
Twilight beginning

Guy gets transported to twilight verse thousands of years before the start of the saga and is reborn as a human. How will he come to power? Will he die in a measly few years? Or become a true immortal. ———————- This fanfic won’t be 100% the same as twilight due to me not know what happens thousands of years before the saga but I will try to keep it as close to accurate as possible so it matches with original story line when it comes I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT.

asgardianDgod · Derivados de obras
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11 Chs

Living life

After being a baby for a couple of years and finally reaching the age of three I cannot even begin to express how happy I am to be able to walk again.

Having to lie on my back for a whole year, then only being able to crawl with my underdeveloped body for an extra year, has got to be the most boring experience I've ever had to go though, but it wasn't all bad since I've come to the conclusion that I must be in the B.C period at some point, as there has been no indication of the people around me knowing who Jesus or Christ is when i sometimes managed to pronounce it right, although I could be wrong.

The other information I've received of the passing servants and maids is that my father is a lord of house aristo and are quite wealthy, if the guards that are outside my door 24/7 are anything to go by.

Its also come to my attention that I've obtained a innate ability to read people, not like reading there minds or anything but being able to understand there emotions by the way they move the muscles in there face. Seems strange? Well I would have thought that to if it wasn't for me seeing some maids look at me with fondness, which I can only assume is due to my amazingly, cute and chubby little face, only to realize by her facial expressions that that she loves my hair.

With this innate ability I have gotten I can only come to the conclusion that this world may be slightly different than my original, not including the whole time period problem, as I don't remember anyone else saying they can read facial expressions to a weird degree back in my old world.

Right now I'm in my... cot? It's more like a fancy wooden box with a rocking system than a actual cot though, my room is quite spacious and is some where located in this castle, the problem is I don't know what the building looks like other than my first peek at it as a baby, due to me never beening able to leave and having to be attended to at all times, but, luckily fo me that's about to change, my father wants me to go outside and get used to our home so right now I'm being escorted by two guards down to the bottom floor.

From what I can see so far the building is in the shape of a square with huge walls going around it and 4 turrets at each corner, these walls are thick enough for me to go inside and run from one side to another in 10 seconds (with toddler legs) they also contains three floors with the corner turrets having the extra fourth layer, then on the inside of the walls there's a huge area where the training happens, from archery to sword fighting theres even enough room for cavalry training.

And on the innermost section, which is surrounded by a smaller square wall is a big manor made up of a light coloured brick that looks well polished, and screams wealth.