
Skypeia I

Zeus and Nami, caught up with the group while Nami was mumbling about never having any more peace in the shower or something like that, Zeus didn't hear her, he just left her by a stump and followed Luffy into the house, he was going to stand with Robin but after the look she gave him, he decided to go after Luffy. "Hey Luffy! No breaking and entering without me!" Zoro and Sanji looked over at Zeus and said "Is he really a marine?" Robin giggled and Zeus shouted over his shoulder just before he walked into Cricket's house "I'm on vacation!" Zoro and Sanji sighed and Zoro said "Seems like he has more vacation time than actual work time"

Inside the house, Zeus was ransac- looking around and saw several pictures of Cricket with the 2 monkey like people. Luffy got bored and decided to leave and Zeus followed him while saying to Luffy "Alright I guess we're looking for a guy with a chestnut on his head." Luffy nodded and walked with Zeus towards the water and said "I see bubbles!" Zeus looked over and said "and a chestnut. OH FU-" Luffy and Zeus were dragged into the water and moments after a big man with a chestnut on his head appeared holding Luffy and Zeus in each hand by their legs, he looked at the rest of the crew and said "So you came here looking for my gold huh?" Zeus coughed out some water and said "You damn chestnut bastard! We only want to know where sky island is!" Cricket dropped Zeus and Luffy and said "Why didn't you say that before? Come to my house" before he collapsed face first on the floor stunning everyone, Chopper ran over and looked over Cricket and said "He has decompression sickness."He turned to Zoro and said "Bring him into the house, i'll treat him there." Zoro grabbed Cricket and dragged him to his house, as Zeus and the rest followed.

Back inside the house, Zeus was still dripping wet as he sparkled with lightning, drying himself off, leaving his hair sticking out like a spike ball, he put his hand over his head and shot lighting through it, on to the top of his head putting his hair back to the messy, cloud-like form. Everybody just stared at him, and he looked around and said "What? Never seen a handsome guy before?" Sanji snapped "Shut up you damn mask wearing freak!" Zeus growled "Oi you shit cook it's not my fault you're not as handsome as me okay?" Sanji got in Zeus' face and said "You're right Electro-boy, i'm not as handsome as you, i'm EVEN MORE HANDSOME!" Zeus gasped and said "You!" and they started a dustbrawl, Nami felt her eye twitch, and Robin held her hand over her mouth as her shoulders started to shaking, trying everything she could not to laugh, Zoro somehow ended up getting swept in with Luffy and Ussop was watching from the side, while Chopper was completely oblivious as he treated Cricket. Nami had enough and yelled "WILL YOU CUT IT OUT!" 4 whacks were heard and all four guys were sitting on the ground in a line with a bump on their heads each, the four said in unison "Sorry Nami/Nemo/Witch/Nami-swan" Sometime during all the nonsense Cricket woke up again and said "Oi who are you? Trying to steal my gold?" Nami hit him too and just like that the line extended to five, the other 4 turned and said "Welcome" Cricket rubbed his head, his bump was somehow on the chestnut on his head, he said "Sorry shark-lady" the rest blinked and looked at him before huddling together and mumbling, they all turned and said in unison "sorry shark-lady" Nami fumed and the five of them got fresh bumps.

