



BY: Mifu_Torichi




All people always wanted my life,

living like a princess.

To be perfect like me,

I was known as

"The Queen"

No one can claim my title,

Or else i will make your life a living hell.

Don't judge me unless you've  looked into my eyes

And love?

Pffft love is the reason why there is pain. When we lose someone precious to us,

hate is born.

Vengeance is the product of hate and so death follows.

But in death there is only more death.

This will give rise to more pains.

In this cursed world we live in, it is a cycle of hatred that will not cease.

So don't tell me love is the most powerful word because there's no word love in my vocabulary.

But what if everything changes

From up to down,

From top to bottom.

My perfect life,

My principle,

My power,

Will it leads me to the right direction and learn the word

LOVE or NOT...


This book is a fiction all resemblance to the name, place, people and events are coincidental.

Copyright ©2019

by Mifu_Torichi

All right reserved. No part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage and retrieval system comma without written permission from the author.