

The next morning Ashley woke up, brush her teeth, took her bath and wore her uniform she took her facemask and purse with hand sanitizer inside and left her apartment

She got down from the taxi and went into the boutique in front of her, she walked to the cashier

" Hello, I'm one of the new sales girl " She said

"ohh, okay follow me" the cashier said as she went and Ashley followed right behind her,Ashley saw how everyone was busy

"Is something big happening today" she thought as they entered the office

" Boss she's the new sales girl "

" ohh umm....Ashley right?" Dana asked

"Yes ma'am" Ashley retorted

"Okay, Mia will guide and tell you what you will be doing, you can leave now" as they were about to leave Ashley suddenly stopped a.nd asked

" Boss is anything happening today?"

" Yes the boss is coming over to. check if we are following the covid19 protocol "

" Okay" Ashley retorted as she followed Mia out of the office

Mia told Ashley everything that she would be doing and told her, her position was on the first floor and took her there

After explaining everything Mia left. Ashley heard some girl talking

"I heard that the boss is really handsome" one girl said

"Yes but I also heard he's a Playboy too" another girl said

"Don't believe everything you hear, Lola I think he's a gentleman and I know once he see me he will just have to fall in love with me" another girl said and they started arguing, Ashley couldn't believe what these girls were saying daydreaming of falling in love with a rich man like they are living in a fantasy. she rolled her eyes at them as she continued doing what she was doing

A few hours later, everyone was called downstairs to greet a very important guest all the employees stood in a straight line they knew they were here to greet the CEO of Flames fashion collection but they couldn't help but feel nervous they silently prayed that everything will be fine

Ashley was probably the most nervous since she was new and didn't have much knowledge about this kind of things

Soon they were informed that the boss was coming, most of the employees haven't seen him before so they were curious and as he walked in everyone was shocked but most especially Ashley

" Ashton " she said in her mind

"Good afternoon boss" everyone said in unison but Ashton didn't respond and walked past them, everyone was shocked at the handsome figure walking past them but Ashton suddenly stopped as something caught his eyes, that pair of dark blue eyes that he could have sworn he has seen before

Everyone was surprised when he started walking towards Ashley

"What your name?" he asked

"umm... sir its Ashley Smith" Ashley said trying her best to compose herself

Everyone was even more surprised at what Ashton said next

"Ashley could you show me around the boutique" The manager jumped in and said

"Sir she's a new employee who started working today, so she doesn't know-"

"Did I tell you to speak" Ashton interrupted him " She's new but that doesn't mean that she shouldn't have known her way around by now" The manager was dumbfounded

"Okay miss Ashley shall we go" he said

" Yes sir" Ashley said as she led him to the first floor

" So sir this is where"

"I thought I told you to stop calling me sir when we're alone" Ashton interrupted

"umm.,..okay A-ashton " Ashley retorted

"umm Ashley why are you here... I mean I thought you were working at Wayne enterprises what happened"

" Sir I don't think you need to know about that";

"Why not? I want to know so you should tell me what happened and what did you do wrong"

"Sir I quit, I just always wanted to come to California, so I quit, moved over here and got a job" she lied

"ohh... okay" Ashton retorted

After touring around the whole boutique, Ashton left and entered the Lamborghini waiting for him

"Where to sir" the driver asked

"To Wayne enterprises" Ashton retorted as he took out his phone from his pocket

"Find out everything that happened to Ashley Smith within a year ago"

"Okay sir" the person said