
Tsundere Princess

Kurehashi Aiko's translation of "Tsundere Princess," originally by Kanzaki Mizora. I'm just sharing this here so other people can read it. As a reward for preventing the assassination of the current king, Rou Coral is rewarded with becoming and escort of the Royal Princess Reaina who the boy adores so much. Thus begins his new life of servitude under his beloved high-headed Princess full of happenings and happy little accidents. Surrounded with Busty Head Maid, young Loli Princess and a Childhood Friend Maid, for the boy knight today is yet another day of struggle in this womanly paradise!!

Richard_Forrest · Fantasía
Sin suficientes valoraciones
4 Chs

Chapter 1: First Time with Maid Onee-san


"Now then, allow me to show you the way."

After the audience was over, he was left with a maid to guide him.

A soft and warm rays of afternoon sunshine pass inside through the windows. Seeing the everyday activities at the castle made Rou stunned, watching many knights and maids pass through the corridors.

On the day of the parade, were it not for one single boy's cool and composed actions, life would not be so peaceful right now. The country without its King would surely suffer from confusion among the high-officials, fall into huge debt or even fall victim to the invasions of the neighboring nations.

The kingdom's little hero was invited to the castle where he received words of compliment from the royal family and was given a box of gold coins and was decorated with Merit of War medal as a reward.

Although he was still a knight-in-training with little-to-no track record, an award such as being placed among knights and medal were the things that everybody looked forward to, but at the same time you could be sure that the people would expect further great achievements from him down the road.

"Um, umm... W, where exactly are we going...?"

Even though for him the cogs of life were turning just the same, Rou asked the question feeling embarrassed to the maid that was leading him.

"We are going to Reaina-sama's room, of course."

"Is that so...?"

According to the testimony of the man who attempted the King's assassination, the rouge was also targeting Princess Reaina's life, just so that the alliance with their neighboring country could not come to pass through marriage.

"Well then, you are going to become Reaina's special Knight."

The King's words sounded over and over inside his head. Rou, who had been extremely troubled just with obtaining so much gold alone, became even more panicked when he learned that he was going to be responsible for the Princess's safety from now on.

He was glad that the Princess was not present during the parade incident, but at the same time he was worried if he was able to protect her properly on his own.

"Fufu... Please, there is no need for you to feel nervous at all."

"No, it's just that... Suddenly being appointed as the Princess's guard... And besides, what if the one's aiming to take the King's life are some sort of an evil organization..."

The maid smiled gently at the boy who was doing his best to act though.

Was she perhaps in her mid twenties? She was emanating an aura full of calm atmosphere, and the maid clothes that encompassed her beautiful figure were designed in black and white, with pure-white apron and headband to further the feeling of cleanliness.

Her long, brown hair gives off an impression of intellectual person, at the same time making her look very pretty and likable. Her hair looks glossy, as if they were absorbing the sunlight coming in through the windows.

However, her deeply-colored eyes were giving off the feeling of mystery, only completing the picture of a mysterious woman full of surprises.

"I am sure that everything is going to be alright. Reaina-sama is very gentle, and above all, Rou-sama is the Hero, so please have some more confidence."

"To be called the Hero, it's a little bit..."

Being stared at by those jewel-like eyes, accompanied with small nose and sharp eyebrows only underlining her well-balanced facial features, he found himself at a loss for words.

The boy who lost both of his parents at young age and who ztook up the sword had never been praised by a woman before, so he was unable to bear the embarrassment and blushed deeply.

Walking together with a beautiful girl made him absurdly self-conscious, and thinking of meeting with the Princess added to his nervousness. Beads of sweat began to form on his forehead.

"Well, I am terribly sorry for not introducing myself up until now. My name is Diana, and I am the Chief Maid here. Because my work is to tend to Reaina-sama's needs, please let me know if there will ever be things that you might not understand."

As if remembering something, the Maid turned around and bowed to him on the spot, at the same time raising the hem of her skirt just a little bit. He too forgot to introduce himself and his cheeks flushed red just like a little girl's, so with his heart still tingling he smiled shyly, just like the woman did.

"... Ah, ahh... My name is Coral. Rou Coral..."

"Yes, I know."

"Y, you do...?"

In a span of panic, he said that with trembling voice filled with tension, his heartbeat growing with every second, so much that, in fact, he felt as though his heart would jump out of his throat any second.

"Fufu... Rou-sama, you seem to be a rather interesting person."

Diana laughs gracefully while putting her hand to her mouth.

(Uwah, her boobs are shaking so much...)

A most wonderful of sight spreads before Rou's eyes, with the proud size that can easily be outlined even through her clothes, the fantasy that makes all virgin boys blood pump faster. With every step she takes, her breasts shake heavily, clearly drawing beautiful, round sways.

The lines that stretches from her waist are narrow and tight, and even though hidden behind her skirt, you can see and feel the aura of her glamorous and plum buttocks overflow. Her beautiful face, big breasts and unchanging smile were overwhelming that he felt kind of bad for staring at this young woman.

(C, calm down... Calm down, eh...)

Feeling ashamed, he walked without saying a word for some time, and eventually the Maid stopped before a big door. They have walked quite far from the audience chamber, but for him it felt like he was only for a short moment, walking alongside this beautiful woman.

"Well now, I am going to introduce you to Reaina-sama, if you'd be so kind as to wait for a moment."

"O, okay..."

The Maid bows gently and enters the room.

The boy lets out a huge sigh similar to some old man, finally being liberated from all of his tension. However, it seemed that the atmosphere of being the suspicious person would stick to him for the time being.

"Hey, you. Men are forbidden from entering here."

Suddenly, a cold voice reached him from behind.

Surprised Rou looked back, only to see a beautiful girl with aura of nobility about her, followed by several servants.

(Re, Reaina-sama!?)

To the sudden appearance of the Princess who was supposed to come out of the room, the boy was so surprised that he thought that his eyes might pop out of their sockets.

However, there was no mistaking it. That fluffy, gold-colored hair shining in the sun, that face and eyes were exactly like the ones of Princess Reaina's.

"Eh, ah... You see..."

Never being here before, it was no wonder that he had no idea that males were forbidden from being here.

Princess throws even more harsh words at the confused young Knight.

"What were you doing in front of my room?"

"But, I was told to wait right here..."

