

"WHAT THE F*CK" Ashton said bringing them back to reality

" Who are you?" Alexa asked

"I should be asking you that question" she said in her head

"Umm what she's trying to say is what's your name and why do you look exactly like her, did you do plastic surgery, and why are you wearing a worker uniform" Ashton said, this made Ashley eyes turn dark

"Rich people they always think someone is copying them or are after their money" she thought as took a deep breath to calm herself before she explodes

"My name is Ashley and I work here" this made Alexa freeze again like she saw a ghost

"Alexa what happen do you know her" Ashton said snapping Alexa back into her senses

"She's... she's my sister" This made both Ashley and Ashton shocked

"What do you mean by this, your sister is dead"

"Can't you see Ashton or should I point it out for you, the eyes the hair the face she looks exactly like me, and from her reaction when you said she had plastic surgery she didn't have one, she's actually my Twin sister"

"What do you mean by twin.. I don't understand what you guys are saying" Ashley said

"Okay let me explain to you, Twenty years ago our family suffered a lot our mother and father died but you were never found, we looked for you but couldn't find you...." Alexa stopped trying her best to hold back her tears she placed her hand on Ashley shoulder and continued "Ashley you're my Twin sister"

Ashley still trying to process what she just heard didn't say anything as Alexa hugged her she couldn't hold back her tears she started crying as Ashton watched their little reunion

Alexa stopped hugging her and cleaned her tears

"Okay let's go" Ashley didn't say anything and just followed her out of the boutique