
Award ceremony

"And the best business Lady winner Award for this year goes to......",There was silence for a moment,I was now looking at Charity the lady who always used to win every year in Fashion Designing business,She was grinning,She was really self assured that she was going to be the winner and I had no doubt,with ladies like Charity I wasn't going to win,I took my bag and decide to go to the washroom before I left...

"Goes to Ms Anisha Moyo",She paused,It seems as the world had stopped moving for a bit,I closed my eyes,I started hearing sounds,weird sounds like the earth was flaring and that lady brought me back to palpability.

Where are you Ms Anisha,Please come to the stage please",Everyone starts to shout and clapping hands.Kelvin walks towards me and grabs my hand to the stage,I still couldn't believe that I had made it,Furthermore it was only my second year in business,I always read about successful Business lady like Charity in Newspapers,Magazines or on Tv Shows on several channels and I never dreamt of myself becoming a winner one day ,Let alone best International Fashion Designer.I looked at Charity,her face was full of disappointment as she was expecting to be the winner,I don't blame her because winning had become a second nature ...