

In a world where the boundaries between reality and fantasy are already blurred, the revelation that a game is becoming a reality shakes the very foundations of existence. Cultivators, magical girls, espers, ancient mage hunger games, Them, and extraterrestrial beings coexist in this intricate tapestry of a world. A college student caught up in all of this after an encounter with a girl claiming herself to be his wife from the future, coming back to prevent his death.

Anotoki · Ciudad
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59 Chs

It's a Fate! But Too Coincidental

"Huff.. huff..." I was panting with the tip of the sword embedded deep into the ground, resting my elbows on the hilt of the sword.

"Great work." Airi was collecting the item drop on the ground.

Inside the cave, illuminating by the torches, we had already killed more than ten Coreupter. The unfortunate thing lies in the item's drop rate. Out of ten, we could only collect three eyes. The rest is a bladder which can used for an bullet.

Coreupter, a creature with one eye and no mouth. It had two short arms and walked on two legs, looking like a canine monster with dark scales that exude soft blue glow.

They moved nimbly and quite agile. They resort to their claws, sharp teeth and body ramming as a means of attack.

Fortunately, each attack only reduce two hearts, unlike that attack from that thing with hunched back and long arms. An attack left him with a few hearts!

"I never knew these creatures exist in the depths of earth," she commented.

"No, it is because of my ability they existed. If they existed not because of me, humanity should have found them a long time ago." I released my hand from the sword, the latter turned into particles of light, disappearing.

Then, I ate bread to restore my hunger bar. I bought them this evening and stored them in the inventory slots. I gave one to her, she politely refused and gave the dropped items to me. When she was close, the items in her hand entered my body and stored into the inventory slots.

Looking at this, she asked, "Where does Zero's sword stored?"

"It's in a hidden pocket dimension. I can't store anything else except the sword," I explained and took a look at the items. The eye color was dark green and the bladder took a strange shape which is hard to put into words. There are also powders of Crystalbug.

We found them first in temples. They lived in religious sites with high supernatural and pure energy.

I took out Crafting Star, put three eyes on it at once. They stacked on the table. I put three stacks of powder next to them.

On the table, the powder formed a blue hill.

I didn't know how the stacking system worked for powders. They were as soft as sand in the first place.

But, from my estimation, a stack could fill my hand.

In my inventory, I had sixteen stacks left after using three.

The items turned into light as they merged into something new. Three green eyes with blue powder around it.

I grabbed one of them and said to myself what I wanted before throwing it into the air. It took an incorporeal state as it went through the walls and kept shooting into the sky.

I vaguely know where it was and just have to follow it.

"Let's go." I turned my head to her. She yawned and nodded.

"Are you tired? Should we rest?" I suggested.

"No, no need. The cave feels cold and with the darkness, it makes a good place to sleep." She rubbed the tears from the yawn.

I checked my phone to see what time it is, 5 A.M. We spent some time for the eyes. I didn't realize time went by.

Ever since I got my powers, I don't need to sleep like regular people. I could function normally without seven days of sleeping.

Airi tap my body and I float. I need Airi to fly.

For some unknown reason, I couldn't fly even if I tried to.

We return to the surface from where we entered. I let Airi fly ahead of me as I fly while covering the hole with dirt blocks. We left the hole, I returned our surroundings to normal and flew where the eye stopped.




My name is Simon Calvin, I am an ordinary person and an exchange student from London.

My live was peaceful until a few months back when I hiked, get lost, found a strange church and discovered a mysterious tome.

The tome poured knowledge into my mind the moment I touched it. I comprehended instantly.

I am unaware how, but people hunted me for the forbidden knowledge I had.

One day, a mysterious man with top hat helped me. A few months has passed. That man taught me some techniques to help me survive. I am grateful for his benevolence, but everyday, I wish I never pick up the tome.

However, no matter how much I regret that day, it won't return. I could move forward with lingering regrets.

The mysterious man tasked me to find more information about someone. At this moment, I just finished investigating and want to make a report.

