

Alex who just came in was surprised to see two Alexa's

"Alex you're here " Alexa said as she walked down the stairs " Alexa was surprised to see Alex's face

"Don't worry I will explain everything later, let's go" She said as she went to the dinning area with Ashley right behind her

In the dinning area Alexa finished telling Alex what happened

"So when are you going to introduce her to your family?" Alex asked

"At grandma's birthday party" Alexa replied as she took a sip of apple juice

"Umm... Ashton please take Ashley to one of your stores tomorrow morning"

"Why me ?" Ashton asked

"You know why" was Alexa's short reply

"Don't worry I'll go alone" Ashley said

"Are you sure ?" Alexa asked " Yeah" was Ashley short reply

" Okay" Alexa said and they continued eating

In the evening Ashley was in her room when suddenly someone called

" Ohh Carey " she said as she picked the calk

" Hello"

" Hi so how was your day"

" Carey i forgot to tell you that I'm a "atwin "

" WHAT!" Carey said as she stood up from her bed " does that you found your family "

"Yeah I found my twin sister"

"You have to tell me everything

"Okay" Ashley explained everything to Carey and after talking to her, she took her bath and went to sleep


"Ahh, mom I want to sleep more" Ashley said as she used her pillow to block the sun rays from her eyes

"Wake up" Alexa said shaking her sister

"Ahh I'm awake, I'm awake" she said as she stood up and rubbed her eyes with hand

"Okay, get ready and come down for breakfast" and she left

Ashley brushed her teeth , took her bath and wore a black jeans with a white crop top, she went downstairs to the dinning area

After breakfast, Alexa took her to Solaria's mall which is one of the mall she owns she told her butler to escort her and take her anywhere she wants she also gave a credit card

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