

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Ciudad
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59 Chs

New Destiny I

In a dense forest with the moonlight penetrating through the leaves. A cabin with a warm light stood alone, illuminating the forest. The cabin was small with two windows in front.

Peeking through the window, a man was sitting with a cup of tea and two more people were sitting facing him.

"So you want to cut my destiny, get me reborn and be your slave?" Hanazaki asked.

"Yeah." Airi nodded.

"What makes you think I will agree?" Hanazaki sneered in ridicule.

"It seems you misunderstand something, Mr. Hanazaki. You're not the one in advantage here.

"What I said earlier isn't a request but an order. I will make you my slave, my tool– whether you like it or not." Her voice was calm and it almost scared everyone in the room. Her words were terrifying.

"If that's the case, why did you still ask?" Hanazaki genuinely wondered.

"So I know what to say without lying to him," responded Airi casually. She turned her head to Calvin. "What do we need for the reborn ritual?"

"A corpse, possibly one that hasn't died for more than thirty minutes." He replied.

Airi pinched her chin in silence for a few moments. She left the cabin by flying. She slammed open the door and it hit the wall with a bang. She soared into the sky, causing a powerful wind to spread. Calvin and Hanazaki clothes swayed about.

Not five minutes had passed, and she returned. She landed on the ground with a loud sound akin to explosion, causing the thick dust to spread and the earth to tremble slightly.

She walked out of the thick dust and entered the cabin, not forgetting to close the door.

In her right hand, she held a dead man by the neck.

"Where did you find him?" Calvin asked, extremely concerned and terrified.

"It doesn't matter. So, what now?" Airi brushed off the question.

"I'd need a blood carrying high concentration of energy." He pointed out, still freaking out over the corpse on her hand.

Airi bit her thumb, blood slowly trickled down. She suppressed her recovery rate and looked at him, waiting for the next order.

"Draw a triangle." He said.

Airi didn't speak much and followed his words. Hanazaki got nervous as he watched.

The thought that he was going to be in another body and a slave to someone else; he felt anxiety despite his best effort to stay calm.

"Okay, put the corpse on one of the corners, Hanazaki on a diff corner and a medium in the middle of the triangle." Calvin spoke.

Airi put the corpse at the corner, grab Hanazaki by the collar, dragged him to an empty corner of the triangle and cast him a paralyzed spell.

"I will kill you if I get the chance!" Hanazaki shouted. His body won't move, but his mouth is still working wonderfully.

"What do you mean by medium?" Airi ignored his words.

"It's to activate the spell. I would need something that has a lot of energy.

"The blood acts as an emergency energy and with the triangle shape, it makes a special space which is connected to the fate gears," he explained.

"Fate gears?" Airi asked, particularly intrigued.

"It's related to my ability, you don't have to worry about anything." He waved his hands with a nervous expression.

Silence ensued for a few seconds. Then, all of a sudden, she stabbed her left chest and pulled out a beating heart. Her expression remained stagnant, however. Blood flowed down from the corner of her mouth and her nostrils.

Calvin flinched in surprise and looked at the beating heart in horror. She ignored his look and tossed the heart into the triangle.

Her chest was a gaping maw, not recovering at any second. Blood flowed down, painting her clothes in deep dark red blood.

"Isn't a vampire's weakness lies in their heart?" Calvin pondered worriedly.

"Don't worry, I'm not going to die because of this. Now, what's the next step?" She replied calmly.

"That's all, the rest is my turn." He sat on the empty corner of the triangle. With three corners filled, the triangle let out a glow and the atmosphere changed.

Something powerful oozed out of the triangle. It was unfathomable beyond human understanding. This attracted the curious Airi to investigate it with her mana senses. However, she suppressed that intense curiosity.

She vaguely knew that it came beyond this world, a place she could step into in the past, but she refused. That place made her insignificant and low as an insect, she despised it.

"Above heaven and earth, between time and space, across the planes and realms, in death and life, I seek Your power, bow for Your protection and kneel by Your will."

On where Hanazaki sat, a giant mouth appeared below him. It opened and a long tongue coiled his body like a snake.

"This I will not forget!" Shouted Hanazaki right before the tongue dragged him into the mouth. The same thing happened at the other corner.

In a few seconds, two bodies vanished, swallowed by giant mouths.

Simultaneously, the heart trembled crazily as though something was pounding it like a drum.

"Your lowly slave, Simon Calvin, pray to the [redacted], to grant me your blessings."

The air shook crazily when he mentioned the name.

When he mentioned the name, Airi destroyed her hearing with magic and didn't hear what he said.

His words had an effect. The triangle slowly changed its color to deep blue. Next, a hole took form just below the heart. The latter became blue.

Slowly, it transformed into a human fetus and steadily grew to a baby, a kid, a teenager, a young adult before finally stopping at a middle aged adult.

The color vanished, revealing a naked middle aged man.

The triangle lost its color and the atmosphere changed to normal. That something unfathomable also vanished when the man took form.

Immediately afterward, the triangle of blood turned into black powder. Calvin slowly opened his eyes.

"It's done," he reported.

"That is easier than I thought." She remarked.

"For you, but to me, heh." He chuckled bitterly.