
Met for the first time

Carey entered with Anna

"Here she is boss" Anna said as they entered

"Are you Carey Jones" Alexa asked bluntly

"As Carey looked up to speak, she saw a white not too tall lady white lady sitting on the chair staring directly at her, her dark blue eyes froze her in place and Carey could also sense a dark aura surrounding her that she isn't someone she should mess with but Carey could swear that she has seen this face before. She tookba deep breathe summoned all her courage and said

" Yes I am"

"Do you know who I am Carey?" Alexa asked as she stood up

"My name is Alexa Wayne and they are Alex Stark and Ashton Park" She said formally

Carey was too stunned to speak, she couldn't believe she standing in the same room of the heirs of the three biggest families in the world

"Carey, I have a proposal for you" Alexa said breaking the awkward silence

"What is it ma'am" Carey said snapping into her senses

" I want you to be the new branch manager of Wayne enterprises" Alexa said as she took her seat


In the reception

An old lady walked in and Ashley seeing her said

"Good evening ma'am what can I do for you" the woman hearing her turned back and said

"Please can you show me where the BM office is?"

Ashley actually didn't know where the BM office is but she couldn't allow the old lady to go up there alone

"Okay I'll take you there"

"Carey this is not a suggestion or an option , it's an order, so starting tomorrow you will be the new branch manager" immediately she said this she heard a knock at the door

"Come in"

Ashley and the old lady walked in and Ashley sat her down immediately Alexa saw who it was she ran towards her and said

"Nana what are you doing here"

Ashley and Alexa met for the first time that day but Ashley couldn't see her face because her hair covered it

Meanwhile Ashton was staring at Ashley

"Bro who are you staring at"

"I'm not staring" Ashton quickly removed his gaze away from her

"You were looking intensely, isn't that the same as staring" Alex jokingly said

Ashley notices Carey and asked

"What's going on"

"I'll tell you later, let's go" and after that they left