
Twisted Alliance: An Enemies to Lovers Billionaire Romance

In an unexpected turn of events, Gianna Ruth finds herself entangled in an intricate deal with Callum Black, a man she loathes. Their paths collide as they reluctantly join forces, each needing what the other possesses. Amidst simmering tension, Gianna grapples with her deep-seated resentment towards Callum while navigating the complex dynamics of their arrangement. As their journey unfolds, Gianna's emotional walls begin to crumble, leaving her to question the fine line between animosity and attraction. What happens when Gianna is forced to strike a deal with one of the most powerful man in London? Will she join forces with him, or will she make his life harder? Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Forced Proximity, Billionaire romance, He falls first, Angsty, Grumpy x Sunshine

blakemontgomery · Ciudad
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43 Chs

Chapter 39

I woke up in the arms of the man I loved. Yes, loved.

I didn't expect any of what happened last night to actually happen. A romantic dinner sure. But a confessional night of our love for one another? No way.

It felt weird thinking it and weirder saying it. I was no expert on love or how to be someone's... anything. All I knew was that the man beside me, whose arms circled around me, made me feel all sorts of things, and I didn't have to decipher what it meant. All I had to do was soak in the feelings as they came.

"Good morning," Callum said with a raspy voice, full of sleep. His head was over mine as I was spooned against him. He muffled it into my hair unmoving, as if to soak in the moment.

My mind wandered back to the week I met him. How I'd been so scared of what he was going to do to me. I could laugh at my fear now. As the same girl lay wrapped in his arms. Turning my body so I faced his chest, I kept my head tucked under his and pushed my body up against his own.

"How are you feeling about today?" He asked quietly.

Tracing random letters and shapes into his chest I answered, "Nervous. But hopeful." He just squeezed me tighter in response.

"There is no way he is winning. I spoke to my mother and she was fairly confident that he'd be found guilty of all charges," he finished.

Moving out of his arms, I rolled over to lay on my back, eyes on the ceiling.

"She also sent over a link late last night. It's a live stream to the courtroom. We won't have to await the press; it will be live," he said.

We decided after our dinner that we'd take the day off of work today. I'm sure Callum  didn't call anyone seeing as he was indeed the boss. But I did write Mr. Kennedy an email, briefly describing a court case I was awaiting.

"Good, good," I said softly.

I felt his hand creep up my arm, and then my shoulder, and then my face.

"Let's brush our teeth so I can kiss you," he said. I turned over to see him rolling out of bed.

"Trial starts at noon. You should call Lina to inform her we have a link," he stated as he reached the bathroom door. "We can invite over Amy as well if you'd like?" He stopped waiting for my answer.

I just ran my eyes over the man in front of me. No shirt, and low riding sweatpants were what I was met with. His body chiseled and beautiful.

"Yeah, I would like that," I smiled at him. His green eyes lit up.

"Come on," he gestured to the bathroom with his head.

I got up, meeting him at the sink. Brushing through my hair with my fingers the best I could I looked at him through the mirror. He watched me as the toothpaste coated his lips. I looked at my reflection and the large shirt of his that hung on my body. Seeing as I hadn't planned on staying the night, he lent me a shirt of his to sleep in.

As much as we wished to make love last night, it was more of an emotional night than erotic so to say. We knew what lay ahead today, and we just fell asleep with the fact we had the comfort of someone who loves us to get us through the morning.

I know it took a lot out of Callum  to talk to his mom about this case and for that, I was thankful.

I finished brushing my teeth and turned to Callum.

"I'll call Amy and ask her to bring me a change of clothes. It's almost 9:30, so we should start calling people," I said to him.

He wiped his mouth clear of the toothpaste and turned to me.

"Ok, you do that. I'll make breakfast," he said smiling. He took careful steps to me and dipped his head down to my level.

"Now kiss me good morning." And I did.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him good morning. His hands found my back, pulling me close, and before it could get heated, I broke our lips.

"Okay. Go make breakfast." I pushed his chest and turned to his room to get my phone.

Picking it up from the nightstand, I rang Amy and watched as Callum left the room to cook.

"Hey! I was just about to call. How are you feeling about today?" She questioned. I had texted her last night as well, informing her today was the date.

"Nervous for sure," I said. "Could you bring me a change of clothes? And maybe stay for the ruling?" I asked hesitantly.

"Of course babes, on my way to your place now. See you at Callum's soon. ALSO. After this case, you are spilling every single juicy detail on your relationship with that man." She screamed the last part.

"Okay Ames, love you," I smiled at the nickname.

"Fuck you," she said and hung up. Laughing, I just shook my head and made my way to the kitchen.

"Amy should be here soon. She's grabbing my things," I said as I walked into the kitchen.

Callum  stood by the stove, eggs frying with a coffee mug in one hand. I smiled at the sight. He had been looking at his phone, my guess texting with his mom about today. I wondered if after this past weekend his relationship with his parents had gotten better. Clearly so.

"Okay, why don't you text Lina?" He said, turning around to the hot stove.

Taking out my phone again, I sent Lina a text telling her to meet here at 11. She answered quickly enough and said they'd be here soon.

I was nervous. Having everyone around me who I'd been so sheltered against, watch a court case about the root of my trauma was unsettling. But the comfort I'd have knowing they were there was all that mattered.

  "He did what? Oh my god!!" Amy screeched. She sat on the bed as I buttoned the jeans she brought for me. It was almost 11, and Lina would be here soon as well as her parents.

"Yea, rooftop dinner and everything," I said smiling. Amy's mouth was open in shock and disbelief.

