

A week has already and Alexa was back in Wayne enterprises HQ having a meeting to discuss a proposal from AR Corporation and everywhere went dead silent because of the ice cold aura that was emitting out of their boss

"We are done here" Alexa said as she stoodup and left

Everyone sigh not knowing what just happened

Alexa went back to her office with Anna right behind her

"What's next on my schedule" Alexa unhurriedly said as she sat down

" You have a meeting with the people working at the HR department in 30 minutes" Anna said

"Okay you can leave now" she said as she carried some document and started reading

"Ma'am.... aren't you going to eat your lunch?"

"What's your business with that" Alexa said nonchalantly

"Nothing...sorry boss " Anna said hesitant to leave but later left and call some

After a few minutes Alexa received a call from someone, she checked the caller ID and answered

" Hello grandma, why did you call?"

"Why aren't you eating your lunch"

" Ma'am.... aren't you going to eat your lunch"

" How did you--- Did a blabbermouth tell you this " Alexa said as she dropped the document she was holding

"Even if the person didn't tell me you should eat your lunch"

"Okay grandma" Alexa said

" So when are you coming to visit us, I haven't seen you in months "

"Soon grandma"

"Soon.... you have been saying that for the past two months now"

" Grandma I've to go now..."

"Make sure you eat your lunch, okay"

" Okay bye grandma* Alexa said as she hung up

"Anna" she called out and immediately Anna entered the office

" Yes"

"Go get me some Chinese food"

" Okay boss" Anna said and she left