
Twisted Eden

The dead never rests.

casualnoob · Fantasía
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2 Chs


Everyone stopped as if death was coming for them.

Suddenly vines that looked like a grotesque mixture of flesh and wood grabbed every corpse on the battlefield.

The leaders of the allied forces with their respective mages all paled as they quickly realized the plan of the warchief.

Across the battlefield, Erik can feel his body expanding, filling to the brim with power.

His council all felt the rise in cold temperature already dropping as their warchief skin paled like snow and his ears stretching.

His eyes glowing red and his nails sharp.

Although he became thinner, they all felt the terror about to be unleashed to the world.

Suddenly Erik grabbed a council member near to him and bit him hard on his neck.

The council member thrashed and thrashed yet to no avail.

He soon deformed into what looked like a decaying body.

Erik dropped the sucked corpse and targeted the other council members.

One by one, they all fell, as did the enemies who approached him.

With his whole body drenched in blood, Erik continued his massacre, draining both friends and foes alike.

Most of his army fled in all directions, from fear of him, yet some stayed as dedicated to contributing to the cause of this battle.

Elven soldiers, dwarven defenders, fairy mages, ork warriors, and beastfolk archers all fell to his wrath.

Stalwart heroes went up against him, yet they all fell victim to his superpower abilities.

It was a hopeless moment for the forces of good, seeing a living god of war in the battle, with hands as fasts as gods and fierce fighting spirit of a great evil.

It was only when the combined forced of the Allied Leaders fought against him did the slaughter came to a stalemate, yet not for long as the power of Yrest's champion was too much for the leaders to handle.

It was only when the leader of the Elves, King Faranyir, held Erik with his very self, using his body as a sort of iron maiden, did the Fairy Mage Queen, Arwella had the opportunity to negate the state of Erik using her vast mana core, using a spell so great, the light covered all spaces of every place in the continent.

The whole place shook as if titanic beings walked on the very earth, and a loud shrill that came from the depths of the dark shrieked and soon disappear.

What stood between the casted spell was the almost evaporated armor of the Elven king and a corpse of Erik, similar to the sucked state of his fallen victims.

As the blessing of his god left him, Erik's body could not handle the aftermath stress, soon broke down and his body fell apart.

The dreadful warchief was now dead, with his oul perhaps tied to the Evil god Yrest, as payment for his short-lived new powers. And with him the dead renowned elven king of the elven realms

A great silence lasted until all Elves knelt down and mourned from the loss of their leader. Every race in the Allied faction soon followed as a gesture of respect from the valiant sacrifice.

Soon after, the great cleansing happened with the tribes that joined the coalition where killed, and with that ended the Great War for Eden.

The remaining corpses of the allied forces that weren't taken by those sinister vines were escorted back to the great kingdoms where their family resided.

What's left with the legacy of the human tribes where those who didn't chose to participate in the conflict.

The factions soon entered a diplomatic state with the remaining tribes and issued an ultimatum of the repercussions of the disastrous war

The Allies heavily sanctioned them, and they were to be subservient and to give tribute every five years as a sign of repentance and punishment.

The tribe weren't too happy about the imposed orders, yet can do nothing because of the superior forces of the victorious side.

The allied army soon returned to their respective territories, in which the tribes, or what's left of them were allowed to reside again to the lands of the north.

The north would never be the same again as the souls of the dead continued to roam around the frozen expanse, terrorizing the surrounding inhabitants.

The wounds from the large war would heal, albeit slowly, and soon a great war would happen again, this time with a bloody vengeance with it.