
Chapter 42


THE BOYFRIEND OR IN THIS CASE FIANCÉ was a piece of shit who’d glanced at his phone the whole time the princess tried to make small talk.

You’d think me knowing she had a fiancé and actually watching said fiancé kiss her sloppily would tone down whatever shit going on in my body about Lucia Amato but it didn’t.

On the contrary, it fueled this want in me that had turned primal when I saw her in that skimpy bikini by the pool.

Fucking gorgeous, wet, curvy and holding a paint brush while she was so lost in her world unaware that I was watching her, drinking in her features and wondering how a woman like her existed and how I hadn’t fucked her yet and gotten this over with.

But that’s the thing, she was a princess to everyone including me.

I didn’t give two shits about Nicolas Amato having my head on a silver platter if I as so much as touched his daughter’s ass. Naah that shit didn’t scare me.