While he was trying to put his hair in order, she straightened the part of her dress that was covering her breasts. The skin of her milk-white exposed cleavage looked healthy and fresh, and so the teenager's gaze was attracted to her two wonderful lumps of flesh.

Her whole body looked thin and slender, just like the one of a doll, with no unnecessary amount of fat on her supple limbs.

"You were here...? Oh Reaina-sama, I wish you would wait in your room..."

Chief Maid raised her voice as she appeared from inside the room.

"Fuh, where I go is entirely up to me"

While her eyes gave the impression of being oppressive, her pupils were clear as the jewels and were full of sparks of confidence.

(Uhh, I've got caught...)

Suddenly being mistaken for a suspicious person, the boy jumped up in a sudden attack of anxiety.

"This person here is Rou-sama. As of today, he is going to serve as Reaina-sama's guard."

"A guard... Aah, Father mentioned something about that. So, I see…"

The Princess put her arms around here melon-like breasts, turning her curious eyes towards the introduced boy. It was now Rou's responsibility to protect her. He wanted to make as good of a first impression as he possibly could.

"Umm... I'm Kingdom's Knight, Rou. I pledge my absolute loyalty to you, Reaina-sama, and I will protect you will all of my power!"

"Do you truly intend to protect me from those who wanted to kill my father?"

Even though the ones who target the King's life are being hunted right now, it was only natural for the Princess to feel uneasy about some freshly knighted boy becoming her guard.

But even though the boy was young, he was the Kingdom's Knight. Being able to meet his beloved Princess, he felt that he wanted to protect that person no matter what.

"Indeed, I may not have any position or achievements yet, but..."

He clenched his fist and gazed up at the elegantly looking girl.

"Surely... I will surely protect you, Reaina-sama!"

"Wh... Eh, I... I... I see..."

Reaina seemed to be surprised by the boy's sudden declaration, that seemed way out of character for him. This knight, who not so long ago was being overwhelmed by her, was now aiming his passionate gaze straight at her, making her pure-white cheeks slightly dyed with pink, forcing her to avert her eyes.

"W, well now, I say do your best."

Whether or not was she aware that she was embarrassed, Reaina quickly turned away from him and walked into the room. Following her, Diana and Knight boy entered the room as well.

There were five princes and four princesses in the royal family, so princess Reaina, who was a third one in the line of succession, should be far from being targeted for assassination. So it was speculated that the attempt on her life were the doings of someone from neighboring country, not happy with the bilateral alliance that marriage would bring them.

However, it seemed that the Princess was dissatisfied with a young knight of the same age as him acting as her guard. And certainly, Rou was not too reliable when it comes to achievements and experience.

Still, there was that strong loyalty to the Princess and sense of responsibility that began to grow deep inside of his heart.

"I understand that he's my guard, but... Why does he need to sleep in the room right next to mine?"

"Someone might be after your or His Highness's lives. Therefore, as your guard, we want Rou-sama to always be close to you."

"Wh... You want him to stay with me all the time!?"

The only real problem here was that his room was to be prepared right next to that of the Princess, which was supposedly off limits to all men. Having declared so lightly that they were going to live together from now on, Reaina grew increasingly dissatisfied and her cheeks reddened deeper.

(Don't worry, it will be alright, I can do this...)

Having to serve as a guard like this, he could not quite wipe off this feeling of uneasiness. Even so, he kept on encouraging himself, believing that as long as he would work hard, the Princess would surely praise him for his efforts.


For the reasons unknown to him, his life as a Princess's guard began with difficulty.

For the time being he was standing guard in front of the entrance to her room and was carefully looking around, because when he tried to enter her room, Reaina got mad at him.

Maids who work at the castle rarely even look at the boy and just pass him by. He felt a little bit embarrassed, being treated like some kind of background decoration.

"Fufu, please continue to do your best."

His only salvation were Diana's occasional kind words.

However, the Chief Maid was also very busy, so she just passed by him like any other maids, and he would sigh in his heart every time she did.

"Huh, Rou... Is that you...?"

While he was standing on his post, one of the maids who was passing by suddenly came to halt and spoke to him. She was a red-headed girl with twin tails, and she got closer to him while staring at his face.


Suddenly being called by his name, the boy stares at the maid's face in amazement, but he did not remember this kind of warm expression.

"Yeah, it is Rou without a doubt, what are you doing in this place?"

"Y, yes, I am Rou, indeed, but... Umm..."

The girl flashes her big eyes with long eyelashes right in front of his face, and then continues to talk happily.

Apparently she was an acquaintance of his, so he looked at her and desperately tried to remember, but his eyes stopped at the deep valley in between her breasts, boldly peeping out of her unbuttoned maid clothes. Her breasts were even more exposed than that of Diana's, and were bigger than that of a average girl of her age, pushing the material of her uniform with rich curves.

Her limbs, buttocks and thighs, as well as her breasts, had a healthy beauty full of youthfulness with slight traces of adulthood. Her skirt is extremely short, so it feels like you could see her panties at any time, and her legs extending from under it have to alluring roundness characteristic only to women.

Was she going to grow into a fine woman just like the Chief Maid in the future?

"What, don't tell me you have forgotten about me? I'm Karen, we played around together all the time when we were kids."

"Karen... Huh, eeehhh!?"

When he heard that name, he remembered the girl who used to live next door to him when his parents were still alive.

(Karen... She's so cute...)

Although he was still in shock at how beautiful his childhood friend had grown up to be, right now the image of the little girl in one corner of his memory and the image of the maid before his very eyes started to gradually overlap.

"K, Karen... That Karen?"

"You finally remember? Geez, I knew it was you at the first glance. I knew that this newly appointed guard of Reaina-sama had to be Rou."

Karen laughs happily while hitting his hands with a *PON*. This brightly smiling girl was very active form a young age, often playing together with the boys. She was everyone's favorite leader.

In contrast, Rou was not a particularly prominent person, being more of an introvert type who was a complete opposite of Karen.

"I was on my way to work, so I'll be going now. I am also working here, so maybe we will meet each other again."

"Y, yeah. See you..."

Karen seemed to have remembered something, for she left in a panic while bowing down to Rou. Rou was somewhat taken aback by that. However, he also felt happy that he could meet her again in the near future.

He wondered if it was already an hour since he was standing guard here like that.

Unexpectedly, Reaina-sama came out of the room, accompanied by a maid.

However, the Princess simply ignored him and walked away.

