
Twist of powers and loyalty

Olivia was exploring the library, when she found an ancient mysterious book covered in dust. The book was bound in black leather, and its pages were covered in strange symbols and writing. Olivia picked up the book, and as she did so, a gust of wind blew through the attic, causing the candles to flicker. "What is this?" she wondered aloud. She opened the book and began to read. As she did, she felt a strange tingling sensation, and the pages began to glow with a soft light. Out of curiosity, she made a wish, without knowing. After that, she found out that the book she uncovered was a spell book! She cast a spell that changed her life for good.

Oluebube_Anthonia · Fantasía
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15 Chs

The spell book.

On a sunny afternoon, walking through the aisle and running through lots of emotional roller coasters, feeling bored and having no friends. Olivia is an inquisitive, bright, and talented student who has a great passion for writing. She was going to the school library to get herself some texts to read, and she came across an inviting book that wasn't familiar and quite different from every other book in the library.

She sauntered close to discover that the book was archaic, covered in dust and had a strange symbol on its lid. Despite her best judgment Olivia decided to pick up the book and take it with her, little did she know that the book holds a dark secret that will soon change her life forever.

As she flipped through the pages of the book, she couldn't understand what was composed in it, because it was written in Egyptian shorthand." indeed this is a mysterious book" she said in her marble. Olivia being a variety of humans that has a vast sight of books, kept on digging to find hints about the book, yet nothing. she placed her forehead on the lid of the book due to the weariness and then said I wish I could know what this book is about. She felt a smooth waft and a sharp ray of glare from the chapters of the book With just a glance she could understand what was documented inside the book She immediately discovered that It was a spell book. The spells inside the book were so strong that Olivia couldn't resist the urge to try them out.

She casts a spell to make her hair grow longer, and it works!

Excited by her success, Olivia decided to cast a more powerful spell. This time she attempts to summon a creature from another world. But something goes wrong, and the creature turns out to be far more dangerous than she expected.

Olivia tries to banish the creature, but it's too late. It begins to create havoc on the college campus, causing havoc and destruction everywhere it goes. Olivia realizes that it's up to her to stop the creature and save her friends, but how can she do that, when she doesn't have any idea about the creature? She decides to consult an expert, a professor of mythology who might be able to identify the creature.The professor is shocked by the whole fiction, he is shocked to learn of the creature's existence, but he agrees to help Olivia, he theorizes that the creature is a chimera, a mythical beast composed of different parts of other animals. Olivia is skeptical but she's willing to try anything to stop the creature.

The professor suggests that she'll need a weapon made of pure silver to defeat the chimera. But where will she find such a thing? Olivia remembers seeing a sliver dagger in the college's Museum. it might be her only hope.So, Olivia sneaks into the museum after hours, determined to find the silver dagger. She searches through the exhibits, but she can't find the dagger anywhere. Just as she's about to give up, she hears a strange noise coming from one of the display cases. She approaches the case, and to her surprise, the case is empty! The silver dagger has been stolen! Olivia has no idea who could have taken it, but she knows she has to find it before the chimera causes any more damage.

Determined to find the dagger, Olivia decides to consult the security footage from the museum. She reviews the footage, and to her horror, she sees the creature stealing the dagger! Olivia races to the campus security office to report what she's seen. But the security officer doesn't believe her story. He insists that the footage must be fake. Olivia is at her wit's end. Just then, she sees something out of the corner of her eye. It's the silver dagger, sitting on the security officer's desk! But how did it get there? And why is the officer acting so strangely? Things are getting pretty tense for Olivia. Suddenly, the security officer lunges at Olivia, revealing his true identity - he's a shape-shifting minion of the chimera! Olivia narrowly escapes, and the minion chases her through the campus. Olivia runs as fast as she can, but the minion is gaining on her. Suddenly, she sees a familiar face - it's her best friend, Lucas! Lucas is a martial arts expert, and he might be able to help her fight off the minion.

As the minion approaches, Lucas steps between him and Olivia. The minion swings at Lucas, but Lucas dodges the blow and counters with a punch of his own. The minion is taken aback, but he quickly recovers and lashes out with a kick. Lucas is forced to retreat, but he's not giving up. He and the minion exchange a flurry of punches and kicks, but neither is gaining the upper hand. Olivia knows she has to act fast, or Lucas will be overpowered. Olivia spots a fire extinguisher nearby. She grabs it and points it at the minion. The minion laughs, but his laughter turns to panic as Olivia fires a blast of foam at him. The minion is covered in foam, and his movements become sluggish. Lucas seizes the opportunity and delivers a powerful kick to the minion's chest. The minion is knocked back, and he stumbles to the ground. Olivia and Lucas stand over him, ready to strike if he tries to get up. But then, the minion starts to shrink! Within seconds, he's reduced to the size of a mouse.

As Olivia and Lucas watch in amazement, the tiny minion scurries away. They look at each other, not sure what to do next. Suddenly, they hear a strange sound coming from the museum. They rush back inside, and they're greeted by an incredible sight. The silver dagger has transformed into a magnificent sword! Standing beside the sword is a tall, hooded figure. The figure removes his hood, revealing a kind, yet weathered face. Olivia and Lucas recognize him immediately - it's the curator of the museum! They both echoed. The curator smiles at Olivia and Lucas.