
Turning page without him

An angel look like girl who had been a mess since she was born. A girl who don't want to see someone's hurt because of her. A girl who had a soft heart but no one knows it because of her being a bitch outside

Prinsweets_Winter · Adolescente
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

I sighed as i look at my undone plates. It is so hard finishing it. Everytime I'll try, i ended up crumpling it and try something much better. Something that would reach my standards

It's just so hard

I sigh again and roll my eyes. I'm annoyed actually. I don't want taking architecture in the first place. I want to be a fashion designer

I was about taking fine arts when i finish Senior high but my family pursued me by taking architecture

And as an obedient only daughter who wanted best for her parents, i follow what they want even if forgetting my dreams

My dream course. My dream job.

I lower my head and sigh for a hundred times when my phone lit up

I pick it and saw who texted. It's my boyfriend


How's my wife?

I giggled


You know the answer


You know that i can help, right?

I genuine smiled showed my lips as i read his message. His really a walking green flag. That's what i love about him. Updating,helping, and asking like how an ideal husband do.

I shook my head as an unbelievable scene of imagination showed on my kinky mind.

Damn,what am i thinking? I'm being naughty again ha. I guess i can't take away this side of mine

i chuckled and reply to his text


And you know that i can do this and finish it by myself right?

I'm still smiling while i send that reply to him. For sure his expression now are grim. Even if I'm declining his offer everytime that he saw me or asking me doing my plates, he'll always like to insist

I'm not even shock if five minutes by now he's rushing towards here.

That's his hobby. Even if his busy, he always have a time on me. As if there's already written a schedule about us

Maybe that's how busy the graduating students are

I sighed and was about focus on my work when i heard a honk of car and after a minute i heard someone park

The last thing i hear was heavy footsteps rushing to my place as someone cover my eyes like a blindfold

His manly and masculine scent together with his perfume that i really like everytime his near me--invaded my nostril that the only thing i do was to close my eyes and savoured the smell of him.

I even felt his masculine chest on my back as he covering my eyes.

A chuckle scape on my lips and call his name


I heard him gasped which i know is fake after laugh sexily. I face him wearing my beautiful smile that even the most handsome gods can't rid of and rather fall for it

I saw his eyes glistened in emotion of happiness and lovingness as he look at me

"Did you eat?"

I came back to my reveree when i heard his voice seriously asking me. I was about to answer "Yes" when he found the emotion im hiding

The answer of his question

I saw how he inhaled the air as if it's suffocating him but i didn't mind and readied my ears to whatever the rant i will hear

He always like to act as my dad spoiling her only daughter with everything

If I'm not in mind,i would think like that but damn. My mother never gave birth to me in world just to be one of those stupid creatures out there

I felt how he possessively hug my waist as i saw him watching what i was doing

"You know that passing food is not necessary on health. Eating is our stronger. Keep that in mind"