"U, umm... Reaina-sama, where are you..."

"Does it even matter?"

After watching Rou coming over to her in a hurry, Reaina continued on, giving him the cold shoulder.

"No, but for once, I need to stay by your side..."

"And I'm telling you... There is no need for you to follow my every step."

"That is exactly why I….."

There was just no way that you could ask the person guarding you to stop doing that. Having a strong sense of responsibility, the boy followed after the steadily walking Princess, accompanied by one of her maids.

"Reaina-sama, it is almost time for your bath..."

"Y, you don't have to tell me every single unnecessary detail!"

Having been reminded about her bath, the Princess snapped at her maid, and began to walk even faster.

The sound of quick steps and heels clicking on the floor echoes through the corridor.

"Don't tell me, are you going to follow me even inside the bathroom!?"

"Eh, it's, it's not that..."

Reaina stops in her tracks, and all hair on the boy's body scoop up form shock. Her beautiful golden rolls sway, and her big fruits wrapped in a milky white dress bounce and shake.


The gaze of the adolescent boy is naturally drawn to her abundant breasts, and the word 'bath' serves only to further his delusions. Even though he did not wanted to imagine the person standing before him naked, the thought surfaced in his mind and he had to shake it off quickly.

"I can see it in your eyes that you are thinking about something indecent."

"T, that's absurd! I will wait at the entrance..."

While glaring daggers at the boy who was shaking his hands vigorously, Reaina walked into the grand bath, leaving behind the sweet fragrance of her hair. The boy let out a deep sigh, following the silky blonde hair with his gaze.

"I wonder if I can really do this..."

Although he was a guard, the only thing that he ever did was to stand in front of the doors all day. Anyway, at the very least he could take a short break while she was taking her bath.

GASHAN ––––!

He heard a loud noise, as if something heavy fell on the floor.

(D, don't tell that someone got in through the window!?)

In the exact same moment that the worst case scenario hit his head, the boy reflexively opened the door to the grand bath. The boy rushed straight into the bathroom, without saying a word or even looking at the things that the maids left in the changing room.

"Reaina-sama, are you alright!?"

The Princess was nowhere to be found in the main large room, so Rou jumped to the back of the room, opening a glass door that was covered in clouds of steam.

"Did something happen... Ughuu!"

All at once, the hot air and sweet smell wrapped around his body, and suddenly he felt a severe wave of pain on his face. Something was thrown right at him, and the boy knight lost his balance and fell down to the stone floor, he then raised his eyes while rubbing his throbbing face with his hand.

"There is nothing wrong! Why did you even walked in!?"

"... Eh, ehh... What the..."

The grand bathroom's floor and walls were made out of stone, and the ceiling was made out of stained glass to let the light in. There were plenty of small swimming pools placed around the main bath which looked very luxurious, but there was no time for him to observe the surroundings.

There was the Princess right in front of him, with her face red as a beetroot, gripping onto the towel which she was using to cover her breasts and private parts. Her hair, normally glossy and golden, are now all moistened, sticking to her skin which turned into a nice cherry color thanks to the heat. However, both of her exposed shoulders were trembling due to anger.

"It is quite impressive that you wanted to peep so openly..."

"P-Peeping!? No, it's not like that... This is... There was this sound like the broken window, so... I got worried and..."

He gradually realized that he made a terrible mistake.

The Princess would simply not listen to him rumbling like a complete fool. When he tried to pick up the water tank that he got hit with earlier, the blonde-haired girl roared at him.

"Get the hell out here right this instant!!"

"R, right!"

The boy leaves the grand bath while avoid stepping on the water tank. His clothes got all sweaty and wet due to all the steam as he made his way to the corridor.

Making the Princess angry instead of impressing her, the boy's shoulders drop.

"Hey, what are you doing..."

He heard the voice of her childhood friend nearby, but right now he was not particularly pleased with this reunion.

"Geez, you are completely soaked. You'd better change quickly, or else you might catch a cold."

"S, sorry..."

Doing as Karen told him, he returned to his room to change his clothes, thinking that maybe this Princess was in no need for a guard after all.

He changed his clothes to some light knight attire and quickly headed back to the grand bathroom entrance, only to discover that the Princess was already nowhere to be seen. Even the maids had no idea where she went.

"Haa... I knew it, she's gone..."

Even though he knew it was bad, he peeked inside the women's bath. She did not have a very good opinion to begin with, but now she might have even started to hate him.

Still, he just couldn't afford to give up on his mission, so he started to go about the castle in search for Reaina, while sighing deeply all the time.

He went to the Princess's private bedroom, the tower, the living area, and he could not possibly count all the bathrooms, living rooms, cafeterias, and maid's quarters.

In a short while, instead of finding the Princess's whereabouts, he got lost himself in this wide place.

Moreover, he could hear the beautiful voices of young girls and women coming from high and low, there was that sweet fragrance drifting all over the place, making him realize that this was indeed women's sacred garden.

For Rou, who up until now was living only with his fellow knights at the Order, it was a whole new world.

(Huh, where was it...)

For the time being he was trying to get back to his room, but the rows of similar-looking doors were lining up for eternity. A guard losing sight of the person he was supposed to protect, and getting lost in the castle to boot, it was so embarrassing that he would not share this story with anyone else. And for someone who was not familiar with women, talking to any other maid beside all-knowledgeable Diana or Karen would require severe amounts of courage.

(I think it was somewhere around here...)

He continued down the corridor, trying to calm down his restless heart.

And so he arrived at the door he felt he had seen before. The luxury door looks just like Reaina-sama's door.

Since he made that mistake earlier, this time he remembered to knock properly and wait for any kind of response. As he thought, he almost immediately heard a voice saying [Please come in].

"Please excuse me! I am terribly sorry for what I did earlier!!"

As he entered the room, the boy lowered his head and started to apologize. He thought that if he apologized hard enough, the Princess would find it in her heart to forgive him for sure. But –––––

"Eh, oh my..."

Her voice was very similar, but the girl who was sitting on the sofa in front of him was not Princess Reaina. He could see that her hair had the same gold color, but were not as glossy and were longer, reaching all the way to her waist or even her butt.


"Hmm? Are you perhaps..."

The girl on the sofa stared at him with her big, gem-like eyes.

Her face and voice were also younger than those that Rou remembered. Her cheeks were red and puffy as apples, but although she looked childish there was an aura of royalty surrounding her.

