
Twin Thorny Roses

Arc_Yakamura · Ciudad
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1 Chs

Rosewood family

In the medical room inside is an old man you can see the age of him just by his looks the white hair, wrinkled face, and the frequent coughing you can understand that he doesn't have much time left.

A man in a suit entered the room he held a suitcase in his hands when he saw the old man, sadness can be seen in his eyes.

" Mr. Rosewood how are you today?" The man in the suit was kind to the old man, he was the person hired by the old man's family to take care of the things regarding the inheritance after death.

" You came Mr. Mark cough" Mr. Rosewood was coughing hard, Mr. Mark was sad when he received the news about Mr. Rosewood's sickness, they have known each other for a long time so their friendship was deep.

" Regarding what you requested to me back then I found him." This is the only thing that he can do for Mr. Rosewood as he doesn't have much power, to begin with.

" Oh, so you found the son of my Eldest child." Mr. Rosewood was relieved he got three children, the third son was married to the Blackrose family, and the second son was with the Whiterose family, only his eldest run away to marry an unknown girl.

" Yes sir I have all the information regarding him." Mr. Mark hand over the files about Mr. Rosewood's grandchild.

When Mr. Mark saw it he was a bit relieved since the one that will own the company is not an incompetent man, at least the grandchild of Mr. Rosewood have some capabilities but it still not enough. That is why he needs a partner that will assist him in the future.

It's just bad luck that both grandchildren in the two branch families are female or else he didn't get the need to find the Eldest son's children.

" Hahaha, that's why grandchildren for you, with our blood there is no way a single one of them is bad!" Mr. Rosewood is in a jolly mood he finally can rest in peace after knowing his long-lost grandchild.

" But is this okay, sir?" Mr. Mark still doesn't understand why he put such conditions for that man to gain his inheritance.

" Yes, this is the only way to keep the peace." Mr. Rosewood had a laughing smirk on his face.

" Well, this is the first time that I discover that you have a mischievous side too, sir" Mr. Mark feels sorry for that young man's future.

The evening light through the window colored the room orange and red, Mr. Rosewood slowly closes his eyes he knows that it's time. He was regretful that he didn't get to know his grandson but leaving him something behind is already enough for him.

At that time one of the wealthiest men in the world died, many people mourned his death, he catered to the need of the common people shared his wealth with the poor and misfortune people.

However, his grandson that will inherit his company has a very peculiar trait.

" What is my schedule today?" Leon a high school student likes to schedule everything in his life from simple chores to his future is scheduled.

" Leon you can take it easy, there is still time before the bus arrives." His mom Emilia has a headache about this, her son Leon won't do things outside of his schedule.

" No, if the bus didn't come then I shall walk I made a precise schedule for today, I hate it being ruined because of minor problems like that." Leon started walking toward his school.

When he was already half a limousine stop by and a man in butler clothes pop out inside.

" Young master Leon we are here in the orders of the Rosewood family." He gave a respectful bow and showed him the way inside the car.

" I'm sorry but the thing of going inside a stranger's car is outside of my schedule." Leon continued walking while looking at the schedule he made on his phone.

" Wait for a minute young master but we are ordered to escort you to your school." The butler was in panic and chase after him.

" Can you spare me the lies please I'm in a hurry there is only 30 minutes before the bell rings." Leon walked even faster he hates it when people lie to him and it's a very obvious lie too.

How can someone from a prestigious family like Rosewood know him and he came from a poor family that can't even afford a car.

"But we are ordered to." This young master is really strange this is the first time that the butler felt troubled about this does he not know that his father came from the Rosewood family.

Another two cars suddenly park alongside the limousine, two girls in the same uniform got out from there and walk toward Leon.

" It's nice meeting you, I'm Alicia Whiterose your fiance." The first girl has straight long silver hair, a petite body, and pink thin lips. She was a beautiful and youthful girl many will admire her bright personality.

" Teresa Blackrose also your fiance" the second girl has raven black hair tied in a ponytail, she was also slim and have a seductive red lips. She was the complete opposite of the first one, a cold beauty that will keep others at bay.

But the man in question Leon is already walking ahead of them, he didn't care much about who they are as long that they are outside of his schedule.

" Hey wait a bit and listen!" The two were in rage being ignored and also chased after him.

" Only ten minutes left I need to hurry, damn the bus not getting there on time." Leon who's oblivious to the idea that others are looking at the two girls that are chasing after him.

" Oh no at this rate I won't get there on time." Leon saw a bicycle parked in the sideway, he put a note saying that he's borrowing it and left the two in the dust.

The two girls were dumbfounded being ignored so blatantly by Leon, they swallowed the humiliation and returned back to their respective cars even the butler who was tasked to pick Leon up had just put on a bitter smile.

They already investigated Leon's habits and they know that Leon hates wasting time and always follow his schedule no matter what, there was even a report of him going to the class blooded when he was mugged by thugs but ignored them and keep walking fueling their anger beating him up almost to death however he still manages to reach his classroom before the bell rang.

Leon was relieved when he reached the school gate and cursed those people who were trying to talk to him along the way.

" Damn annoyance I almost miss the bell because of them, I wonder why there are so many people bugging me these days, oh well let me check my schedule again." Leon was flipping his notebook where he kept his schedules for the day when a strong hand grips his shoulder.

" Leon my man how's your schedule for today!" It was a handsome guy who wears the same uniform as Leon, he had a friendly aura and when the girls see him they blush and shriek.

" Anthony let go." Leon's face darkens despite his aura.

Anthony the only guy who had the guts to bug Leon every day, the so-called popular guy of the school other students aren't really sure if their friends despite their almost friendly interactions with each other.

" HAHAHAHA chill man no need to be so violent." Anthony takes no offence to how Leon treated him it was quite refreshing for him actually.

" Then let go having two buggers is enough making it three is already pushing it." Leon frowns all the way to the classroom not giving Anthony any explanation at all.

" By the way it seems like their will be transfer students coming today." This words send chill to Leon's spine, he was not dumb at all even though he ignored those two he know they are the one Anthony is talking about.

Having no choice Leon took his notebook and rescheduled his whole day, he trust his gut feeling when it comes to bad things that will ruin his day.

Steps can be heard in the hallway but for Leon it brings a bad omen, a dull looking teacher enter the room along with two familiar looking girls, seeing Leon again both of them frowned seems like they don't have a good impression of Leon well he didn't really care.

" Morning class we have two transfer students this semester please introduce yourselves."

Both of them smiled and look at Leon, he didn't know if it was just an illusion however their smiles had a bad intention

" Do you think you can escape from us?"

This is a very bad day for him