
Tsunami of the South

The Fire Nation saw the Southern Water Tribe brought to heel over the course of the Hundred Years War. A man from our world doesn't feel like waiting on Aang to save his people. SI/OC SI/Gamer

Twubs · Cómic
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9 Chs

Act I: Chapter 1

Hello everyone,

The Avatar is just a rich world isn't it. Seeing a childhood cartoon become a franchise is something that I don't hate to see. And the bending is very interesting, along with the political state of the world. Let's see if we can't toy with it a bit and see what happens.

Follow me on instagram at wtmcdonaldauthor! If you are feeling generous, and wish to donate to my writing career, you can find me at (P) (A) (T) (R) (E) (O) (N) under the same name for early access to chapters of The Ladder!

Disclaimer: I own nothing.


My lungs begged for me to take another breath.

Slowly, I exhaled the breath I was holding, making sure to breathe through my nose so as not to alert our target. I felt the moisture from my breath catch on my growing mustache and freeze due to the terrain around me. I, along with my father, were crouched behind a snowbank looking forward.

Snow constantly fell on our polar bear skin furs, further camouflaging us to the surrounding landscape. That was good, because we were hunting the most dangerous animal on the continent. The polar bear in front of us could feed and clothe us for a while yet. More than just my father and I actually.

"Ready yourself."

My fathers voice was so quiet, I almost mistook his voice as something inside my mind. I slowly drew the spear in my right hand up and over my shoulder before stopping and preparing myself. This wasn't my first polar bear hunt, but I was still nervous. We needed this animal, the tribe needed the animal.

It was about 15 feet away from us, way too close for comfort.

My father touched my side, and I acted on pure instinct alone. Years of training took over as I stood quickly, stepped, and heaved the spear towards my target. My momentum took me over the snow bank we were hiding behind and caused me to roll forward.

There was a shout from my father, and the unmistakable grunt of a bear. The kind that makes the hair on the back of your neck rise. I leapt to my feet and unwrapped the club from my waist as quickly as I could. Polar bears had killed too many of my tribe members for me not to bring a second weapon.

I turned to the polar bear and immediately the fur hood on the back of my head was yanked backwards, pulling it off of my head and choking me slightly as my father tried to get me out of harm's way. The polar bear was already charging me because of the spear sticking out of its side. I saw him thrust his spear forward and pierce through the mouth and into the brain of the charging polar bear as I was falling backwards.

There was an impact on the back of my head, and the lights turned off.


Two figures clash.

One, a boy with blue arrows painted across his body and limbs. He was surrounded by water, floating rocks, fire, and an airstream. The arrows on his body were glowing, as were his eyes. With every movement he made, the ground shook, the seas roared, the wind howled, and fire raged.

The avatar, a legendary figure.

The second, a fire bending man who flew with flames and lightning attacked the first. Over and over he raged against the overwhelming power of the boy. He bent fire like only a master could, sending waves and waves of fire towards his opponent. Only to have it counted by every element.

In the end, the boy proved too much and the fire-bender fell to bring back peace in the world.

The boy turned and looked towards me. His mouth moved, and an accumulation of voices poured out of it, towards me.



I opened my eyes and sat up. My hands felt around before grabbing the soft blanket around my form. Sleep still clung to my mind, and I waved my arms about trying to understand where I was, or who I was.

'You have slept in a bed! All injuries and ailments have been cured.'

I took in a deep breath of air as I stared at the blue floating words in front of me. I didn't quite comprehend what I was seeing at that moment. It took it a moment for me to realize what was going on.

"Where am I?" I mumbled as I looked around the room.

The unmistakable white of snow surrounded me, in a dome like fashion.

'An igloo?' I realized as I looked around.

Inside of the igloo was nothing impressive. It was literally just me, and some blue clothes off to the side of the igloo, along with heavier furs that were obviously for the harsher climates of the north and south. I frowned, as I didn't remember ever being in an igloo before. I was from the southern US. One didn't just find igloos there. Nor had I ever been far enough north to warrant one.