Her limbs looked like that of a doll, and her whole body was surely still growing and maturing. The dress that was wrapped around her used pretty ruffles and lace and was cute in design, but at the same time it was elegant and not flashy at all, suiting her very much.

"Mi... Mirian-sama!?"

Somehow this turned out to be the room of Reaina's little sister, Mirian Henriette Wilhelmian, the Fourth Princess.

Being idolised by the people, he was staring at the girl who was rumored to already having received at least several offers of marriage, and his body momentarily tightened with tension.

"P, please pardon the intrusion!"

"Wait! Are you not Rou Coral-san?"

When he finally managed to squeeze out his voice and tried to leave the room in a hurry, he was stopped by the Princess.

"Yes, that's right..."

"Ahh... I thought that might be the case!"

The blonde girl said his name and look at him with a bright expression on her face. He thought that she was beautiful, and smile was just too attractive.

"My name is Mirian Henriette Wilhelmian. Everyone just calls me Ann, so I would like you to do the same, Rou-san."

"Mirian-sama, I couldn't possibly do such a thing..."

Princess Ann bows, lifting the hem of her skirt a little bit. Despite her age and looks she behaves just like an adult, but it was simply unthinkable for the Princess to introduce herself to the simple knight like that.

Hearing the boy her innocent smile turns into sadness, as she lowers down her head.

"Ehh–– I want everyone to call me Ann because Ann is such a nice name. You don't... want to?"

Because Rou did not wanted her to think that he was someone suspicious, he tried to put a small smile on his face.

The boy had no other option but to do as he was asked to do.

"... I understand. ... A, Ann, -sa, -sama..."

His voice was shaking so he could not speak properly, but the Princess seemed happy to be called by her nickname.

"I heard that you were going to come to the castle after what you did to help Father, and so I really wanted to see you!"

"I'm also honoured that I could meet you, Ann-sama..."

For some reason the Princess, who was still tense from his previous words, stands up and rushes towards him while shaking her long, beautiful golden hair. She was considerably smaller than Rou, and even though she was royalty, such gesture was still a sign of over familiarity.

"You know, at that time you were so cool, taking down the bad guy who tried to attack Father... Just like a true knight~."

" N, no... At that time I was just lucky..."

Apparently the little princess watched the incident that transpired during the parade. It was kind of pleasing that the princess beloved by the whole country was praising him like that.

(A, Ann-sama is... praising me...?)

Perhaps she was not conscious of it, but Ann stared right into his eyes with her own, gleaming pupils in very close proximity. She was so close to him that he could smell the sweet fragrance of her hair.

"You became Onee-sama's guardian, right? Ah~ah, what a shame... If it wasn't like that, I would have wanted you to become my knight~."

"I am unworthy of such kind words..."

He politely answered to Ann's words, but honestly they were really getting into his head. The joy of being praised by the princess herself and the fact that she knew him gave various feelings mix inside of him.

"Eh? Rou? What are you doing inside Ann-sama's room?"

Hearing that voice he turned around, just to see his childhood friend standing behind him.

"Why is Karen here..."

"Because I am Ann-sama's caretaker, of course. So, what is someone like you doing in such a place?"

The little princess stepped in between the two, defending the panicking boy.

"Karen, Rou-san is here because I invited him, so please don't get angry."

"Eh... Ann-sama did...? But why Rou...?"

The maid keeps on looking at our faces alternately.

"Because Rou-san is so cool, I wanted to have a little conversation with him."

"C, cool... you say?"

The princess explained the situation to Karen with a smile. Since she was like an idol to the people, he felt kind of embarrassed at first, but he was also quite happy.

Even though her face was pale as if all of the blood drained of it, Karen makes a stiff expression, as if to emphasize her words. "Ann-sama. Let me tell you this: although Rou is now a knight, when we were young he used to be a total crybaby. He often cried like a girl, and I was the one who would always save him."

"H, hey, Karen, cut it out..."

This childhood friend of his suddenly began to talk about his past. Rou tried to interrupt her story, but the princess gladly clapped her hands together.

"Ah, I want to hear more about it. That's right, since both Rou-san and Karen are here, why don't we talk while we drink some tea?"

Being invited to tea by the idol of all people was not so bad of a feeling.

Although, later when he remembered that he abandoned his master, the face of the boy knight turned pale.

When he finally came back to find her room, it was already very late at night.

After he finally found Reaina, she didn't even asked him where was all day. Now that you mention it, she just told him to not follow her and she didn't even seemed to be that angry at all.

After taking his leave for the night, he lost his way again and got the rooms confused again, accidently walking right into the maid's changing room. So far, his life at the castle was a series of mistakes and failures, exhausting both his body and his soul.

(Haa... I'm so tired...)

In addition to the grand bath that the Princess was using, there was another bath solely for maids, and Rou was told that he could use it. However, it was decided that he could use it only after one o'clock in the morning, when all other maids were sleeping.

He entered the bath all alone, and there was still leftover women's fragrance around. However, he was kind of relieved that there were no one else around, so he could just relax. While his fatigue of the whole day was healing, and when his whole body was being dominated by comfortable sleepiness, an unexpected voice sounded from the changing room.

"Oh? Is someone still in there?"

That gentle voice pulled back his miserable consciousness from the dream world back to reality. The boy raised his upper body with the splash sound, looking at the door to the bathroom. The silhouette of a human body appeared on frosted glass, and the sliding door opened.

"Eh, ah... This is..."

"Oh my, isn't that Rou-sama? Thank you for your hard work today."

There was no time to respond, she had already entered the room, so he quickly sat back down to cover his lower body. The boy scolded himself in his head, but on the contrary, she smiled gently without being put off by the presence of the member of the opposite sex.

The woman was covering her body to some extent with a towel, but she could not wholly cover her abundant breasts. Her large, melon-like breasts protrudes from both left and right, and her snow-white limbs are also exposed.

"W, what are you doing here, Diana-san..."

For a moment he could see her mature, half-naked appearance, but the boy quickly averted his eyes like a real gentleman. Moreover, he was very conscious of being seen naked by the member of the opposite sex, and so was rapidly overcome with shame and embarrassment.

"Some of my work took longer than I expected, and before I even knew it was already this late. I am sorry that I interrupted your relaxation time."

"Eh, no, likewise, I'm so sorry..."

While the boy kept on apologizing, his face turned red and he curled up into a ball inside the bath.

