
Twilight beginning

Guy gets transported to twilight verse thousands of years before the start of the saga and is reborn as a human. How will he come to power? Will he die in a measly few years? Or become a true immortal. ———————- This fanfic won’t be 100% the same as twilight due to me not know what happens thousands of years before the saga but I will try to keep it as close to accurate as possible so it matches with original story line when it comes I DO NOT OWN TWILIGHT.

asgardianDgod · Derivados de obras
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11 Chs


a/n: timeskips ahead ; )

At the age of 15, I 'graduated' from my hunting teachers course with him saying he had nothing more to teach me and that I've finally overcome him in skill.

At the age of 16, I managed to learn all the knowledge my father had collected on herbs and poisons whilst also creating a few poisons of my own along with Medicines.

After that I started learning the art of sword, to be honest it wasn't that difficult, with my honed muscles and hard grinned reflexes I was easily able to out class the elites in our troops.

(19 years old)

As I was walking through the forest on my way back to the manor after my daily training, I suddenly get a immense pain surging through my head as if it was about to explode, the next thing I know is I'm falling and everything's turning dark.

(Unknown place)

"it appears you've awoken child."

Jäger: "what happened who are you"as I look down I notice that I'm strapped to a metal table with chains tying my legs and wrists to the metal, while I have no clothes on.

" hahah, no need to panick I'm a doctor and I'm just doing some experiments on the commoners in this town" He says as if it's common knowledge.

Jäger:" what do you mean commoner!! I'm the lords son of house aristo" I demanded seeing as it was my only way out.

Creepy doctor:"hahah you think a noble like him would be walking through the woods boy! Don't try to swindle me" he says in a domineering voice.

Taking the time to look around the room I notice vials of blood and lots of paper all around the room, with a sort of messy arranged look.

Seeing as I won't be able to persuade him of my nobility I will try and get a grasp of my situation.

Jäger:" where am I? And what are you going to do to me?"

Doctor:" hahah no need to know this I doubt the experiment will work on you anyway as it has killed the last 49 people."

Hearing this I went into shock. Was I going to die before my story even began. No! There must be something I can do.

Jäger:" as I'm going to die anyway could you explain what type of experiment you are going to attempt."

Doctor:" ahahah, why not. It all started with power, who wouldn't want it, to be able to do what ever you want without anyone having the power to stop you. This is the sort of power I want so I thought of creating it, with a lot of resources and research I've came across the supernatural world. A world people like you could never understand, where humans have lived for hundreds of years and where others can turn into hairy beasts. So with all my money and resources I spent into weapons and a small army, I was able to convince one of these abnormalities in the flesh, or should I say stone, to capture one of its own kind for me, at first I was intrigued with there powers, but then it got me thinking what if I could obtain said abilities, so that's when I started experimenting on it, gaining sample after sample, before burning it to death in my furnace.

Then it was time for the next step, human experiments, but failure after failure was all that met me, but I'm finally making some progress, but don't even think about getting your hopes up, even with the slightest chance this works on you I have 20 highly trained guards outside this room waiting to put you down in a instant for more experiments."He said all this while concocting what I can only describe as a mixture of black liquid and two blood vials one light red the other dark red.

Not waisting any time the doctor came over to my side,

Doctor:"this is going to hurt"