On the way, something hit my head. I hissed in pain as I rubbed my head to ease the pain. I looked at what just hit me.

A pixelated eye coming from a video game that found its way into reality. I rubbed my eyes, making sure I'm not hallucinating. It is still there.

"What in the world? Am I dreaming?" I pinched my cheek, the pain was real. Knowing this wasn't a dream, I picked up the eye and observed it. It had a sturdy surface and exude a strange aura.

While I was observing it, I noticed two people coming in my way and they came from the air. I looked up. My jaw dropped.

A man with standard look and an exquisite girl with skin as white as snow I've ever seen, slowly descended and landed on the ground. The girl looked like an angel visiting the earth from the heavens.




[-Ender- Scarlet.] Is he the one?

She asked through the Divinity chat feature.

[The eye dropped on him, no mistake.] I replied.

"Is this yours?" He gave me the eye. I accepted it and store it in the inventory. From his perspective, the eyes vanished as soon as I touched it.

His eyes grew cautious, he took a few steps back.

"Who are you?" He asked with his eyes darting around, looking for an escape route in case the two strangers turned out to be dangerous.

"We don't want to hurt you. Don't worry," she informed with her arms crossed. "You must've known something about cutting one's destiny and being reborn."

"..." He fell silent and in an instant, his figure disappeared, leaving clothes he just wore! His clothes fell to the ground, swaying.

"Hey!" Airi turned her head to the left, where he ran frantically with brand new clothes. "We won't hurt you!" Airi shouted and was about to give chase when I grabbed her shoulder. She looked at me.




"Crap, crap, crap! I thought most of them have been taken care of!" I cursed as I ran into the park, planning to hide within the trees by concealing my presence.

The park was dark and empty, shrouded by silence. After running for a while, I found a spot to hide.

I stay vigilant as I looked around. They might have sharp ears, so I controlled my breathing as slowly and steadily as possible. As of now, I didn't hear anything except the rustling of the trees when the cold, refreshing wind of early morning brush the park.

A few moments later, I saw the same couple from the corner of my eyes. They stroll casually as if not looking for a person and instead, enjoying the park.

I frowned and thought to myself, did I get it wrong? No, I'm one hundred percent sure they are looking for me. Then what's with their attitude? They don't seem like they are looking for a person, let's hide until the sun rises.

The couple sat on a bench quite far from me, watching a group of pigeons flock to a grandma giving them crumbs. Who's grandma so early in the morning? Doesn't matter, the air of early morning is healthy anyway.

I walked away from them as quietly as possible and stealing glances at them. The pigeon still grabbed their attention and I left the park. Knowing that l lost them, it lifted a heavy burden on my shoulders.

However, something unexpected occurred as soon as I stepped out of the park. A few black sedan cars circled me. This spooked me. My brain began to think at full gear.

Immediately afterward, people in black suit left the cars. A man with brown hair and wearing glasses stepped out of the car last.

"We mean you no harm. We are here from that man," he said calmly.

My mind calmed down immediately when hearing his words. I looked at him doubtfully, however.

He noticed something from my eyes and said, "In darkness, light shines and shadows lurked. I am neither, but the darkness itself."

I exude a sigh of relief. What he said was a code for everytime the man with top hat subordinate makes contact with one another.

Though, I think I forget something important after they said the code.

Everytime I feel like I forget something, I would check my pocket to read a tiny notebook. This notebook recorded everything I needed to know.

Under the curious gaze of people around me, I flipped through the notebook and stopped at one.

Sh*t, so this is the reason, I thought to myself, put the notebook into my pocket and lifted my head to see the man.

"You don't happen to forget to activate 'that', right?" I let out a forced smile.

"That?" His expression changed to confusion. He looked at his co-workers. "Do you guys know anything about what he's talking about?"

The moment he asked those words, I activated the secret escape technique that has saved me innumerable times.

Where I stood earlier, I vanished, only leaving behind clothes I just wore.

perhaps someone want this to happen

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