"In that case please excuse me, but I would like to join you."

"O, Ouh... Okay..."

After bowing politely, the Maid sat down near the bathtub. While covering herself with a towel, she slowly gathers some water in her free hand and splashes it over her shoulder in a seemingly sexy manner. There was something fascinating about adult women that even young girls could not imitate. After a while she turned around and started to wash her body, carefully rubbing her back and arms with her towel.

(Naked Diana-san... She's so beautiful...)

Rou gazed at the woman's naked back as if he wanted to devour her with his eyes. She was smooth and shiny just like a goddess, and her bottomless sex appeal made his blood surge and gather around his crotch.

Her wet hair, snow-white skin and rounded nape, the virgin boy, who lived only with men up until recently, was totally absorbed in her glossy appearance.

"Fufu... The water is really nice. Oh my, Rou-sama... Why is your face so red?"

Diana tried to enter the bathtub, but let out a surprised voice. Because he was looking at her for so long, he lost the ideal timing to leave the bathroom.

"Wouldn't it be better for you if you get out for a while? ... I know, let me wash your back for you."


Hearing this unexpected offer the boy knight panicked, causing the Maid to become even more worried. He pressed his towel to his chest and pulled down on it with his free hand.

"N, no... There's no need, I'm quite okay..."

However, thanks to continual looking at Diana's naked body, his groin mortar has now become completely erect. If she was to see this, she might have hate him, so the boy sunk even deeper into the water.

"Now, now, I am sure that you are tired from today's work, so please, allow me to serve you for now."

"I'm telling you, I am really okay..."

There was no way that he would be able to refuse an offering made with such a gentle smile, so in the end Rou sat down on the bath chair while covering his crotch.

"Fufu... How is your life at the castle?"

The Maid asks him that while gently rubbing his back with a sponge filled with soap foam. Even though he could not see Diana, his heart was still beating like crazy since he could easily picture her adult frame behind him.

"Let's see... I still haven't gotten used to it..."

"I see. Should you ever come across any kind of trouble, please don't hesitate to ask for my help."

"T, thank you very much... But, it seems that I'm not that dependable at all, and what's more, it seems that Reaina-sama now hates me..."

"Well, I don't really think that Reaina-sama hates you, Rou-sama."

From the very first day when he began to serve as the Princess's guard, the only things she did were shouting and scolding at him.

"... You really think so?"

"Reaina-sama may not be the best at expressing her feelings, but in reality she is very pleased to have such a nice knight like you, Rou-sama."

"I, it doesn't look like it to me..."

Rou sighs, as the image of Reaina embracing him appears in his mind.

"Now, sighing like that is not something that a real knight should do..."

"Hiyaau... Diana-san!?"

Squeeze ––––. Suddenly, he could feel something soft and elastic being pressed to his back, as well as two hard objects. As he looked behind, the Maid's face was so close to him that he could feel her breath on his neck.

(S, so soft...)

While stroking the head of the astonished boy, the beautiful woman gently hugged him from behind. Even though being embraced by a naked lady should make his heart race like crazy, for some strange reason it calmed him down instead.

"I am sure that Reaina-sama is well aware that Rou-sama is giving his very best at his work."

"Y, Yeah..."

The warmth of Diana's body gently transmitted to his whole body, enveloping him in an unspeakable sense of security.

"Of course, I also love how serious Rou-sama is about his work..."

"Eeh... Thank you, very much..."

He didn't know if she said is seriously or as a joke, but when she said it so suddenly, Rou became so embarrassed that he couldn't look Diana straight in the face. He slowly began to drown in this soft sensation, and his body started to respond to the feeling of her breasts pressed against his back.

"Oh... My, my, Rou-sama..."


His member became big and hard, so the bulge under his towel became hard to miss. The beautiful woman smiles gently at the discovery of that male physiological phenomenon.

"Ah! This is... I, I'm sorry..."

He tries to hide his crotch with both of his hands in a hurry, but Diana wrapped her arms around his chest and hugged him tightly.

"Fufu... There is no need for you to apologize. Rou-sama, did you get excited by someone like me, an older maid?"

"Being older has nothing to do with it... It's because Diana-san is just so amazingly beautiful..."

He looked back and cried out loud. The boy stared at her round shapes, and before he even noticed he uttered something really embarrassing.

"... Oh my, thank you for the flattery, Rou-sama. But you don't have to worry about someone like me at all."

Diana said that as if she meant that adult females were hardly worth the effort, but at the same time her cheeks turned a little bit red, as if she was shy.

"I wasn't just a simple flattery... Diana-san, you really are beautiful... I would like a gentle Diana-san rather than some, umm... Yeah..."

His face bright red, the boy had no idea what he was saying, but the Maid smiled with joy and delight.

"Oh my, what should I do, I am honored to be praised so much... I know, although I cannot give you much, but at least let me service you a little bit more as a thank you."


The Maid's mood seemed to improve, as she brought her body even closer to him and pressed her plump breasts against him, while extending both of her hands from his sides.

"Diana-san... What are you, uhh!?"

Twitch ––––. A sudden sweet stimulus attacks the lower part of his body and his spine trembles. The woman's fingers wrapped themselves around his protruding member, enveloping it wholly and applying warm pressure to it.

"Please, leave everything to me. Just focus on healing your day's fatigue, Rou-sama..."

"N, no way... This is bad..."

Every time he is touched by the Maid's fingers, his crotch twitches and a number of blood vessels pops out on his little head. A transparent liquid leaks out of his tip, wetting the woman's supple fingers.

"It's okay, so don't try to hold yourself back... You were excited by my body, so please let me take care of this part of you as well."

"Even if you say something like that to me, kuh..."

The beautiful Maid does not listen to boy's pleas and begins to jerk his rock-hard erection with her hand. Rubbing her fingers around his sensitive backside and jerking it up and all the way down, an unknown pleasure begins to swirl inside of his crotch.

(This can't be, it's so sudden...)

The sudden sensation of being given a hand-job was a mixture of both embarrassment and unpredictable comfort, and the fact that someone else was touching his genitals made all strength to disappear from his limbs. When all resistance is finally gone, the woman's moves become even bolder than before.

Rub, smack, smack... schlick, smack, jerk... The soap's lubrication makes the woman's hand-job go even smoothly. His rod swells to its very limits, as the hot desire begins to rise up inside of him.

