
TWD: Searching For A Home

What if Clementine didn't find Luke's group and Kenny, but instead, was helped by another group? The new group seems promising, and their living conditions are quite good, but Clem's life simply can't become easy, can it? Clemetnine will have to face new dangers, life threatening situations, and moral dilemmas. Can Clementine survive like always?

Maxwell_Black · Derivados de juegos
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6 Chs


After running, for who knows how long, Clementine and BJ eventually saw that they lost their pursuers, and decided to stop, to relax.

BJ sat down and leaned his back against a tree, while Clementine tried to catch her breath by putting her hands on her knees, taking big and slow breaths.

She looks over to BJ, noticing that the right side of his shirt is soaked in blood, and his left arm sleeve is soaked as well in his red liquid.

After catching her breath, she goes over to him and furrows her brows concerned. "A-Are you okay? You're really pale..."

BJ is trying to apply pressure to his shoulder to stop the bleeding. "Do I look 'okay' to you?!" BJ snaps.

Clementine flinches and closes her eyes, she got scared when he raised his voice. Seeing her flinch, BJ calmed down, as much as he could in his situation, and let out a shaky breath.

"No. I'm not okay, Clem. I'm bleeding too much...Maybe, maybe a major blood vessel got hit, and the bullet is still inside me. Luckily, the other went straight through my arm..." He leans his head on the tree. "Fuck..." he curses.

"...What should we do know?" She asks, looking at him expectedly.

"I...." He coughs a little. "I think we should go back to my car...We need to get home. I don't know if I'll make it back, to be honest." He supports himself with the tree, and starts walking toward where they ran from.

He's in severe pain and visibly struggling to move as he ran for 15 minutes with gunshot wounds to his shoulder and arm. His movements are slow and labored.

As they slowly made their way back, they soon encountered a group of walkers heading towards them. BJ knew they had to fight their way through, despite his condition.

With gritted teeth, he groans in pain and frustration. "Damn it...! Come at me fuckers...!" He used his one good arm, and grabbed his hunting knife, and stabbed the walkers with it, killing them. But the pain from his injuries intensified, making it difficult to keep fighting. 

Clementine, seeing his struggle, quickly stepped in and took out her knife, swiftly dispatching two walkers that were closing in on BJ. She then turned to him, helping him steady himself as they continued to fight off the remaining walkers.

BJ pushed through the pain and managed to take down five more walkers before collapsing to the ground, exhausted and pale from blood loss. Clementine knelt beside him, panic evident in her eyes as she tried to stop the bleeding.

"We need to get you back to the car, BJ. You can't give up on me now," she said, her voice shaking and her lips quivering.

BJ mustered all his strength and nodded, determination flashing in his eyes. With Clementine's help, they slowly made their way back to the car, fighting off any walkers that crossed their path.

They finally make it back to the car, and with difficulty, he seats himself in the driver seat, and with shaky hand, starts up the car, and drives toward their home.

On the road home, he multiple times almost blacked out, and he also started to feel cold, meaning he's lost too much blood by now, and if isn't treated, he's going to die.

Due to luck, and determination, BJ managed to drive back, but as soon as he parked down the vehicle, his strength went away, and collapses on the steering wheel.


Pamela is seen sitting outside, but not outside of the walls, sitting in front of roses, smoking a cigarette. She can't help but keep think back on the incident that happened a few hours ago, and it makes her uncomfortable. Something tells her that things will either turn out good or very bad.

She takes a last drag before putting it out, and throwing the bud on the ground. She sighs, and hangs her head low.

But there's always someone on her mind that makes her smile, and feel like everything is going to be okay, someone who has been by her side no matter what, and saved her life on more occasions than she can count, in almost 2 years.

She thinks back on that one time when she decided to split off and try and find something alone in the woods. She encountered two, what she decided to call, bandits, who overpowered her, and pinned her on the ground. They ripped her clothes, and tried to rape her. As much as shameful it was for her, she started crying, becoming a tearful mess, trashing, becoming desperate, something that she never showed to anyone, always appearing strong, determined, etc.

She remembers that when she was about to be taken forcefully, the sound of a Walther P99 rang out. Blood and brain matter splattered on her body and face, the man on top of her, limply, collapsing on her. Then another shot could be heard, then the sound of 'thump'.

She was shaking, sobbing, and whimpering.

The dead body was pulled off of her, with the sound of a grunt from the person who saved her. She opened her eyes, while covering her chest and private area, and there she was the concerned expression of the fifteen-year-old CJ.

She couldn't contain her relief, and jumped on him hugging him while soaking his clothes, on the shoulder part, in her tears. He hugged her back, and kept whispering to her 'You're okay now' and 'They're gone, you're safe'.

He gave her his jacket, and his blanket to wrap around her hips to cover her intimate lower part. 

They never spoke about the incident again, but she remembers it everyday. She knows that killing is supposed to be normal now, but she couldn't help but blame herself for making CJ kill. She haven't voiced this out yet though. The man who was about to enter her, the memory still making her shiver, was CJ's first human kill, according to him, and the other the second. He never told her that it bothered him, but she remembers how after getting back home, he went behind one of the walls and threw up all the food from his stomach.

"You're thinking about CJ again?" She heard a voice behind her. It was Isabella.

"No." Pamela looks away, brushing her hair away from her face.

"Come on..." Isabella sighs. "I know that look, let's be honest here...you fell in love with him." She chuckled.

"I didn't..." Pamela insists.

"You know what?"


"I think he fell for you as well." Isabella smirks, mischief behind it.

"Huh?" Pamela doesn't know what to say. 

"It's true! People don't notice it, but I've been with you two for long enough to know both you all too well."

"Don't kid me." Pamela rolls her eyes, then looks down at her feet, which she bumps together. "I'm 33, what could he possible like. And the most important, is that he's sixteen! Underage!"

"Oh, pfft!" She scoffs. "As murdering, and stealing isn't illegal, we're still doing it." She shakes her head. "Morally questionable? Yes. But who gives a shit?"

Pamela shakes her head. "I can't..." she puts her head in her hands and sighs. "Man, what's wrong with me...?"

"As I said...you're in love." She chuckles. "Come on, girl..." she pushes her shoulder. "I mean, look at him! He looks like a damn adult and acts like one as well...And to be honest, he looks good. Have you seen him without a shirt? Those damn muscles..." She start thinking back to the time when she caught him bathing.

At this, Pamela can't help but laugh. "God...we're pedophiles..."

"Hey, am not." Isabella defends herself.

"You just kept rambling about how good a sixteen-year-old looks." Pamela raised an eyebrow at her hypocrisy.

"16, is technically being an adult!"

"It isn't!" She smiles. "But...maybe I'll go and talk to him."

Isabella smiles back at her. "You should! Now!" She stands up. "I'm gonna go and masturbate to a good-looking young man..."

As she walks away, she looks at the back of Isabella with a dumbfounded face. "Crazy bitch." She chuckles, and stands up as well, deciding to head inside.