Cricket was now sitting in a chair and smoking, so was Zeus , as Cricket said "Not much is known about sky island but one person believed in it and that person was Noland the liar" Nami said "That guy from the picture book outside?" Cricket nodded and said "The one and only" he went on the explain how Noland found a city of gold and how he told his King only to go back and find the city gone, he was executed for his lies and remembered as Noland the liar "But contrary to popular belief his final moments didn't have that stupid expression that he has in the book and he was crying and said 'it must've sunk into the sea' even after his death my family always believed him because Noland actually wasn't a liar" Cricket finished and exhaled a mouthful of smoke. Everybody was silent before Ussop piped up "So you dive to clear his name?" Cricket snapped and threw a shoe at Ussop "NO! I hate him, I've been bullied and chased out of towns my whole life because of him" Cricket sighed and said "Our whole MontBlanc family has been searching for this island and the rest failed, pretty ironic how the one person that didn't care, found the island in the story" Luffy was a bit bored and finally asked "So do you know how to get to sky island or not?" Cricket turned to Luffy and said "There's a phenomenon off the coast of this island called the knock-up stream, it's basically an underwater explosion that shoots water into the sky for a full minute" Nmai gasped "How big is the explosion to go on for a full minute?" Cricket shoot his head and said "I dont know the specifics but I do know that if you want to get to sky island your best bet is going up the knock up stream and landing on the Regalcumulonimbus." Nami asked "What's that" Cricket explained "It's a huge cloud that is stuck in place people usually call them fossil clouds." Zeus spoke up "So we go to where the knock-up stream is ride the wave up and land on the fossil cloud, sounds easy enough." Ussop yelped and said "EASY ENOUGH?! Merry won't make it! I don't think we should go" he grabbed his gut and said "Ah my dont-wanna-go-to-sky-island disease is acting up!" Cricket nodded and said "He's right that ship'll never make it. Not in that condition that is, me and the boys will fix her up for you." he said as he pointed outside to the two monkeys looking through the window. The two monkeys were Masira and another who also looked like a monkey named Shoujou. "Yea guys don't worry about your ship, she'll look as good as new!" Masira said and the other monkey gave a thumbs up. Zeus chuckled and turned to Nami and said "Nemo you still got that map I got from the ship that fell on us this morning?" Nami nodded and pulled out the map and gave it to him, Zeus looked confused and said "Where did you? Whatever." before turning and unfolding the map on the table as he said to Cricket "Hey chestnut guy you have a map of Jaya?" Cricket nodded and gave him the map, Zeus was confused again "Where did you?" he sighed and turned to the maps and said "You know Old man thinking about it, what if the gold never sunk? what if a huge knock-up stream shot it into the clouds?" Cricket dropped the cigarette from his mouth as the rest of the group gaped and stared at Zeus, who frowned and said "Hmph, now you know i'm not just a pretty face."Cricket pieced the two maps together and started laughing like a maniac, Zeus turned to look and saw Nami's eyes turned to beri signs as she mumbled "Gold" over and over again, he looked at Robin, who was staring at him with a hungry expression, he felt a shiver down his spine and turned to Zoro and said "I think I broke them." Zoro patted Zeus shoulder and walked out of the house.

A while later, the group was having a party, Zeus was drinking and sitting with Robin, who was reading from Noland's journal, when Cricket came over and said "The gold's in the skull's right eye." Zeus almost spit out his drink as he said "For a big guy you sure are pretty quiet, you practically came out of nowhere" Cricket ignored him and said "That's what it says at the bottom of the book and those were Noland's last words, you kids are gonna need to-" He froze and said "Shit I forgot you guys need to get into the forest and catch a south bird." the group looked confused, Cricket rubbed his forehead and said "The knock-up stream is directly south but compasses don't work and a log pose isn't going to point you to it." the rest of the group nodded and Zeus just burped and said "I'll go, wanna come with me Robin?" Robin smiled and nodded, Zeus chuckled and picked her up before giving the finger to Sanji and shooting to the forest, his laughter echoing in the air.

Zeus was still holding on to Robin in a princess carry and was walking leisurely through the forest whistling a happy tune, Robin spoke up "You can put me down you know." Zeus chuckled and shook his head "Nope, you're not heavy at all plus I like carrying you like this." Robin blushed and moved his mask over to the side of his head and looked at his face, smiling. Zeus was a bit distracted as he looked at her smile and smashed his face into a branch, Robin laughed and Zeus shook his head and cursed "Fucking trees." as they were walking they heard a strange call and looked up seeing a bird, Zeus said "That must be the south bird-cat thing." Robin gave him a look and crossed her hands, causing the bird to fall into her hands, she grabbed on to it and said "Let's go back" Zeus whined "But we just got here." Robin giggled and kissed him before moving back his mask and patting it saying "Maybe take me out some other time and not in a pitch black creepy forest to hunt for birds" good thing she moved his mask back because she would've seen Zeus' face, which was as red as a tomato, he coughed and said "Ah of course I'll plan better for next time."Robin giggled again and leaned her head against his chest as he shoot through the forest again going back to the rest of the crew.

