried about them. Just let her see them to the infirmary. With time she'll understand how things work here. " she says in a pleading tone.

He stares at her with a set jaw and after awhile nods. Then he looks at me and says. " henceforth you're not allowed out of this house not until I am satisfied with your compliance. Is that understood? "

" perfectly. " I reply.

He looks away and walks out with his henchmen behind him.

I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding in.

Leah and Esperanza rush over to help the boys but I hesitate. I finally decide to help as well. The minute I get to them, Fernando is done untying Luke and he drops like a sack on me.

I feel my stomach plummet in fear thinking that he passed out but my fear is made baseless when he lifts his head up and my eyes come in contact with his electric blue eyes that has never failed to mesmerize me.

" are you okay? " his soft voice asks me in a whisper.

I can hear the pain in his voice and I wish I could stop the hurt he's feeling. It's all my fault. If only he had not come to find me.

" Linda I... " he says trying to speak despite the pain he's currently in.

But I put a stop to that by interrupting him. " I'm fine. you guys are the ones in pain. Let's get you to the infirmary so you can receive treatment. "

" but he hurt you. " he says trying to touch my face which is probably bruised.

" can you just stop! " I yell at him. " I'm not doing this because I've forgiven but because you got hurt because of me. Don't mistake my guilt for forgiveness. We were never friends so I don't need you acting like you care! " I yell.

A heavy silence stays in the room for a while.

I take in deep breaths and close my eyes trying to calm myself down and keep those tears that make me weak at bay.

I open my eyes and look up only to meet Esperanza's eyes looking disappointed and angry at me.

But I choose to turn away from her rather than face the disappointment in those eyes.

" can we go now? " I ask him quietly.

He nods not saying a word and I feel this guilt all of a sudden but I push it out refusing to feel bad.

As we head out, I look over at my grandmother who seems to have stayed behind with Miguel.

I know I should thank her but I have too much anger inside of me right now to actually mean it.

Hopefully someday I will forgive her for being a bad mother to my father.

Author's note

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Also check out my other book my sexy greek God matchmaker if you haven't.