
TTMS- High School!

Story written by fenncyer (with bobskittle as the publisher) If the characters from “The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma” or “TTMS” were ordinary high schoolers.

bobskittle · Real
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22 Chs

Skitta vs Senjougi pt.3

The score was 1-1 and both Senjougi and Skitta were in position getting ready for the next round.

Both Senjougi and Skit knew whoever made this next score won the whole match so they had to concentrate as much as possible. They both get into their flow state (peep game and lock in).

The referee got the ball and threw it in the middle, both instantly went for it but skitta was able to catch it first "Heh, too easy" bro decided that he wasn't gonna let the dunk slide, he was going for it too and quickly made his way to the net. Senjougi took notice and knew what he was trying to do.


She screams in her head and quickly starts dashing behind him but Skitta was simply just faster, he was already near the basketball net and was about to jump, but then he sensed it, he sensed Senjougi's anger and got a little distracted, this made him slow down a bit and Senjougi was able to jump infront of the net, even if Skitta was hesitant, he still jumped and was going to try to make it.

They both jump at the same time. Senjougi's parents grab the chairs hard, Skitta's sensei starts observing hard at what skitta does, will he make it? Will she be able to block?