When Zeus and Robin got back they saw Luffy standing over a guy who was smashed into the ground. He put Robin down and walked over to Luffy and looked down and said "Oh would you look at that you caught a dog! Are you gonna keep it?" Zoro chuckled and Luffy was silent, Zeus crouched down and grabbed the man's hair, lifting his head off the ground "Oh, Bellamy, Doflamingo's rabid dog huh?" Zeus turned to Zoro and asked "Do these guys just come out of the woodwork? I've met a bunch of rabid dogs in mock town this morning." Zoro shrugged and Zeus sighed "Well no need to finish him off, Doflamingo's gonna take care of that." He turned to Luffy and said "Well Luffy, it's your call on what to do with the rest of his crew, their lives are basically over anyway" He watched Luffy's expression with interest as Luffy said "They're gonna die?" Zeus hid a smile and said "Yup Doflamingo doesn't have any need for useless dogs, maybe you'll see Bellamy again but the others? Unless they hide in the ground or at some remote corner of the world you'll never see them again, plus isn't this the guy that made fun of you?" Luffy said seriously "He might be a bad guy but he doesn't deserve to die. Nobody does." Zeus patted his hand on Luffy's shoulder and took a deep breath and said grimly "Some people do Luffy. Some people do." He turned around and walked to a chair and grabbed a drink, drinking alone as some of the crew shot looks at him. Robin frowned and felt that he was really angry, she went over and sat next to him, as Luffy told Bellamy and his crew to scram and leave before that flamingo guy finds them, they grabbed Bellamy and ran away. Robin sat down next to Zeus and said "What happened?" Zeus took a bid sip and said "Celestial Dragons killed my mother." Robin was shocked and rubbed his back as she whispered "Does he know?" Zeus shook his head and said "He doesn't even know who his parents are. Granted I still don't know who my mom was, my dad just said that she was tortured by a Celestial Dragon who saw her slave mark and died after giving birth to me and my brother. No sexual torture just physical, so at least I know i'm not in anyway related to those pathetic excuses for people." Lightning crackled around him violently, and shocked Robin who took her hand back. Zeus snapped out of it and grabbed her hand looking over it anxiously as he said "I'm sorry Robin i didn't mean to." Robin smiled and watched him rub her hand gently and said "It's okay, I'm fine." Zeus still rubbed her hands with a sad expression and apologized again, Robin rolled her eyes and flicked his mask looking him it the eyes, and saw they were filled with worry and fear she grabbed his hands and said "It's okay, I'm still here. Don't worry about your mother, she wouldn't want you to be like this." Zeus sighed and said "I would really kiss you right now but everybody's watching us, even Cricket and those monkey-cat guys." Robin giggled and turned around to look and noticed that even the South bird was looking at them, "You forgot about the bird-cat" she said as she pointed to the South bird, "Oh would ya look at that I did." he coughed and said "Alright nothing to see here people expect for you Shit cook this is proof that I'm more handsome than you! Also Chopper can you talk to that bird-cat thing?? I figure since you're both part cat it should be possible." Chopper and Sanji snapped "I'M NOT A CAT, I'M A REINDEER!/YOU ARE NOT MORE HANDSOME THAN ME!" Zeus dug out his ear and said "Ora Ora, i'm not deaf ya know." Robin giggled and the night continued.

The next morning, the Straw hats we're sailing towards the knock-up stream with Masira and Shoujou leading them on their own boats. Zeus looked around on the deck and saw the wings and red stuff on the Merry and patted the railing saying "Sorry they turned you into a chicken Merry, If it makes you feel any better I think you'll be the only ship to fly into the sky and live to tell the tale." Zeus chuckled and the Merry vibrated a bit, Zeus sighed and said "I know you're journey is ending Merry but i'll save you I promise." The Merry finally reached the edge of the whirlpool as the two monkey brothers waved good bye and Merry drifted off to the middle of the whirlpool, Zeus walking towards the left side of the Merry and leaned on the railing. As the whirlpools slowly calmed down, a loud shout was heard. "Straw hat! I'm gonna capture you! ZEHAHAHAHA" A man held up a bunch of bounty posters, Zeus gave them a look over and said "Luffy, 100 mil. Zoro, 60 mil. Sanji, 50 mil. Ussop, 30 mil. Nami, 20 mil. Sorry Chopper no bounty for you." Chopper almost cried while Nami and Ussop were crying and the other three were complaining it wasn't big enough. Blackbeard said "A total of 260 million! They'll definitely make me a warlord if I capture you!" All of a sudden Zeus spoke up "Listen Teach, how about you any your little group of fate-loving freaks scram before I make you scram." Teach sneered and said "Oh yea how you gonna do that?" Zeus chuckled and pointed behind Teach "Why don't you ask your Sniper? Seems like he knows." Teach turned to Van Augur who was white as a ghost and shaking as he repeated "Monster" over and over again, Teach turned back and growled "What did you do to my Sniper?" Zeus grabbed the air making a thunder spear appear as he licked the 'blade' with a sadistic grin and said "Nothing he shot me in the head and I showed him what true fear was." Zeus felt the rumbling below and the spear disappeared as he said "Fate can only take you so far Teach, I'm not going to kill you because I don't think Whitebeard would appreciate the favor, plus you're Fire Fist's target, Shishishi Smell ya!"


