
Turning Everything I Touched Into Treasure

[WSA2024] I can't believe this... I transmigrated to another world known as Eternal Spring Realm, into a body with the same name, and he had a Broken Meridian Physique that unable to cultivate? In that case, I should use everything I can to make that happen. That should be easy, considering that the Yang Family was one of the richest and biggest households in the capital of Northern Yuan Country. But before I start... Do I get a system as a Transmigrator? What is with this octagonal birthmark with a spherical moon-like symbol in my right palm? Could that be... [Update Frequency: 1 Chapter daily, additional chapters on the weekend]

LostInWritingWN · Oriental
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16 Chs

Chapter 10: Spatial Bag Of Triple Holding

Just as Yang Chunqiu placed his right palm above the money wallet, a flash of golden light appeared. And to his obliviousness, the light taxed him greatly on his stamina and contributed to the fatigue building within his body.

In the midst of the golden light, a qualitative change is slowly happening to the money wallet. The cloth texture was getting much smoother, and the "Spring Autumn" embroidery near the know now had more color in them.

A game-like display window also appeared from nowhere and hovered above the money wallet. From Yang Chunqiu's shallow understanding, this display window should be something that only he could view.

Feeling there would be a surprise in the display window, Yang Chunqiu carefully reached out to it and attempted to turn the display towards himself.

The information is clearly readable to Yang Chunqiu.


[Spatial Bag or Triple Holding]

[Quality: Common]

[Durability: 6/6]

[Content: (1) Nothing | (2) Nothing | (3) Nothing]

[Information: A Common-Quality spatial bag capable of holding three different items of choice, with a maximum capacity of 200 Jin per item. Unable to hold living beings or plants. Item in the hold can be preserved for one month without deteriorating. Durability will be reduced by one each time the item is in use. Irreparable]


"What? A Spatial Bag?" Yang Chunqiu couldn't believe both his eyes and the information in the information window. "As in... A bag that's capable of holding things more than what it appears to be capable of handling, regarding appearance and weight?" Yang Chunqiu smirked.

His mind is completely in doubt. But from the description on the information window, there is no need to question it further.

Yang Chunqiu had a strong urge to try his hand on the bag. But just as he was about to do so, he realized another row of sensitive information.

[Durability will be reduced by one each time the item is used.]

This means the bag can only be used six times before it is destroyed or loses the Celestial Mark's effect. It would be good if what was carried inside would simply get thrown outside when the item's durability is gone, but there's always otherwise.

What if... the item carried inside the bag simply vanished to nothingness?

That would be a big loss if things in there were all precious goods that even gold ingots couldn't buy. Furthermore, the Spatial Bag of Triple Holding only had three empty spaces, which means it could only hold three different things, with a cap of 100 kilograms each.

Even if he's using it to carry money, at most, the bag could carry around two chests of gold, silver, and a full chest of copper coins.

The excitement got Yang Chunqiu to continue pondering hypotheses about the Spatial Bag or Triple Holding coming one after another. Before he realized it, he had already slept like a log and forgotten how he got on the bed in the first place.

"Young master, you've overslept again." the nanny's voice can be heard after she comes inside Yang Chunqiu's room. In her hand was a basin of hot water, which she then placed on top of a wooden stand about the height of an adult's waist.

"Nanny?" Yang Chunqiu rubbed his eyes with the hand formed into a fist. He tried to recall what happened over the night. However, the weariness and drowsiness still lingered around, making him unable to think properly.

"The Treasured Pavilion messenger came earlier to deliver a few words from the Pavilion Master. It seemed that the Pavilion Master, Yang Xiao, required your decision on a particular matter." the nanny continued.

Her hand didn't idle around while she spoke. While she made sure the young master heard what she had to tell him, her hand simultaneously helped Yang Chunqiu wash his face, comb his hair, wipe his body next, and get changed into proper clothing for outside.

The preparation was done in less than half an hour. And when Yang Chunqiu stepped out of his Lesser Yang Abode, he was once again a suave and mesmerizing youth with an energetic aura around him.

Today, Yang Chunqiu looked different. The usual money wallet in pale green was no longer dangling around his waist belt. It was replaced with a much nicer cloth wallet with colorful embroidery. The bag looks simple but compliments his look a little whenever some female servants walk past.

"Where would you like to have your breakfast today, young master?" the nanny asked after following Yang Chunqiu out of the room. Knowing that her young master had the habit of stretching his limbs every time coming out of the room, she stayed quiet until it was time for her to speak.

"The Flower Appreciating Pavilion, nanny. Tell the kitchen to make me something simple as I had to visit the Spring Autumn Treasures Pavilion later." Yang Chunqiu's tone changed slightly today.

Maybe it was because he had fully assimilated with the actual Yang Chunqiu; his speech, manner, and habit also gradually came together comfortably.

"Of course, young master. I'll inform the kitchen to prepare something light for you today." the nanny responded and made her way to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Yang Chunqiu walked around the garden, taking the longer course toward the Flower Appreciating Pavilion he visited yesterday. Fit to be described as a piece of art, one wouldn't be bored no matter how often they walked around the Lesser Yang Courtyard's garden.

The guard leader, Yang Xuan, and the housekeeper, Liang Sheng, were already waiting at the pavilion when Yang Chunqiu arrived. Even the breakfast was already there, waiting for Yang Chunqiu to feast on them.

"Would you like to ride a horse to the Treasured Pavilion today, young master? Or perhaps you will visit the establishment like how you did yesterday?" the housekeeper asked.

"I will go there on foot like yesterday. But for today, I want someone to go around and gather some information for me. Do either of you have any individual to recommend?" Yang Chunqiu smiled and responded to the housekeeper. At the same time, he brought up something else to their concern.

"What kind of information you like us to collect for you, young master?"

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Sorry for the late update. There was snow where I was living yesterday, and everything, from the internet to phones to buses and trains, was all gone case. What a writing disaster!

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