"Fufu... Your hips are trembling so much, Rou-sama... It must feel really good"

She stimulates his whole member, wrapping her fingers around its various parts, scraping his glans with the back of her palm, and using various other techniques, while saying those mischievous words.

"Haah... Akuu, it's because... If you keep on rubbing it so much... Uuuhhh!"

"Please don't hold back, just let it out whenever you like."

Even though it was not all that long, the boy's mind was trembling so much with excitement that he felt like he was about to explode. Diana now takes a hold of his penis with both of her hands, stroking it intensely all the way down to the base, repeating this sweet torture over and over again.

The pleasant feelings come wave after wave, overwhelming his whole body and making his limbs lose all of their strength. He was no longer able to even resist.

"Aah, no more... I can't, I can't hold it in anymore..."

Desperately trying to oppose its desire to ejaculate, his upper body was shaking, and pressing itself against Maid's huge breasts. He tried to retreat, but now the boy could not afford even that much.

As the beautiful woman plays with him with her hands, squeezing out his transparent liquid, he lets out a tormented voice, and directs his gaze towards the steam-covered ceiling, overrun with pleasure.

"Ufufu... No need to hold back, please cum as much as you like..."

He certainly did not expect to hear such dirty word as 'ejaculation' coming out of the mouth of someone so kind and gentle. Also, she sweetly blown some air into his ear and bit on his earlobe. Moreover, she was caressing his chest and played with his nipples, his whole body was wrapped in Diana's warmth and touch.

(I, I'm cumming... I'm really going to let it out...)

Rou moaned in a miserable voice, while he was desperately trying to endure waves of sweet currents going through his spine. Even so, the vortex of desire inside of him grew even bigger, swallowing up the last few remains of his reason.

"Geez... Rou-sama, you are so stubborn..."

"Haa, haa... T, that's why..."

The feeling of supple fingers leaves his superb, ready-to-ejaculate member. He felt slightly disappointed as he was already on the stairway to pleasure, but for the moment he was released from her hand-job.

However, his penis that was at the brink of exploding now twitches heavily, while the transparent liquid drips non-stop from its tip.

"Oh, just look what you did to me... If I don't service you some more, I won't feel satisfied."

"He? I did nothing like... Wawah!"

The waves of pleasure softened a little and he got some time of relief. The Maid got up on her feet before he could even notice it, and this time grasped his pole from the front.

"Rou-sama's thing... It's looks so lively..."

"That's because Diana-san keeps on caressing it..."

"Oh my. It makes me happy that my service is pleasing you."

The Maid smiled joyfully, but the boy held his breath. The naked woman that he tried to avoid looking at, right now was right in front of him. From this angle he was looking down at her, and he could clearly see the pink objects standing in the middle of her breasts.

Watching closely, she herself grew so moist in between her legs that the wetness could be easily visible even through underwear.

(Uh, Diana-san's body is so impossibly lewd...)

Even the virgin boy was feeling it, that female charm seeping out of her body and mixing together with steam, driving him crazy and making him unable to think rationally. Thanks to that, his soap-covered cock was able to keep its hardness.

"Well then, please excuse me... Mmmhm., *slurp*..."

Fixing her hold of his prick with one hand, her saliva-covered tongue traced along its surface. Her hot and wet roughness soon became sweet pleasure that spread through every inch of his crotch.

"Ahii, wait... P, please wait just a minute..."

Her round and milky skin was filling his entire crotch, as the Maid swept her soft lips all across his glans, head and the backside.

"*Slurp*, *slurp*... *lick*, *slurp*, nnh..."

She licks the backside of his penis while weaving her tongue, making wet and obscene sounds as her saliva intertwines with the mucous secreting from his tip.

She moves her face slightly to get her hair out of the way, caresses his cock with his lips and tongue, and looks the boy knight in the eyes with her big pupils.

"Nnnhhh... How is it? Nnh, *slurp*, *suck*... *suuuck*..."

The older woman sucks on his cock. The boy's instincts were stimulated by the excitement, and desire flooded his mind.

"... Nnh, *slurp*... Now, Rou-sama... Please, put it inside my mouth and let out a lot of semen..."

Says the Maid with a fascinating smile on her lips, while servicing his very base, urging his ejaculation.

"Uguuh... E, even if you say something like that..."

Of course that he wanted to ejaculate and drown in sweet pleasure, but as a knight doing something like shooting his semen inside woman's mouth was simply unthinkable.

However, even though the boy had such strong beliefs, the ecstasy proved to be stronger. Her tongue encompasses every inch of his member's every sweet spot, and the insides of her cheeks were so soft. A mixture of her saliva and his fluid overflows form her mouth, and obscene sounds echo throughout the bathroom.

"Diana-san... I am really going to let it all out..."

The taste of her fellatio enthusiastically encompassing his whole penis proved to be a little too much for him. He somehow managed to hold his urges in during the previous hand-job, but this time it was impossible for him.

As if being beckoned by this beautiful woman's mouth, his erection strongly responds to her every move.

"Come on, don't hold yourself back... Please cum..."

The Maid's tongue technique drove the boy to the edge of insanity.

He unconsciously raised his waist and started pumping his abdominal muscles without stopping. Then, he grabbed the Maid by the shoulders.

"Aahhh, kuh... C, cumming..."

The woman immediately started to vigorously suck on his penis, wetting it and swallowing it, trying to wring out every last drop of his sperm from his urethra.

His young dick screamed at the pleasure provided by her mouth cavity's service. He could no longer bear her intense sucking, and the huge lump of desire rushed from inside of him with huge force, seeking a way out.

"C, Cumminggg! I'm cuuummminggg ––––!!"

The Maid wanted to catch all of the boy's load at the end of her throat, accepting it and his thrusting lust with trembling pleasure.


Shortly after, semen pours out of his urethra, flooding the insides of Maid's mouth. His vision grew white for a moment, as he faded into ecstasy.

"Haannn... Unnh, uguuh... koku, nkuu..."

Diana's beauty instantly became tainted by the huge amounts of murky liquid spurting in rapid succession. However, the Maid immediately swallowed the excessive amount of sperm that accumulated in her mouth.

"Hamuu... *sluurp*, nmuuh, *suuck*..."

Her hair sticks to her cherry-flushed cheeks, and beads of sweat shine on her forehead. Her current facial expression was incredibly sexy, so much different from the usual gentle and motherly Diana-san.

