

Goodness: I can't believe I just slept with that man? Out of all the respectable men at that party, of course it had to be him. " What are you looking at? Haven't you had your fill, huh. What you want more?. Look here this ends here, I don't want anyone to find out anything happened between us ok, especially Florence" . I told him thinking about the damages I've gotten myself into, I'm never drinking again. When Goodness a successful event planner who thinks she's had it all, the family, the friends, the fame plus the cash. Suddenly has a one drunken one night stand with an enemy who is capable of destroying all she's ever worked for, Daniel . But would Goodness allow that to happen though?. Would she surrender to Daniel Even when something or someone rather is binding them together?? Read twenty five for more ...

Bethany109 · Ciudad
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9 Chs

Chapter Four

Daniel pov

I moved away from the table to take a good look at my dish one last time before moving it forward to the waitress, and I wasn't surprised it looks magnificent and that is what I do, I cook because I love to do it... i mea, it's my work.

Working at Royals hotel is like a dream come through. I had wanted to prove my father wrong despite all his assumptions. I'll never beg from him.

"Hi there Daniel" Grace walked into the kitchen and kissed me. Uhmmm yeah kinda slept with her once or twice, it's no string attached though.

" Gracyyy how can I help you girl." I asked her because I just hope I'm safe, I'll appreciate her if she wants me to fuck her, but I can't do it here honestly.

"Well a lady ordered thirty five, so I'm here to help with that" woah... seriously I didn't know any sane person would order thirty_five especially when you're in Nigeria.

"Maybe she's watching her weight. Because it's not easy eating only salad abhi" I suggested, I meant no harm it's just that ladies in Nigeria rarely eat it, and grace laughed.

"Danny that's where I was surprised too, she's really hot and slim she initially told me she was starving and I was expecting her to order something more...I don't know."

" Are you sure she didn't make a mistake on that number... maybe she wanted to say twenty five."

"I know right, because she's a baby that Doesn't know the difference between "Twenty five" and "Thirty five" hmm". She said thoughtfully, if I didn't know Grace I'd think she was serious with that but nah...Grace can be annoying sometimes.

"You don't have to be sarcastic I'm just trying to help. Well good luck on that, I've got to go now." I told her and packed my stuffs.

"You're done with your dish already that was fast I was thinking of coming over to your place tonight you know..." grace said hugging me from behind no not here babe I thought of an escape from this loading predicament.

"Yeah. Hadi and I are meeting up at a club tonight, I need a good long sex"

With that I left before grace would start her questions and answers...

I've got a friend to meet and a club to enjoy, shots to drink and a striper or any hot willing female to fuck.