The Knock-up stream sent the Merry flying into the air, Zeus flashed near Robin and picked her up and stood on the wall, right next to the galley door, and smiled at her "That was pretty damn cool don't ya think?" Robin rolled her eyes and pouted as she said "You could've told me that was the guy that shot at you, I would've snapped him like a twig." Zeus literally felt his heart melt as he moved his mask up and kissed her pouting lips. He pulled away from her fixing his mask before scratching her nose and said "I know you would,"Before he turned and looked up and whispered to himself "that's what I love about you." Unknown to him Robin actually barely heard what he said and stared at him blankly, before smiling and leaning into his chest.

A while later, Merry broke threw the clouds and landed on the a white sea of clouds, Zeus put Robin down and started wheezing as the rest of the crew did the same. Nami said "Seems like the air is much thinner up here." The rest of the crew adapted and Ussop decided to take a dive into the clouds, Zeus slapped his mask and said "Idiot! Someone grab him please, there's no bottom here." Luffy stretched out his arm and Robin put an eye on it as they pulled out Ussop, who was shaking and mumbling "Sky island Scary" over and over before yelping and grabbing a fish out of his pants, Robin picked it up and said "Looks like the fish here have adapted to the cloud sea." Luffy grabbed the fish and threw it to Sanji who returned with it cooked, Nami and Luffy has some and said it was delicious. Zeus chuckled and said "That delicious fish was in Ussop's pants! SHISHISHISHI" Nami went to brush her teeth and Luffy just shrugged and ate the rest. Chopper was looking out of the boat through a telescope and said "Guys! A man is flying towards us!" the man landed on the deck and said "Damn blue sea dwellers return at once!" Zeus walked towards the man and said "That's a nice mask where'd you get it?" The man blinked and punched at Zeus, who dodged and kicked out causing the man to fly into the deck, the man was gonna attack again when another man fell in between Zeus and the attacker. The new man said "Wyper leave at once!" Wyper growled and jumped off the boat and flew far away, the new guy turned around and said "Sorry about that he doesn't like blue sea people. My name is Gan Fall, i'm a solder for hire, here." he threw a whistle to Nami and said "If you blow that i'll come to your rescue for 5 billion extol" Nami was confused "What's extol?" Gan Fall was shocked and said "You didn't pass any island to get here?" Zeus replied "We came by the knock-up stream." Gan Fall was shocked and said "I didn't think there were people crazy enough to do that anymore" Nami said "There was another way?!" Gan Fall nodded and said "Yes but it is much more dangerous, the knock-up stream has a chance to lose all your crew or none, whereas the other route has a 100% chance that you will lose some crew members." Nami almost fainted, Gan Fall continued "If you ever need me just blow the whistle i'll give you a one time use for free because of your bravery" he jumped on a weird bird-horse with polka dots and flew away. Zeus sighed and said "I didn't get the chance to ask him what kind of cat that was." Nami and Chopper both yelled "That wasn't a cat!" Robin giggled and the crew sailed towards a huge wall of cloud. "What's this?" Luffy said as he bounced off the cloud "It's super bouncy!" he yelled as he kept bouncing eventually bouncing high enough to see a gate past the wall, he returned to the Merry and said "I saw a gate we need to go around the wall." The crew sailed around the wall and came to a stop from in front of a gate. The gate had big letters on it that said 'HEAVEN'S GATE'.

Hey guys another double chapter day, you have no idea how tiring this is, anyway hope you liked it. Next time we continue Skypeia.

I made Robin a bit more emotional I hope nobody minds, also i try to picture robin looking how she does when they're in Zou if that helps with imagery well, your welcome.

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