
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Ciudad
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64 Chs

Legal violation

"Speak" Devon ordered as he made his way back to his seat.

Secretary Ben scratched his head awkwardly "They still haven't found anyone with the name Keith Johnson. The ones found couldn't have been the one that booked that room" Devon frowned. His Intel had always been efficient, yet this time around they had come back empty handed. That was a first.

"The hotel too had refused us getting anymore information on this Keith Johnson. They said we need a valid police warrant and a statement of legal violation" The frown on the CEO's face became even deeper. Since when had he been required of a police warrant when he wants to investigate someone. Plus_

Statement of legal violation?

Doesn't that mean unless he could prove this Keith Johnson had violated a legal law, they would not give out his information.

Just who was this Keith Johnson?

"Chairman Hugo has refused the police from handing us a warrant. This... It's almost impossible to find this person now"

Devon wasn't surprised. Surely his Grandfather would intervene on behalf of his precious daughter-in-law. But doesn't he feel like he was slapping his own face?. A girl he described as pure and chaste was caught cheating yet he was helping her to cover up her fling.

Tsk. They could cover that man for all he cares. He would just directly punish the girl in return. He hopes she like solitude, cause she would stay grounded for as long as he cares.

Slowly time rolled like dried leaves in a desert. The morning sun gradually made its way across the sky moving to the east with intentions to rest.

With the ticking clock. Gisele became restless. Just like Devon had said, she had really been restricted from leaving her room. Thee two unfamiliar guards at the door made sure of that. Apart from the maids that occasionally Broughton her meals, no one else was allowed to leave or enter the room.

She hadn't even being able to see Aunty Lou all day. The elderly lady must have been scolded because of her.

Gisele sighed and plopped herself on her bed. Tomorrow was Thursday, she had her shoot to attend to as well as Aunty Claudia's party. She couldn't possibly stay locked up in here. The night was already arriving, soon, the next day would be have just how was she going to convince Devon to let her out.


The door made sounds and was pushed open. How delightful Gisele was to see the Visitor this time around was Aunty Lou.

"Aunty Lou" She called out relieved and rushed to the lady. "Thank god you're okay. I was worried that you would have gotten into trouble because of me"

The middle aged woman was touched by the girls concern. She should be the one worrying about the girls situation yet here she was worrying about her. Her heart softened towards the girl. Such a delicate soul was actually misunderstood to be a wh*re? If the grandmaster had not forbidden her, she would have actually told her master the truth.

"Miss, you shouldn't worry about me. Master had only scolded me and nothing else. I couldn't come see you since morning because I had been given some work to do. It's you I'm worried about. Master isn't the type to go back on his word. He might really insist on keep you locked up" if he can't find your lover. She said the last part in her head.

"That can't be!" Gisele refuted. "I have to go for my shoot tomorrow. If I can't take those pictures tomorrow, then it means I just failed the second stage of the audition."

"Miss don't worry I'll help you talk to Master when he gets back. He might listen to_" Gisele cut her off.

She waved "No I don't want to bring you any more problems. I would talk to him personally. That way no one else has to get caught in the cross fire."

Aunty Lou wanted to refute the girl but she saw the determination in her eyes so she nodded and hummed in agreement. "That's okay. I'll go tell the kitchen to bring your dinner. Just be rest assured, the Old patriarch is behind you, I don't think Master would make things too hard for you" She said before she left the room.

Now she was alone. Gisele took time thinking of the words that sounded more convincing enough to make her dearest husband lift her band.


In the dark car. Devon sat upright. A finger tapping against the leather seat and another hand tiredly hoisting his head. Unlike his always refined appearance, his tie was undone and his hair had hints of sweat, making them appear shinny under the fleetingly street lights appearing through the door.

"CEO Devon the first draft of designs have been submitted for the Autumn fashion show. I sent the designs to your emails." A man's voice rang out from the laptop.

"I've sought through them already, I selected the desired once. Check your email and send the reply to the manufacturing department as soon as possible" He gave his order immediately.

"Ok Boss"

"What about the models? We still haven't made announcement for the models that would walk the Broadway with our products on the Fashion Show" another man at the round table asked. "we made a list of this year favourably models, I contacted Secretary Ben about_"

Devon cut him off with a wave of his hand, his brows furrowed "Don't we have models signed under us?"

"Their contracts expired a few months ago. We didn't get the chance to discuss renewal as they are all snatched by other Jewelry companies."

Devon rubbed his head and loosened the tie even more than it was. "Contact GXJ. Strike a deal with their department and have their models wear our Jeweleries on the show. If there's any problems, inform Secretary Ben, he would sort it out"

The directors eyes lighted up in excitement. GXJ was a god in the Fashion world. They were known for their top quality fabrics and even too quality model. No doubt using their models to model their products at the Fashion show was an even greater advertising scheme. They were sure to get even bigger sales this year if this works out.

Why haven't they thought about this all this while?

Such an idea. Only the Money God would be able to pull it off.

"Sure Boss"

"CEO. About Miss Kendal..." One of the director started but hesitated after speaking. Even still the mention of that name brought aa frown to Devon's brows. Even Secretary Ben couldn't help adjust his sitting position while trying to survey his boss expression from the shotgun seat.

Who didn't know that dating Devon Montero was every girl's dream in Axilla city and even the whole Country. They all prayed for it but still only a few would get the balls to be able to fight to make that become a reality. One of this fewer few was Kendal Whitney.

The number one Actress in Country H. Her fame was just so great that every company strive to have her under them, even company's abroad. This very reason was the same reason she thought she had a hold on the very great CEO Devon.

"Her contract is a week overdue now and we still can't get her to renew it with us we_" Devon cut him off.

"Do you expect me to teach you your job? You're the Managing Director over Milestone Entertainment and you can't subdue a common actress?! Has your duties become stressful for you?" Devon was angry. His brows locked tightly and hid expression was frightening to the men looking at him through the screen. The man being shouted at had visible sweat oozing from his forehead.

"It's not that. It's just... She said she would only discuss contract renewal with you. That's her only term to remain under our company"

The car grew quiet. No one dares to breath from the fear that their actions would be deemed noisy.

"Then let her go" Devon spat out just like they thought he would.

"Boss_" Director Steven moved to argue but he was held back by his colleagues with a stern glare that obviously said 'Do you have a death wish?'

The man could only grit his teeth and offer s forced smile "Fine. I'll talk to her some more. Perhaps add a few term to the contract. I'll send over the new contract once I'm done deciding the terms"

"mmm" a syllabled response came in cue.

"All that's left is the project bid. The Prime Minister us holding a private bid for the deed this Friday. The competition this time around is tough as even companies from outside Country H are taken part of it. We might need to put extra attention to this project." Another director informed.

Devon tapped his finger against his jaw for a few seconds then at last broke his contemplation. "I'll attend this bid personally. Just prepare the material and send them over to Secretary Ben, I'll take it over from here"

Since there was nothing to discuss about anymore. The meeting came to an end. The laptop was ditched to the side along with the tie and cufflinks. In that manner, the car continued it drive back home, softly driving through the road in a comfortable pace.