
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - Elenmoor's Clinic

With the help of other residents, the man was escorted through the streets of the small town towards a small clinic nestled in the heart of Elenmoor.

A female human doctor with long purple hair retrieved her stethoscope, her skilled hands tracing over the wounds and scratches on the man's weakly lying body. Every heartbeat was carefully monitored, while her sharp eyes observed every reaction of her patient.

With an intense focus, the doctor listened attentively, detecting every symptom that might be hidden beneath the fragile physical condition. Her expression was serious, yet in her indigo eyes shone a profound care, a genuine desire to aid in restoring the man to his true strength.

The elven maiden who had saved the man earlier sat upright in her chair, her gaze fixed on the doctor who was diligently examining the patient before her. Tension emanated clearly from the furrow of her brow, yet she endeavored to maintain her composure.

The female doctor, clad in her white uniform, removed her stethoscope. Her expression was serious, yet a faint sense of relief glimmered.

The elven maiden drew a breath of relief, yet concern still reflected in her eyes. "How is he, Doctor Tiffany?"

The doctor nodded, offering a gentle smile. "His breathing has stabilized. This man will be alright. His injuries are quite serious, but they're not life-threatening. He needs rest and proper care."

The elven maiden smiled in relief. "Thank goodness! Thank you for your hard work, Doctor."

"Haha! Helping patients is my duty! It's nothing!" replied Doctor Tiffany enthusiastically.

The man lay in silence, his eyes tightly shut as consciousness slowly returned. He felt the gentle breeze caress his face, penetrating the depths of his subconscious. Gradually, his eyelids began to flutter open, revealing both eyes still blurry and faint.

The light emanating from the lamps on the room's ceiling was dazzling to eyes accustomed to darkness. The man squinted, attempting to adjust to the sudden brightness that enveloped him.

In the corner of the room, the elven maiden sat with rapt attention, her eyes filled with relief as she witnessed the man begin to regain consciousness. Gently, she reached out her hand towards him, feeling the strengthening heartbeat beneath her fingertips.

"He's awake!" she exclaimed to Tiffany who was busy filling out paperwork at the desk.

The doctor smiled, walking confidently towards the man's bedside. "Though it's still dark outside, good morning!" she greeted warmly. "How are you feeling?"

For a moment, the man only stared with a cold, vacant gaze. Yet, as his focus began to sharpen, a horrifying reality crashed over him like a sudden wave hitting the shore. He didn't recognize this place. This wasn't his home. This wasn't the sea where he last remembered.

"HEY! You've just woken up! Don't go making sudden movements like that! Right now, you still need rest!" Doctor Tiffany immediately restrained the man and forced him back onto the bed.

The man took a deep breath, trying to calm himself. Waves of panic began to wash over him as he attempted to figure out how and why he ended up in this place.

"Stay calm! You're safe here, Doctor Tiffany will take care of you until you're better." the gentle voice of the elven maiden broke through his engulfing panic.

The man turned towards the voice, his eyes studying the figure standing beside his bed with utmost care. A look of bewilderment crossed his face as he tried to grasp what was happening.

"Where... where am I?" he murmured, his voice sounding hoarse and feeble.

The elven maiden smiled gently, trying to reassure him. "You're at the clinic. Thankfully, you're okay. Thanks to Doctor Tiffany, you were saved!"

The man fell silent, trying to absorb the information with his racing heart. The sensation of weakness in his body and the foggy state of his mind left him shaken, yet amidst all the confusion, there was a faint sense of relief knowing that he was still alive.

"You were in a very dangerous condition earlier. It seems you were close to drowning. What happened to you?" Doctor Tiffany inquired.

With a sense of bewilderment, the man attempted to piece together the fragments of his lost memories. Faint recollections began to surface in his mind.

"I... I was sailing to find someone," the man murmured, still struggling to excavate his fading memories.

"Someone? Who?" Doctor Tiffany pressed on, growing more curious.

The man felt a heaviness and throbbing pain in his head as he attempted to piece together the fragments of his lost memories. Every effort to recall triggered waves of pain sweeping through his head, forcing him to endure the intensifying dizziness.

He groped through the enveloping darkness, trying to find traces of the lost memories in the labyrinth of his mind. However, the more he strained, the further the memories seemed to slip away from his grasp.

"Someone... important," he muttered, his voice filled with uncertainty and confusion.

The elven maiden approached him with deep concern, her eyes filled with care. "Don't push yourself too hard," she urged gently. "Memories will come back in time. If remembering your purpose here is difficult, how about your name? Can you remember your name?"

The man nodded, and this time he could answer the question decisively. "My name is Reo. I'm from Hydale."

Doctor Tiffany responded understandingly. "I suspected you were from Hydale because you're a human. Nice to meet you, Reo. I'm Tiffany. A doctor in Elenmoor."

Reo looked at the doctor with an expression still filled with confusion. "You... are a human too? Then why are you here?"

The elven maiden smiled softly, her eyes shining with kindness. "Elenmoor is an island where all races live together hand in hand. Elenmoor is also known as the island of peace," she said in a soothing voice. "Welcome to Elenmoor, Reo!"

As they locked eyes, a warmth emerged between them, a bond forged through the struggles they shared. "You... the elven girl who saved me on the beach?" Reo spoke hesitantly.

"Yes! My name is Rikka, daughter of the mayor of Elenmoor," she said with a voice full of pride, yet also humility. Her grace emanated from her elegant movements as if facing a royal princess.

Reo's expression filled with respect. "I don't know what to say. I'm truly grateful, if not for your help, I would have..."

With a warm smile, Rikka shook her head gently. "No need to be too formal with me, Reo! I hope we can become closer!"

Thanks for reading!

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