
Twilight Deities

In a world where injustice prevails, some bask in happiness, success, and fortune, while others languish in suffering, poverty, and misfortune. The first misfortune is a lesson. The second, mere bad luck. The third, a test. But the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, the seventh, the eighth... the twentieth, the thirtieth—what do they signify in this cruel fate? Injustice?

aohakka · Fantasía
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15 Chs

Reo's Story - A Weird Rumour

At Ming's restaurant, a warm atmosphere greeted Rikka and Reo as they entered. With a welcoming smile, Ming greeted them, clearly pleased as they took their seats at a table prepared especially for them.

The restaurant was filled with warmth and cheer, a perfect setting for enjoying dinner with loved ones. Each table was adorned with clean white linens and small lit candles, creating a romantic and elegant aura. Chandeliers overhead provided soft lighting, casting charming shadows throughout the room.

The sound of lively conversations filled the air. Waiters moved nimbly between tables, balancing plates of enticing dishes. The delicious aromas of various exquisite meals wafted through the air, tantalizing the senses and awakening their hunger. From the open kitchen, the clinking of cooking utensils could be heard alongside the deft movements of skilled chefs preparing Ming's signature dishes.

Despite the restaurant being crowded with patrons, it maintained a comfortable and orderly ambiance. Every guest seemed to be thoroughly enjoying their dinner, laughing and chatting merrily between bites of delectable food. This atmosphere created a delightful and inviting environment.

As the dishes arrived, the enticing aromas and captivating presentation immediately caught their attention. Faced with the feast spread before them, their eyes widened in admiration.

For the main course, a large bowl of chicken soup mixed with vegetables and golden broth was placed at the center of the table. The fragrant spices filled the surrounding air, creating an enticing sensation that whetted their appetites.

"This is my favorite dish from Elen Resto! What do you think, Reo?" Rikka asked with a smile.

Reo carefully lifted a small spoon to his lips, tasting the warm soup freshly served before him. The aroma was tempting, blending various herbs and spices gently, filling the room with an alluring fragrance.

The soup had a rich, deep flavor. The chicken broth, both hearty and smooth, flowed down his throat, followed by a balanced blend of pungent spices. Fresh vegetable chunks melted in his mouth, providing a refreshing, crunchy texture. Each spoonful left a lasting impression, inviting him to savor more.

"It's truly delicious! Your choice was spot on, Rikka!" Reo praised as he continued to relish his portion of the soup.

"I'm glad you like it!" Rikka responded with relief.

During their dinner, an elderly man with a long beard approached their table, carrying a glass of beer. His sturdy frame and calloused hands hinted at his true profession as a blacksmith.

"Hello! This must be the new fellow everyone's been talking about in town, eh?" the man greeted warmly. His eyes sparkled with kindness as he addressed them.

"Elberd, good evening! Visiting Elen Resto today as well?" Rikka greeted politely. "Oh yes, Reo, this is Elberd I mentioned earlier."

"Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Reo. Rikka told me that you're very skilled with swords. Maybe you could teach me some time," Reo said respectfully, trying to start a conversation.

"HOHO! So, you're a fan of mine, huh? Nice to meet you, Reo! I'm Elberd! Sure, come by my weapon shop anytime! I have a son about your age! I hope you two can become friends!"

From his words, Reo became curious if the son he mentioned could wield Barnath's electric magic. However, beyond his expectations, Elberd was a friendly and easygoing man. Besides his striking red eyes, the large iron armor he wore made him stand out in the bustling restaurant.

The iron armor he wore looked formidable, filled with intricate details that showcased the skill and expertise of its maker. Each piece of metal appeared sturdy and well-maintained, giving the impression that the armor had seen many battles yet remained in excellent condition.

Although the iron armor projected an aura of strength and determination, there was also a warmth and depth emanating from Elberd's keen eyes. His stern yet caring expression reflected his nature as a strong but wise individual. The man was a blend of a seasoned warrior and a thoughtful mentor, ready to protect those around him by any means necessary.

"Reo, have you decided where you'll be staying?" Elberd continued, pulling up a chair to join their table.

"Rikka's family is lending me their cottage, so I'll be staying there."

"Cottage? Ohhh, you mean the one across the river on the hill, right?"

Elberd took a long swig from his glass of beer, downing it in one impressive gulp. Rikka and Reo watched him with wide-eyed admiration.

Elberd chuckled softly, his eyes glinting with a hint of mystery. "About that cottage... I've heard that at night, you can sometimes hear mysterious sounds!" Elberd explained, his voice growing hoarse from the alcohol.

Rikka, intrigued by the conversation, looked at Elberd with curious eyes. "What sounds? I've never heard about this."

Elberd, having emptied his beer in one greedy gulp, turned to them with a serious expression. "Some people say they hear strange whispers, like voices speaking from afar. But when they try to find the source, there's no one there!"

Rikka felt a chill run down her spine at Elberd's story. "Has anyone ever seen anything?"

