
TTMS- High School!

Story written by fenncyer (with bobskittle as the publisher) If the characters from “The Ten Tales of the Misunderstood Sigma” or “TTMS” were ordinary high schoolers.

bobskittle · Real
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22 Chs

Senjougi v1

Once upon a time there was a girl called senjougi, she was the most tsundere girl out of everyone.

Rumors say that no one really knows her or what she does.

One of her favourite things to do is make fun of skitta, they will always argue mf argue so one day when they heard about the festival coming up, they both decided to 1v1, loser gets punished.

I was gonna write a super cool backstory but mommy said have to sleep so just pretend it's a very good detailed sad and happy backstory for now.