
Miss CEO I

After work Ashley took the bus home as she entered she saw her mom and dad fighting

"Where have you been?" Jane asked with a serious look on her face

"Why are you asking? If you really want to know I went to get a drink with the guys" William retorted as he went into the kitchen this get some water

"At broad daylight" Jane thought as she followed him into the kitchen

"William when are you going to start looking for a job?" William ignored her and went straight to the living room and sat on one of the chairs

"William answer me right now!" She said as she followed him into the living room

"I will start whenever I want to it's none of your business" He said and immediately they noticed Ashley standing there

"What's going on?" Ashley asked but Jane quickly changed the subject and said

" How was work today dear?"

"It was fine mom, but I'm really tired I will just go straight to bed after I take a shower" She said, she was about going to her room when her mom stopped her

"Ashley wait aren't you going to eat your dinner"

"Sorry mom but I'm really tired and need sleep" she couldn't hold the tears any longer she ran straight to her room and started crying she soon slept off

In the morning Alexa, Alex and Ashton just got down from the plane and went in the car waiting for them at the tarmac

"Were to Miss Wayne?" The driver asked

"To Wayne enterprises" Alexa retorted as she stared at her phone

"Why are we going there can't we rest first?" Ashton asked

"No, I want to pay a surprise visit to the general manager" she said with a dangerous tone in her voice she looked at the driver and said

"Let's go"

At Wayne enterprises Alexa walked into the reception with Alex and Ashton with many bodyguards, people wanted to know who they were but couldn't see their face Ashton went to the front desk and asked

"Please can show us where the general manager office is?"

Ashley couldn't speak because she was mesmerized by the man in front of her, her wore black suit with a black inner shirt with a few buttons undone that you could see his chest then she looked at his face and she was mesmerize shd he looked like a demigod with his black raven hair red thin lips and his black eyes that can lure you into another world just by looking at it

She was so lost thinking of ungodly thought she didn't even here the question

"Why am I thinking about this?" She said to herself but Ashton could here her

"What are you thinking about?" Ashton asked with a smirk on his face