"Haa... Haa... I'm, I'm so sorry..."

Having repeatedly ejaculated inside of the woman's mouth, he felt a strange combination of both satisfaction and guilt. But it left his body devoid of strength, so he collapsed heavily on the bath chair.

"... *suuck*, fufu... You came so much..."

She once again starts sucking on his glans, as if trying to suck out any semen that might be left in his urethra. Even in his wildest fantasies he wouldn't dream about getting a both hand-job and blow-job form a beautiful female inside a bath.

"Ah, Diana-san, I just came... Kuuh!"

"Oh please... You're saying that you just came, but you are already so stiff again... I want to service you even more..."

Her cheeks flushed red, the beautiful Maid narrowed her eyes, sending his erection further into heaven. Unable to fit his large meat rod in her hands any longer, she raised her upper body a little, enveloping his penis from both sides.


"Nnh, nnh... Fufu, Rou-sama... Do you feel good?"

Her bouncy breasts slid up and down, catching and sucking with its sliminess his giant cock. They wrap tightly all around his glans and backside, still sensitive from his previous ejaculation.

Besides that, Diana sucked on his tip which was slightly poking to the face, making Rou moaned.

"Y, yes... It is very, very good..."

Rou soon became the slave to the Maid's service, coming closer and closer to ecstasy.

It seemed that Diana was also excited, judging by the overwhelming look on her face, her motherly and womanly instincts ticked.

"Umm... Rou-sama..."

The beautiful woman looks him straight in the eyes while leaking a sweet voice, pressing her breasts against his hard member and picking up the speed of her movements.

"Hyiii….. Wh, what is it!?"

His voice quite unexpectedly became very high-pitched.

"Because Rou-sama's thing seems not to be fully satisfied yet... May I serve you some more...?"

"Eh, ehh... You mean..."

Diana looked at him with entranced eyes, filled with hopes and expectations, her cheeks dyed red with shyness.

"That's right. If it pleases you, Rou-sama, I can give you pleasure... That is –––– if you are fine with someone like being your first sexual partner..."

"Y, yes! It would be my pleasure to have you, Diana-san... I, l-leave myself in your care!!"

"Fufu... Thank you very much."

When the boy hurriedly shook his head, the Maid narrowed her eyes and hugged him closely, embracing his neck.

The Maid pressed her breasts against him, leading him to lie down on the floor. Having lost all of his strength after ejaculating so much, he easily lowered himself from the bath chair with no objections.

"There's no need for you to feel so nervous..."

"Ah, right..."

The boy's heart was filled with anxiety and expectations regarding his first time, and his body was tingling with tension. Diana sees that and looks at him in the eyes.

"Please pardon my rudeness, Rou-sama, but do you have any experience with women?"

"Ehh... About that..."

"I see... So it really is like... In that case, do you really want me as your first partner...?"

The beautiful woman asks, trying to judge his reaction, while getting on all fours with a smile on her lips.

"Yes... I want to, umm... with Diana-san..."

Only for a second the face of Reaina appeared in his mind. But the Princess that he adored so much was not here, not now.

There was no reason for the young boy to refuse the offer of having sex with this older lady that was in front of his eyes.

"Aaahhh... Being chosen as the one for Rou-sama's first time... I am going to service you in the best way that I can..."

The impressed woman straddles over the boy's crotch with a joyful expression and puts the tip of his rock-hard penis over her twitching entrance.

From her pink, shiny flower petals there was dripping a transparent liquid, overflowing from her on the tip of his member. Her nether lips were gaping so wide that they seemed to want the boy's penis so much.

(This, this is a woman's pussy...)

His eyes were pinned to her secret mouth, opening and closing so swiftly. Her love nectar was so different from his own fluids, and her lips squeak as they suck on his glans.

"I'm going to take your first time, Rou-sama..."

"Aaahhh! Diana-san... Uaaah!!"

While listening to the boy's adorable shrieks, the Maid slowly sinks her hips.

Diana spreads her lips with her middle and index fingers, sucking his bulged penis, her soft female flesh swallowing his entire meat pole with an obscene sound.

"Haanh, it's so hot and so hard..."

His tip was wrapped in her hot flesh, as it was burying itself inside her stretched cavity. It was full of folds and cracks that slowly tightened around him. With this motion alone, another urge to ejaculate overcomes him, but he managed to withstand it this time.

Taking this young boy's rod inside of her made the woman to gasp passionately with an expression of pure happiness on her face. She smiled in a strange way.

"Haah, nnh... I will make you feel very good in a second, Rou-sama..."

While supporting the weight of her body with her legs boldly opened, this time she pressed her hips down on his meat rod. Hot honey escaped from her insides, being exposed to the air.

"Ah, ahh, aaahhh... Uaaah..."

She stopped waiting for his tip to reach her end by itself, and instead swung her plum butt down, forcing him to enter her all the way, to the very base. Her huge breasts jiggled slowly, matching her moves and her pink nipples danced up and down.

They looked pretty big through her clothes already, but actually seeing them naked was something else entirely. The size alone was a true masterpiece, but the same could be said about their shape and adult color, as well as the way in which they slowly swayed. The boy's gaze is fixed on those breasts, thinking that they are truly magnificent.

"Haah, kufuu... Well, what do you think? How is my pussy...?"

"H, how, even if you ask me that..."

Even though he prepared his mind for graduating from his virginity, feeling something like that and tasting this soft flesh for the first time in his life has left him in a state of puzzlement and confusion. But even so, every time she moves, an incredible tightness so different from mouth or hand squeezes around him, sending waves of pleasure throughout his body.

Transparent love juices kept of dripping from the place when they were both connected, drowning his meat lance making the boy's crotch extremely wet.

"It feels good... right, nfu?"

Seeing the boy's somewhat weak reaction, the Maid sadly raised her eyebrows. Then, she put her hands on his cheeks, bringing his body into close contact with her own, causing him to sigh strongly. Soft breasts press against his skin, and he was again surprised by how smooth and silky they were.

"N, not at all..."

Because of the sudden stimulus, the boy could not think straight and panicked, denying the Maid's words.

"In that case, I will have to make you feel even better..."

"Make me feel even better? What do you…?"

"Rou-sama, please start to move your hips... Just like that..."

Diana started to move her waist up and down again, urging the boy. He did just as he was told, adjusting the movements of his hips to her rhythm.

