
I hate my life

Everyone in Ashton household was so surprised when Ashton brought Miss Alexa home, that was what they thought not knowing it was Ashley, and how he was holding her helping her up the stairs, wasn't Miss Alexa dating Mr Alex and why was she wet did her and Mr Alex fight or is she cheating on him with Mr Ashton but they shook their heads on that thought since Mr Ashton and Miss Alexa have been friends for a long time

" Fred get her some clothes " he said as he took her to one of the guest room

As they entered Ashton said " I'll be right back so take a shower and get dressed okay" she nodded and he left

Later he came back bringing food without knocking as he entered he saw her tying a towel from her chest she looked like a goddess that just came down from heaven she was drying her hair with a towel her wet hair dropped on her back she turned and she saw him standing there with a tray of food on his and he eyed her from head to toe making her blush

"Umm sorry for not knocking, I brought food" he said breaking the awkward silence

"Umm thank I'll go change" she said as she entered the closet he set down the food and sat on the bed and massage his temples he couldn't get what he just saw out of his head

Minutes later she came out wearing his white shirt

"Why are you wearing my shirt?" he asked

"Why not, and besides it feels really comfortable" she said as she sat next to him

"So let's get back to you and Alexa" he said

"I lost everything, everything" she said as she started to cry

"Don't cry, if you can't say it then__"

"No I'll say it" she interrupted and she took a deep breathe as she continued "I lost my mom Ashton, my dad was a gambling addict he left us, in one week I lost my mom, dad and my house I lost everything" she took a deep breathe " Before she died she told me the truth that I wasn't her biological daughter, she said my mom gave me to her at LA and told her to run and leave this place to protect me" she sniffed and Ashton rubbed her back " I can still remember her laying on the bed telling me__" she choked " So I came here looking for my real family and I of and them, I found out that I have a twin sister just for her to tell me that who am I to go against her" she laughed sorrowfully "I'm no one to her"

"Don't say that Ashley" he said as he hugged her

"I can't even work cause I'm ' carrying her face' I hate my life"

"Ashley Alexa is not the boss if you want to get a job in the company, Alexa is the CEO so why don't you meet the chairwomen"

"Ah thank you, thank you" she hugged him surprising him "I'll go there first thing tomorrow, thank you, you're a life saver"

"Alexa is probably going to kill me for giving you this idea "

"I'm not going for her position, I just want to work"