
Twist of powers and loyalty

Olivia was exploring the library, when she found an ancient mysterious book covered in dust. The book was bound in black leather, and its pages were covered in strange symbols and writing. Olivia picked up the book, and as she did so, a gust of wind blew through the attic, causing the candles to flicker. "What is this?" she wondered aloud. She opened the book and began to read. As she did, she felt a strange tingling sensation, and the pages began to glow with a soft light. Out of curiosity, she made a wish, without knowing. After that, she found out that the book she uncovered was a spell book! She cast a spell that changed her life for good.

Oluebube_Anthonia · Fantasía
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15 Chs

The Elude

Time seems to slow down as the leader walks towards the closet. He's only a few feet away when Emily has an idea. She reaches into her pocket and pulls out a small vial of sleeping powder that she always carries with her. She tosses it at the leader, and he starts to stumble. Then, he collapses onto the floor, unconscious. Emily and the Shadow creep out of the closet, and they quickly begin searching the cabin. And then, they find a locked door. Emily and the Shadow look at each other, and they know that whatever is behind the door must be important. They try to open it, but it's locked tight. They search the room for a key, and then they find it, hidden in a drawer. They unlock the door, and it creaks open. The room beyond is dark, but as they step inside, they can make out a figure lying on the floor. They approach, and they realize that it's a young woman, bound and gagged. They rush to her side and help her up. She's terrified, and she tells them her name: Sarah. Sarah is shaking, but she manages to tell Emily and the Shadow her story. She was kidnapped by the leader and his men, and she's been imprisoned in this room for weeks. The leader is planning to sell her to someone, and she's terrified of what will happen to her. She begs them to help her escape. But as they're talking, they hear footsteps approaching the room. The leader is awake, and he's coming for them. There's no time to lose, so Emily grabs Sarah and pushes her into a large wardrobe. The Shadow hides behind the door, ready to jump out and distract the leader. The footsteps get closer and closer until they're right outside the door. And then, the door flies open, and the leader steps inside. He sees the wardrobe, and he walks towards it. Just as he's about to open it, the Shadow jumps out and tackles him to the floor. A struggle ensues, and just when it seems like the leader is about to win,a shadow overpowers him. As the leader and the Shadow are fighting, the wardrobe has fallen over, revealing Sarah inside. She's terrified, but she manages to untie herself. Then, she grabs a candlestick and strikes the leader with it. He collapses on the floor, unconscious. Emily, Sarah, and the Shadow look at each other, and they know they need to get out of the cabin. But as they're about to leave, they hear a shout from outside. More men are coming. There's no time to waste, so the three of them run out of the cabin and into the woods. They can hear the men following them, shouting and calling out. They run as fast as they can, but the men are gaining on them. Suddenly, they come to a cliff edge, and there's nowhere else to go. The men are right behind them. Just as they're about to be caught, Sarah has an idea. She grabs a branch from a nearby tree and throws it off the cliff. The men stop to look at the branch, and this gives the group a chance to run. They scramble down the side of the cliff, holding onto the rocks and branches for dear life. They reach the bottom, and they can hear the men above them, searching for them. But then, they hear something else. It's the sound of a river. They follow the sound, and they come to the edge of a deep, rushing river.They're trapped. The men are above them, and the river is below them. There's nowhere to go. But then, Sarah has another idea. She points to a small, rickety boat nearby. It's their only chance. They all climb into the boat, and they push off from the shore. They paddle as fast as they can, but the river is moving quickly, and they're not making much progress. And then, they hear a cracking sound. The boat is beginning to break apart. As the boat starts to fall apart, the group realizes they have only one option. They all jump into the water, and they begin to swim. The current is strong, and it's pulling them along. They do their best to swim to the shore, but it's no use. They're being carried away by the current. Then, something happens. The water starts to change. The current is getting faster, and the water is turning white. They're approaching a waterfall! As they get closer to the edge of the waterfall, they can hear the thundering sound of the water crashing down below. They're panicking, but there's nowhere to go. They're completely at the mercy of the river. Just as they're about to go over the edge, a large hand reaches out from the water and grabs them. They look up, and they see a giant figure. It's a giant, made of water, with a flowing beard and long, flowing hair. The figure carries them to the shore and sets them down on the ground.The giant speaks, and its voice is like the sound of a waterfall. "Thank you for saving me," it says. "You see, I was trapped here, unable to move. But when you jumped into the water, you broke the spell that was holding me. You have freed me, and I am in your debt." The giant looks down at the group and smiles. "What is it that you wish for?" it asks. They all look at each other, not sure what to say. But then, one of them speaks up. "We wish for a way home," they say.The giant nods and places its hands on the ground. A large crack appears in the earth, and a swirling vortex appears in the center of the crack. The giant gestures towards the vortex. "This will take you home," it says. "But first, you must make a choice. One of you must stay here, to take my place. It is the price you must pay for your freedom." The group looks at each other, unsure of what to do. Then, The shadow steps forward. "I will stay," he says.