
Tsundere President Daring wife

'Don't overthink it You are only back to work for the family' After 17 years of hoping and wishing to be acknowledged by her mother, Gisele finally is given the opportunity to join the Andres family but it's not for the purpose she thought. After three whole year wasted on slaving for the Andres family, she is Forced into a marriage her step-sister ran away from, a marriage to save the Andres family from their debts. With no option but to accept, she is thrown into a loveless marriage to a man who deeply resents her for separating him from his love. Would she find a way out of this forced marriage or would she spend her whole life with a man who resents her. ... "Mr Devin, we agreed to not interfere in each other's personal life so what is this you have done?" She asked with her hands akimbo and a frown on her face. "You're my wife, it's natural I interfere" The cold man said righteously, not even sparing her a look. "Your wife?" She snorted and declared "I'm filing for a divorce!" He looked up surprised then his eyes turned sharp and deadly "You wouldn't dare!" She smirked "Oh you know how much I dare"

unique2bliss · Ciudad
Sin suficientes valoraciones
64 Chs

Ch 15- a resounding slap

"welcome back Young Master Devon" the butler greeted as Devon walked into the house. He handed his briefcase to the man and proceeded to the mini bar in the sitting room.

He undid his neck tie, took off his cufflinks and poured himself a drink.

"Master Dinner is ready, would you like to take a bath before eating or should we set the table?" Aunty Lou came to ask him.

"I'll take my dinner first" He was famished. The skies were pitch black already yet apart from the little breakfast he had had with Chloe earlier that day, he had eaten nothing all day.

"I'll call on Miss to join you" She turned and walked away leaving only Devon and his glass of whiskey. He didn't look bothered that she had gone to call Gisele to dine with him. To be exact he hadn't even had heard her offer at all. His mind was occupied with a totally different thing that he didn't have the time to bother about that.

The table was set Gisele was called upon and the dinner started in a pin drop silence. No one was talking except for the occasional sounds of cutleries hitting against the ceramics plates. While Devon busied himself with reading the magazine in his hands as he ate, Gisele also busied herself with her phone. She was trying to Cross-check the news about the audition she has heard them mention at the mall.

There was really going to be an audition but different from what that arrogant lady had said, GXJ wasn't the one holding it, at least not completely.

The Audition was held by a Advertising company called Erasmus.

Erasmus was one of the top rated magazine company. They were about making a new series and they were going to have an audition to pick out a model to feature as the front cover. It turns out that GXJ was the company who had bought the cover page this year and so they had demanded to select the model themselves.

Rumors had it that whoever was picked in this audition would invariably be one of the core models that would also feature in GXJ Autumn fashion show. It was plainly rumors, No one was sure of this fact but still everyone hoped on it and that was why the expectations for the audition was higher than usual. Even the turn up was higher than any audition had ever had. The audition had really gained a lot of attention from the masses.

Every model from every modelling Company wanted to take part in the show, even some actresses couldn't help but be robed in in the excitement. They didn't mind crossing industries to try out for the audition. Since GXJ was going to be personally forseeing the audition, it was to be expected that the audition process was going to be very tight. Just anyone would not be selected.

The Audition was in three stages. The Online stage, The Showdown stage and The Face-to Face-stage. No matter who you were, if you wanted to be a part of the selection, you had to go through the whole process. GXJ was GXJ, there was no amount of backdoor business that could help you bypass any of the stages. No one was given the opportunity to be recommended either. They solely characterized on fairness so it was going to be best of the best that got the opportunity.

As Gisele stared at the requirements for the First stage, she felt her head ache. This was not even the second stage yet the requirements were so strict and severe. It was clearly stated that any model signing up must be no less than 20 years and no higher than 25 years old, she must have no tattoos, no extra piercing, no scar or stretch marks and no defects. She must not be shorter than 5.2m nor taller than 5.7m. Chest measurements, cosmetic history and so on. There was a never ending list to what should be done and what shouldn't, What one should have and what one should not.

Sigh! They were really stringent with their choice.

For the first stage, they were just asked to take a full studio picture of themselves, with no jewelries of any sort, no make-up, not even the slightest layer of powder or foundation, just a plain look. This was definitely what would end up reducing the amount of celebrities that had plans of signing up. At the end of the audition, the whole process would be displayed to the audience to show that their choice was fair and square.

A ton of female celebrities would never leave their houses without layers of Makeup on their faces talkmore of displaying their bare faces to the public, so after seeing this requirements for the audition, many dropped the thought of signing up and only a few still held unto their determination. Some weren't even bothered by the conditions.

Gisele was definitely one of them. Makeup was a luxury she had never gotten in the first place. She has never put makeup on before, neither did she have any jewelries to wear so she was not bothered by this requirement. She made up her mind to go take a studio picture the next morning.

With that on her mind, she finished her dinner and left the dining table without even a word to the man that had been sitting opposite her for hours now. Nothing new. They had nothing to discuss about anyways so it wasn't weird.

Only after she walked away, did Devon lift his eyes and look in the direction she had walked off. He snorted and look away.

The bodyguard he had sent to look after her reported her daily activities to him. For someone who was said to have suffered when she lived with her family. She had quite a lot of money to spend. No doubt, she had used her beauty to her own advantage. He was less concerned actually, as far as she stuck to his rules, he would continually ignore her like she never existed. If it wasn't for her importance to his grandfather, her existence would never have been important to him in the first place.

His phone rang and a smile appeared on his face. He picked the phone and walked out of the dining room.

Gisele decided to sleep immediately she got to her room. Less sleep would only make her skin look dry the next morning so she applied the face mask Aunty Lou had gotten that morning on her face and then went off to sleep.

While she slept with a smile, her sister was having a horrible night.

From the moment she returned from the company, she had locked herself in her room. The only thing that existed from the doors were Sounds of breaking objects and angry shouts and exclamation. She was causing a ruckus and the ruckus was putting the whole Andres house in a state of panic.

"My granddaughter please open the door, let your grandma see you. What is happening to you?" Grandma Andres worriedly knocked on her door insistently but no reply was given, instead Roxanne's yelling voice continued ringing out as well as the sounds of her trashing her room.

"Sweetie, it's your mother please open up the door, let us come in. Everyone is worried about you" Suzy joined in persuading her to open up the door. If Gisele was here, she probably would have been heartbroken with how affectionate her mother's tone was to a girl who was not even her biological daughter.

The yelling stopped.

So did the noise of breaking objects. Footsteps were heard and then sounds of moving objects. Everyone waited at the door anxiously. It took a couple of minutes and the door opened. A frightening Roxanne appeared still in her dress. She hadn't even taken the time to change out.

"Sweetie_" Suzy's words were caught off with a resounding slap.

Roxanne slapped her!

Suzy's eyes flung open in surprise and so did the eyes of everyone standing at the door. Her actions shocked everyone, even Grandma Andres was shocked with Roxanne's actions, yet there was no way she would rebuke Roxanne, instead the rebuke landed on Suzy.

"What are you still doing here?! Can't you see your face annoys my granddaughter! Leave this minute!" Grandma Andres yelled at her.

Humiliated and embarrassed, Suzy turned and dragged herself away from the place.

Seeing her walk away dejectedly helped to alleviate Roxanne's angry, her brows softened and her eyes turned watery.

"Grandma!" She wailed and threw herself in her grandmother's arms.

"My precious granddaughter! Who dared to make you cry? Tell me, Tell me quick! I'll make sure I take revenge for you. No one harness my granddaughter and goes scot free" The old woman urged her whilst also giving signs to the maids to go ahead and clean the mess that had been made in the room.

"It was Gisele!"