"I didn't think he had it in him!" She said.

"It was romantic that's for sure," I said pulling the white blouse over my head. She brought me some flats as well.

"Well? Did anything happen?" She edged on. I took a step closer to her and sat beside her on the bed. Why was I nervous to tell her about our exchange of love?

"He told me he loved me," I whispered. Her brows shot up in surprise, and she looked at me with agape.

"Well!!! What did you say?" She pushed.

I searched her eyes for a moment. "That I loved him back," I answered.

She screeched once more and threw her arms around me in a crushing hug.

"God I knew it! You two were totally treading on that fine line of love and hate," She exclaimed.

I just laughed and hugged her back. Just yesterday she was plotting on how to kill him on my living couch, and here she is all excited that I admitted my love for him. A whirlwind of events for sure.

"Hey guys, Lina's here," Callum  said peeking around the door after leaving a soft knock. Amy released me from her arms and looked over to Callum  at the door. She smirked at him and then looked back at me. She kept moving her eyes between us both like a crazy person.

"Enough, let's go," I said standing up and grabbing her arm on the way. I just rolled my eyes at the face she made to me and looked over to Callum  as if to say don't ask.

We made it into the kitchen where Lina and her parents now stood. They looked around the apartment in amazement like I had the first time I'd been here. Walking over to them, I stopped in front of Lina first to give her a hug. Breaking away from her arms, I turned to Emmanuel and Claudia to greet them as well.

"I'm glad you could be here," I whispered as I hugged them both.

Stepping back, I looked behind me toCallum  and Amy.

"This is my close friend Amy," I said pointing to her as I introduced her to both Lina and her parents.

"And this is Callum  . The lawyer Kacey, her son," I said finally.

Callum stepped forward to greet Lina again with a friendly handshake. Then he moved over to the parents and made a formal greeting as well. Claudia just held a smirk on her face, moving her knowing eyes to mine and giving me a wink. I just shook my head.

"I'm glad you guys could make it. Please have a seat on the couch; I'll be turning the live stream on shortly," Callum said politely.

"I love your dress, where'd you get it from?" Amy asked Lina, falling into step next to her as they walked into the living room.

Callum turned to me with a smile, and I walked up to him, circling my arms around his waist. He tightened his own arms around me and left a feather of a kiss on the top of my head.

"Everything is going to work itself out I promise," he whispered. I nodded my head in return and moved to meet the family and friends in the spacious living room.

"Callum it was so kind of your mom to get us this livestream," Emmanuel said. He settled between Mari and Claudia. Tatum taking the open space besides Lina. I scanned the second little couch, deciding Callum and I could sit there.

"Of course, I know how important this is for you all," he said politely, taking his seat beside me. We turned to each other once more and just smiled.

"I heard his mom is one of the best. I'm sure this will go smoothly Gianna," Emmanuel said, looking to me as if sensing my nerves. I just nodded my head, words a foreign thought right now.

"Shhh, I think they're starting to walk in," Lina  said.

I whipped my head to the TV just as Amy took her seat, glass of water in hand. I watched as a rush of people walked in. Noticing the defence for both sides taking their seats including Callum's mom. The judge settled in and so did the jury. And then the doors opened.

I gripped Callum's hand tighter as the man I haven't seen in years walked through them. Cuffed and escorted by an officer, he looked just as miserable as I remembered. His hair had grown white with age, and his face fell wrinkly. But when I really looked at him, the camera zooming in on the accused, I was teleported back to those terrifying moments when I was just a little girl.

"Ugly as always," Lina whispered. I looked at her slightly smiling at her comment and then immediately turned my attention back to the TV.

Throughout the entirety of the trial, I held onto Callum  as a life source. As they brought a young girl to the stand as a witness. And as she recalled her memories, the tears leaked from my eyes at the similar experiences we shared. Callum's mom was amazing. Never wavering and brought every single piece of evidence to the judge with confidence. It was nearing an end where the verdict was made. The jury had just returned from their meeting room, plea in hand.

Everyone had their attention to the TV, unmoving as we waited.

The judge held the verdict in his hand and leaned in to deliver the final blow.

"The jury finds the defendant guilty of all charges. This court is now adjourned." And with the knock of his gavel, the case had been closed.

Clapping. That's what I heard first. Then the scream of Lina and her parents. And then I felt it. The weight of the world lift from my shoulders. And when I stood to meet the arms of the family who had saved me from that man, the tears were unleashed.

"Finally, oh finally!" Claudia cried. We hugged and cried with happiness at the results.

I turned from the family falling into Tatum's awaiting arms. Tears of her own shed down her face and she squeezed me extra tight.

Next I turned my head to the man behind me. The man. My man.

He welcomed me with open arms as I rushed to him. Burying my face in his neck he squeezed my body to his in comfort. Pulling my head back, I couldn't help the wide smile that covered my face with the mix of salty tears.

Looking up to his green eyes, I noted their glassiness. Unshed tears pooled at his waterline. He smiled down at me, and I gripped him tighter. Leaning down, he brought his face close to mine.

"I love you," he whispered on my lips.

"I love you too," I said back. Sealing it with a kiss of happiness, relief, and gratitude. Not caring that my family and friends stood a step behind me. Pulling back from me, he wiped my tears and gave me one more smile.

"OK! Now with that, who's ready to celebrate!" Amy shouted. I turned in Callum's arm, keeping my back to his front, watching my best friend rush to grab a bottle of champagne. And as I watched Lina and her parents beam with happiness in the middle of Callum's penthouse, only one thing came to mind.

I was truly happy.