"Yes, yes... Just like that, nfuu..."

"Diana-san, this is... I might not be able to, much longer..."

Her waist attacks his poor rod once again with increased speed and tenacity.

"My, my, your face looks so cute right now, Rou-sama... Makes me want to kiss you..."

"Eh...? C, cute, you say... Nnnhhh!? *kiss*, *smooch*..."

The veil of her brown hair fell on his cheeks, and her flushed lips connected with the boy's mouth. As he have never kissed a girl before, Rou's eyes went black and white with surprise, as the pleasant smell of the adult woman made his heart pound like crazy.

"Haah, *smooch*... Rou-sama, nnh... *Kiss*, *kiss*..."

While servicing his cock with her inner walls, the Maid skillfully moved her lips and finally let him penetrate her mouth with his tongue. Diana's tongue were lifting his tongue, and he was catching hers with his own.

And then they both sucked on each others lips, making lewd and wet sounds.

"Nnh, puha... Wait just a, *smooch*, nnh..."

Her kisses were so intense that for a moment he even forgot how to breathe. Their tongues intertwine with each other, sliding on their teeth and produce a lot of saliva.

(It, it feels so wet and slippery inside my mouth...)

Together with her tongue, a whole lot of saliva pours in his mouth, and his thoughts were instantaneously dyed with aggressive pleasure.

He wanted more pleasure and so he was instinctively seeking it. The movements of his hips were awkward at first, but with each thrust they become more and more accustomed to the rhythm of the woman's bounces, multiplying his pleasure.

"Haahn! T, that's right, are you feeling good, Rou-sama... Hyaan!!"

Her tight, big butt hit against his thin waist. Every time Diana's body moved up and down, a pair of big buns danced in front of his eyes. She looked as if something was about to come over her, and she starts to leak out a sweet voices.

"Diana-san... Haah, kuh...C, can I touch your breasts...?"

"Y, yes... Go ahead, do as you please... Haah, so sudden, aaahhh!"

As soon as he heard the Maid's answer, the excited Rou reached out to her breasts. All of his fingers sunk deep into her marshmallow-like breasts, and since their size would not fit his hands they spilled to the sides.

*Grope*, *Grope*... *Squeeze*...*squeeze*~~~~.

"Ah, afuu, if you do it so strongly, I'm going to... Aah, nnh, kyafuh..."

Touching women's breasts for the first time in his life, their warmth, their softness, the boy was completely absorbed in this feeling. It was something similar to physical intimacy, and the boy instinctively strengthened his hold on them.

Having her breasts touched so strongly, the woman shrieked from the stimulus, letting out sweet breaths and her charming adult appearance flushed red.

"Aaannnh, ah, haah! I, it resonates so deep inside of me... Does it feel good..."

It was totally devoid of any kind of technique, but the Maid followed his clumsy hip swings, desperately trying to keep her balance by laying her palms on the boy's thin chest.

And like that, having his face buried in her brown hair, the pleasure started to shake his hips violently yet again


"Diana-san... It's, it's going to come out again!"

Her cavity's walls tightened around his penis violently, his movements becoming faster and rougher. The movements of his hips just wouldn't stop.

*Smack*, *smack*, *smack*!

Huge waves of pleasure spreads from his meat lance all over his body, as their genitals rub against one another with wet and obscene sounds, sending droplets of love honey into the air.

(A, amazing... So this is sex...?)

As the pleasure was overcoming the lower parts of his body, the boy's head was full of thoughts about his first sexual experience. Before he even noticed, his desire to ejaculate rose to its limits, and he could do nothing more than to attack her crotch without holding back.

"Naah, yahaanh... I'm about to cum as well... Together, let's cum together at the same time!"

The current look on her face, as well as her tightening around his cock, sucks all the spirit away from the boy, leaving him gasping for breath. His eyes are also being stimulated by the sight of the Maid's lewdness, and his urge to ejaculate rises even further.

"Aaahh! I can't hold back... I'm cumming, I'm cumming, uuuhh!"

"Rou-sama, ahiii! You're so rough, hiaaah!!"

The two people are closing in to their climax, putting their lips together as their bodies are covered in sweat from the room's heat. Saliva wonders in between their mouths, some of it flowing outside and moistening their mouths.

"Aaahhh... It's so good! Hyiian, I'm cuuummming~~~~~~!!"

The Maid was the first one to let out a scream. With one big swing of her hips she sat on him, completely swallowing his still thrusting meat pole without thinking.

(No good, I'm cumming, too!!)

Soon, the boy reached his limit. Being eaten by her convulsing genitals, his hot cum shot out from the root of his cock.

"Aah!! Here it comes ––––––!!"

Putting all of his strength into his abdomen, he gave his hips one last push.


"T, there's so much! Rou-sama's sperm is, inside of me... Naahhh!!"

The boy's back arched, pushing his penis deep inside of her, clinging to her body.

"I, it won't stop! It just won't stop cumming..."

Raising his miserable voice, Rou was drunk on that pleasant sensation of forceful ejaculation. The Maid also had a look of satisfaction painted on her face, as she got to taste this virgin boy all the way.

"It, it's amazing... *kiss*, *smooch*... It, it's still coming out..."

Diana, who fell on his chest, hugs his head lovingly, breathing hard and giving him another kiss.

"Haaah... T, that surely felt good..."

"Fufu... It looks like I came as well..."

Even though he came he was still unable to move, so he just entrusted himself to the combination of the aftermath pleasure and being hugged by her.

"With that you managed to become a true man, Rou-sama... From now on, I would like you to keep on taking care of Reaina-sama..."

"...R, really...?"

The afterglow of his first sexual intercourse soon subsided, bringing both the boy and the Maid back to reality.

Diana looks at the boy's uneasy face and smiles gently.

"Yes, that's true... Just from hugging you, I can feel that you are a kind person, Rou-sama. I am sure that Reaina-sama will accept that kindness of yours, too."

"T, thank you very much..."

"This might come as a little bit embarrassing, but it felt really good for me. Fufu... It seems like both my body and my soul are falling for you."

Having buried her face in his chest, Diana praised the boy while stroking him lovingly.

Being praised for something other than his training results, a strange mixture of happiness and embarrassment fills Rou's face, making it become red.

Still, the soft smile of the Maid and the warmth of her body managed to heal the boy's heart, suffering from pressure and confusion at his new castle life as a guard.