Elberd shook his head. "No, just the sounds. But it's enough to make people steer clear of that cottage after nightfall."

Rikka felt a twinge of unease. "Maybe it's just the wind or wild animals!"

Elberd laughed heartily, shaking the table with his deep laughter. "Maybe, maybe. But if you hear something, it's best to be cautious! Don't go alone."

Reo and Rikka exchanged glances, feeling the rising tension. They knew that Elberd's story, though it sounded like a joke, might hold an unexpected truth.

Amid the endless laughter and banter, Lian, who worked as one of the waiters at the restaurant, started to create a commotion. With his mischievous antics that were always unpredictable, he crawled slowly towards the table where Reo, Rikka, and Elberd were seated. In his grasp, he sneakily held a dead cockroach, aiming to disturb the three guests.

However, as he launched his hand toward their soup, his clumsy movement knocked over the bowl, spilling its hot contents onto the table with a loud clatter.

Rikka, shocked, quickly wiped the splattered soup off her clothes, while Reo deftly avoided the unexpected shower of soup. Their eyes both fixed on Lian with a mix of surprise and disbelief.

The previously bustling restaurant fell silent, and all eyes turned towards Lian, who was cowering in fear of his recent blunder.

"I... It wasn't me! This guy was the one being naughty and spilled his own soup!" Lian shouted in panic, pointing towards Reo as he attempted to flee the scene.

However, before they could react further, a large hand firmly grasped Lian's wrist. Elberd looked at Lian with a stern and authoritative gaze.

"Ahh! Mr. Elberd! I'm sorry!" Lian exclaimed in a remorseful tone, his eyes wide with fear.

"You really need to learn to behave better, Lian! Because of your antics, your aunt's soup has gone to waste!" Elberd scolded angrily, making Lian tremble even more.

Amid the commotion, Rikka quickly approached Reo with a tissue in hand.

"Reo, did you get splashed with soup? Here, let me wipe it off!"

"Oh, it's no problem," Reo replied.

"Don't say that! I have a spare shirt back at the cottage. You can wear it if you like."

Once the chaos in the restaurant settled down, Reo decided to walk Rikka back to her mansion. They strolled together through the quiet streets of the town, bathed in the light of the full moon. The cool night air added a sense of calm to their journey.

"Reo, I'm sorry. Your clothes got dirty…" said Rikka, full of guilt.

"It's not your fault! Don't worry about it. If I wash it tonight, it'll be clean by tomorrow."

They walked slowly, enjoying the quiet night and their time together. However, when they arrived in front of Rikka's mansion, the atmosphere began to shift.

"It's getting late," Reo said softly. "Thanks for showing me around the town today, Rikka."

Rikka nodded, but her expression showed a hint of sadness. "I'm sorry, Reo…"

The sudden apology puzzled Reo. He didn't understand why she was apologizing for this time.

"Sorry for what?"

"Elberd told those spooky stories about the cottage you're staying in. But trust me, there are no ghosts there!" Rikka explained, trying to hide the fear she felt.

Seeing Rikka flustered, Reo couldn't help but laugh. "Haha! Don't worry. I don't believe in ghosts!" he said, trying to reassure her.

Rikka looked at Reo with a gentle smile. The smile he gave her made her feel more at ease. "Thank you, Reo. Today was fun! I really enjoyed our time together."

Reo returned her smile. "Me too. Alright then, good night."

"See you tomorrow, Reo!" Rikka replied softly.

With those parting words, Rikka opened the mansion door and stepped inside, while Reo walked towards the cottage prepared for him. The cool night enveloped them, and the gentle whisper of the wind through the trees added to the tranquility. The soft sounds of nature, like the rustling of leaves and the singing of crickets, created a soothing atmosphere.

However, suddenly, amidst the calm, Reo heard a strange noise. A sound that shouldn't exist on this peaceful night. He stopped for a moment, listening intently. The sound resembled indistinct whispers, accompanied by a rhythmic tone that reminded him of ancient chants.

Was this the mysterious sound Elberd had mentioned earlier?

The chanting continued, accompanied by flickers of light. The sound source seemed to come from behind the trees surrounding the cottage. Carefully, Reo approached the trees, trying to figure out where the sound was coming from.

As he got closer, the sound became clearer. It indeed sounded like someone reciting ancient mantras in a language he didn't recognize. Reo hid himself behind a large tree trunk, trying not to make any noise that might attract attention. He peeked from behind the tree, hoping to catch a glimpse of whoever or whatever was making the sound.

In the darkness among the trees, Reo saw a girl standing there. The moonlight reflected off her tied-up blonde hair, making her shine in the dark night. She was directing her hands forward, focusing on the mantra she was reciting. A red glowing circle surrounded her body, indicating that she was performing intense magical practice.

"Wow, incredible..." Reo murmured almost inaudibly.

Suddenly, the magic emitted a bright light that was so intense that Reo instinctively turned his face away. But as the light dimmed, the girl was no longer in her previous position.

Reo looked around, but the girl was nowhere to be found.

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