

After work Ashley went back to her apartment, her first day of work was surprisingly fine except from the part that she had to talk to the most handsome man she has ever seen

As she was about to sit down her phone started ringing "Ah who's calling me now" she said as she got up to pick the phone "Hello"

"Hii Ashley, so how was your first day" Carey said

"It was surprisingly fine except from the part that I met Mr Ashton today"

"What you met him, did he remember you? what did you guys talk? about and why was he at your work place?" Carey won't stop asking questions

"Carey please one questions at a time"

"Okay" Carey said as she calmed down " So first question, did he remember you "

"YES" Ashley retorted

"Wait the billionaire, most handsome man for three years in a row Ashton Park really remembered you!"

"Carey Calm down" Ashley said trying to calm Carey down

" Okay 2nd why was he in your workplace?" Carey asked

"Looks like he also owns flame " Ashley retorted

" Wow I can't believe it, okay 3rd question what did you guys talk about? "

" Nothing important, just normal talk" Ashley retorted as she sat down on the bed

"Nothing important? tell me e everything you guys talk about, did he ask you out" Carey said

" No... Hell No- no he did no such thing, stop talking about it, we just talk normal talk " Ashley retorted as she stood up

"What normal talk huh" Carey said teasingly

"Carey just stop it" Ashley said trying to calm herself down

"huh no fair... but okay" Carey said as she pouted

"Tomorrow is another day of work, so how's it going over there" Ashley said trying to change the topic

"Boring because you aren't here I miss you so much Ashley"

"I miss you too, remember to come and visit okay"

"Okay bye then" Carey said

"Bye" Ashley retorted as she hung up the phopm"

"Listen everyone I'm inviting each of you to join me in my birthday part at Club Nakamura at exactly 8pm" Lucy said

"Ashley are you going" Mia said

"I don't know" Ashley retorted

"Why!" Mia said

" uhh... okay I'll come"

"I can't wait to see your face behind that mask" Mia said

"Why can't you wait" Ashley retorted confusedly

" Because you have beautiful eyes so I want to see how the rest of your face looks like "

"Seriously?" Ashley asked

" Seriously " Mia retorted

Meanwhile at Wayne enterprises HQ Alexa was in the middle of a meeting when she got a text and the temperature dropped. Everyone was feeling the deadly aura coming from Alexa and anyone would be lying if they said they weren't scared, they didn't know what went wrong that their boss was so angry

"This meeting is over" and immediately she left the room and after she left that when everyone could finally breath

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Gerdine_Richardcreators' thoughts