
Hunter’s Mark



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Dave stepped into the mansion and was greeted by the sight of Evelyn, Aurora, and Rebekah joyfully reuniting with Celene.

"Long time no see, Celene! How have you been?" After a brief and pleasant exchange, Evelyn shooed Dave out of the room, insisting him not to interrupt their girl talk.

"But don't you want to join in the fun? I just sent Elijah and Klaus to catch someone interesting we met in the square today."

This caught their attention; in their immortal lives, entertainment were too few some are hunting and feeding and most is the walpurgis. They decided to continue their conversation later, and Celene led them to an empty room that would soon become a torture chamber.

Suddenly, a loud voice echoed through the mansion. "I heard my favorite warlock is in town!" Kol and Finn burst through the door, dragging three unconscious men behind them.

Dave shouted back, "You know everyone here has super hearing, right? No need to shout, Kol!"

Kol and Finn dropped the unconscious men to the floor. Kol approached Dave for a hug, greeting Evelyn and Aurora next, but completely ignoring Rebekah.

"Does no one remember they have a sister here?" Rebekah shouted in frustration.

"Did you hear a kitten screaming, Finn?" Kol teased, acting as if Rebekah didn't exist.

Finn chuckled as Rebekah hurled a vase at Kol's head. He quickly embraced her to diffuse the tension.

"What was that about?" Kol asked, feigning innocence as he hugged Rebekah after apologizing.

"That's what you get for meeting Dave before your little sister," Rebekah retorted.

*'It's always heartwarming to see them bicker like this. It's adorable.'*

"If you're all done with the bickering, can someone explain who the three bodies by the door are?" Dave interjected.

"I don't know," Kol replied, continuing to kick one of the men repeatedly.

Ignoring Kol's antics, Dave turned to Finn. "You tell me what happened."

Finn explained that while they were outside, Klaus and Elijah had approached them, instructing them to capture the men from the stage alive. They had no further details, only that the men were nearly as strong as newly turned vampires.

The reason Kol was kicking one of the men was that he had attempted to stab Kol with a dagger. Kol had developed a strong aversion to daggers ever since Dave had stabbed him.

Just then, Elijah and Klaus arrived, dragging two more unconscious men, one of whom was the one from the stage.

"Why did it take you so long to catch him? Kol and Finn got here much earlier," Dave questioned.

The delay was due to Alexander's cunning; he had fled after realizing he was outmatched and broke into a house for protection when no one in the house. So Elijah had to go find the owner of the house and compel him to invite them in, while Klaus prevented him from running from the house again. After tying all five men to pillars.

I used his psychic powers to deliver a mental shock to Alexander, waking him up.

Alexander roared and shouted as they began to torture him—well, Klaus and Kol did, as he was immune to vampire compulsion. Dave, knowing everything about the five from the show, could have simply told them what he knew, but why bother this was far more entertaining.

Unfortunately, they could extract little more than the fact that the men were vampire hunters, heroes recruited by witches to hunt down vampires. The more vampire they kill the stronger they get .The dagger they wielded was made from white oak ash and silver, a lethal combination that could kill Originals, and they planned to dispose of the Mikaelsons by sinking them to the ocean floor.

The Mikaelsons were furious upon hearing this. They had been unaware that the ash could be used in such a manner; from their perspective, the dagger that had pierced Mikael's chest—crafted by Dave—was merely an enhanced version of a suppression spell unique to him.

After exhausting their options for information, they resorted to the most boring approach: Dave reading their memories. While this could have been done from the start, everyone agreed that it lacked the thrill of the current method.

Kol sighed, "Guess we have to do it the boring way. Dave, will you do the honors?"

Though he didn't have to,read the Hunter's memories but i was intrigued by the Hunter's spell cast by the witch. I delved into the memories, Particularly of the time when the spell was casted and saw the spell being cast from the Hunter's Perspective focusing on the details of the spell: every ingredient, incantation, and ritual.

Once finished, an brilliant idea struck him the Hunter's mark was a brilliant spell but could have been made much better.

I remember Jeremy , Elena's brother was a Hunter in the show right but he was nothing but disappointment as a Hunter what type of hunter receives training from a vampire.

'I will modify the spell and make it far more interesting .Hahahaha.' So these 5 should be kept alive for now for my Experiment.

He marked each of the hunters with magic , whichark you ask , one that ensured they would go to the 'Sanctuary' upon death.

*'Yes, if you're thinking that's the name of the dimension I created, you're absolutely right!'*

The Sanctuary had been established nearly a century ago, just a decade after Mikael's defeat.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

dEV1L_Pandacreators' thoughts