
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs

invitation card

She looked at the car window and began straightening her hair and appearance. A sweet smile on her lips as she happily hummed the melody in her head.

"You seem quite happy" A voice sounded behind her. Startled she turned around to see a young man staring at her. His eyes looking at her in pure amusement and surprise. Even with the mask across his face she could still see he was smiling.

"Um...yeah" She offered a smile and replied.

Alan was struck looking at her smile. Could the morning sun be any more beautiful than it did when she smiled. If he hasn't seen her before he would have been shocked by the amount of her beauty and yet, he still felt like his heart had been grazed by a light feather.

The time they had met at the cinema, she had kept a frown all through and hadn't smiled so seeing her smile so gently warmed his heart. Every iciness he felt from arguing with his step brother flew away instantaneously.

Gisele became uncomfortable under there strangers intense gaze. She had expected him to leave after hearing her answer but he just stood there staring at her with a dumbfounded expression.

His staring was getting her tensed. Perhaps was he someone sent by Devon to bring her back? Was that even possible? Could they had found her minutes after she ran away?

While the girl worried and thought of all the worst case scenario. Alan finally snapped out if his daze and now the surprise to see her once again and standing before his car began to settle in.

Was it a coincidence or an incidence?

"How did you know I would be here?"

"huh?" Gisele was confused. What did he mean by she knew he would be here? Have they met before?.

She was going to ask the question on her mind but the guy suddenly took a step closer and took the mask off his face.


No doubt he was unquestionably handsome and his face looked like that of someone she had met before but she couldn't quite place where they had met before now.

"You can't deny being my fan now, you could even recognize me despite my disguise. You must be a die-hard fan of your idol" The man said with a confident smirk on his face.


Gisele eyes flung open in surprise. "It's you!"

How could she not remember him after hearing him utter those same words fueled from a bloated ego. What a coincidence that she would run into him here. The great Actor Gael. What was he also doing talking to her on the streets? Couldn't he had just walked past when he noticed her?

"What are you doing here?" The smile on Gisele's face disappeared and she asked.

"I should be asking you the same question" he threw back the question and trapped her between him and the car "Did you want to see me that much to trace me out here?"

Gisele rolled her eyes so hard that they would have fallen into the back off her head. There he goes again with his atrocious assumption. Would it kill him not to assume something that helps his ego?

"In your dreams"

She pushed his hand and walked away. She had places to be rather than stay here and talk to this moron. Actor or not, he sounded to her like he had lost an essential part of his brain.

"Hold on" Alan rushed forward and stopped the girl from leaving. He reached out and grabbed her bag from her.

"Hey give that back!" Gisele yelled but couldn't take the bag back. His towering 5.9ft height only made her look shorter than she already was. How could she snatch back something he was holding above his head?

After rummaging through her back for a few more seconds. Alan dug out the girls ID card and placed it before his face.

"Name: Gisele Andres, Age: 20" He read out the information written on the card with much enthusiasm.

Gisele face darkened to some level. One because she was angry he was invading her privacy and two from the fleeting tension that passed her heart. Thank god she was still using her former ID card that was not changed to the Montero Family surname, if not this stranger would have found out her secret. The Old man had personally issued her a New ID card but she had never taken it out as she had no intentions of using the Montero Family name, even more that dreadful man's name.

"What is this all about?" She asked with furrowed brows.

The Young man smiled "It's to be able to find you whenever I want. The last time we separated i couldn't find you, but now I have your details."

Find her for what?

"We have no business together so what do you need to find me for?"

He kept silent for a few second then walked closer to her and whispered "You stole my heart. Does that count?"

Gisele stared at him blankly like she was looking at an idiot. "The only thing you seem to be lacking is a brain. Does that make any sense to you?"

He chuckled "No hurries. Everything would make sense later on"

"Sure can I have my bag back now?" Gisele deadpanned. Totally less concerned with whatever he was talking about. The Young man handed her back her bag with a smug smile she thought looked hideous. Did she say he was handsome? Well yeah she takes that back.

Like he was air. She turned and walked away.


Alan's phone began to ring, stopping him from looking at the retreating girl.

"Secretary Jim what's it?" He asked as he picked the call.

"Chairman requests your presence. He's waiting at the Ancestral house" came the reply from the receiver.

Alan nodded "Fine, I'll be there soon"

Once the call came to an end. He turned around and alighted his car driving off into the road. If Gisele had turned back just once before she boarded her taxi, she would have seen the annoying young man drive off in the same car that she had snuck out it. The two had missed knowing the truth about the other. Sure Fate was brewing up a game of Hide and seek.


"Young master" Servants greeted as he walked into the building. Alan nodded in response and steadily made his way to the Old man's study.

Climbing the stairs. He came face to face with Claudia. The two halted and stared at each other for second.

"Good morning Aunty Claudia" Alan greeted I'm his provocative tone. On his first arrival to the house as a little kid, she had acted very rudely to him so He had a bad blood with this step mother of his.

Claudia spared the boy a blank gaze. Subconsciously, Gisele's comforting words repeated in her head and the anger she would initially had felt had no room to surface. Now in her eyes all she saw was the image of the young man when he first came. Torn clothes, ruffled hair and tattered shoes. The sun had charred up his skin from how long he had slept under it. He looked dejected and homeless, so pitiful he aroused tears when you looked at him. How did she not notice this when she saw him fifteen years ago? Truly she had been blinded by her selfishness.

"Mmm Good morning" She hummed before walking past him.

Alan was stoned by her actions. Pure shock showed in his eyes, he couldn't help but turn and look at her striding figure. Did he hear it correctly? She actually answered his greeting even when he had purposely called her Aunty and there was an ounce of contempt or anger in her tone, or did he miss it?

There was probably something behind this, He wouldn't be deceived. He shook his head and continued on his way.

"Grandfather" He greeted as he walked into the room then took his seat.

"You went to Devon?" The Old man went straight to the point.

Alan sneered "He complained?"

"I have my informants. What happened?"

"They didn't tell you that?" Alan pushed back.

Old man Hugo squinted his eyes "They did, also they mentioned you abducted the young miss"

Alan frowned deeply when he heard his words. He had only gone there to provoke Devon how did he suddenly become an abductor? "What do you mean?"

"Devon called, the girl had suddenly gone missing from her room after you left. He thinks you have a hand in it. She might have jumped out from her room window. Consequentially she was seen sneaking into your car didn't you see her?" Old man Hugo explained.

Alan was shocked to hear this. He shook his head. He really didn't see anybody. He hadn't even known there was someone else with him in the car. He missed such an opportunity to see what she was like. Sigh!

The Old man chuckled. The girl was really gutsy. He was right after all, she wasn't one to give into Devon's anger. "It's okay. Here" He said and passed an invitation card to the young man.

Alan glanced at the invitation. An invitation to the vice president wife's birthday party. It was too much for the Old man to be inviting his illegitimate grandson but Alan said nothing. He took the card and left the room.