'You have slept in a bed! All injuries and ailments have been cured.'

My eyes were drawn back to the floating blue words. Something seemed to click for me then. I had read about this phenomenon online more times than I could count. I had even written a couple of stories involving it.

Even as I sat there trying to deny its existence, I couldn't. I was staring at the words of the Gamer, a fictional power given to seemingly random people in a story. Except I didn't know of any game that I had ever played that started me in an igloo. I racked my brain and couldn't even remember a time where any game had an igloo in it period.

"Am I the Gamer?" I asked nobody in particular.


The prompt's words changed immediately after I asked the question. I stared at it for a long while, unable to properly process the fact that I now had a fictional power that, in some cases, allowed the user to become godlike in power. Like a good little nerd, I did the only thing that I knew in that situation. I tested the limits of my 'Gamer' power.

"Menu." I called out.

Nothing happened, but the prompts from earlier did disappear.

"Settings." I tried, thinking of things that would actually be in most games.

'HUD: On

Compass: off

Corner vision prompts: off

Center vision prompts: on

Top vision prompts: off

Bottom vision prompts: off

Verbal commands: on

Mental commands: on

Chi bar: off

Gamers Mind: On'

"That's it? That's all the settings I have…" I wondered as I stared at the list. I was a bit disappointed that there wasn't a mini map or anything like that. But I suppose that the compass is a little recompense for that.

I looked down at my body. "Curious there isn't a health bar if there is a chi bar." I muttered to myself, mainly just thinking out loud about my situation.

"Gamers Mind, that's probably why I'm not freaking out from waking up in a fucking igloo of all places… Let's turn the compass on, and send prompts to the top left corner. Chi bar should be on, I don't see why not and we're definitely keeping the Gamers Mind on until I know where I am and what is going on."

At this point, I was verbalizing everything just to keep myself calm because I had a feeling that the Gamers Mind was working overtime at the moment.


Just as I commanded, the words on the screen disappeared, and the changes that I had made to the screen were implemented. I was extremely happy that mental commands were a thing, because if I had to verbally tell the game everything any human around me would think I was crazy.

"Ok, so what else can I check… How about 'character'." I said, keeping my mind busy. Nothing happened which I was confused about, because I was convinced that would get a reaction out of the system.

"Stats?" I asked the world.


Level 1 (0/50)

Title: Southern Water Tribe Warrior - All stats increase by 10% when fighting against the Fire Nation. Experience with melee weapons increases by 25%. Sailing Experience increases by 50%. *Locks Waterbending ability*

CHI: 100 (Locked)

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10'

"Koda of the Southern water tribe…" I muttered, confused. "That's not my name, my name is…"

I frowned as my name disappeared out of my mind. It was the exact same feeling one gets whenever they forget why they got up from the couch, or when they forget a certain item at the grocery store. One second it was there, and the next it was gone. But it was an even deeper feeling like that. Like it never existed at all.

My heart skipped a beat, and the gripping hand of panic grabbed my chest only to be immediately rebuked unnaturally.

"It's fucking wild to feel Gamers Mind take hold like that." I observed calmly, as I realized what just happened to me. I was about to freak out with the understanding that I couldn't remember what my real name was.

"Southern water tribe? As in… like in the Avatar world?" Once again the panic gripped my chest only to be rebuked immediately. The information processed in my mind without panic, leading to me coming to terms with the fact that I was no longer in my world way too quickly.

I almost shut off the Gamer's Mind at that moment. It wasn't natural for someone to not feel these emotions. I should be freaking the fuck out. I almost wanted to freak the fuck out. I had a family where I was originally from. I had people that depended on me.

'Didn't I?' I asked myself as I tried to remember them. They were just there on the edge of my mind. I could almost see the outline of their faces, as if they were in my peripheral vision.

"Fuck!?" I screamed as I became angry. Why couldn't I remember anything!?

Eerie calmness spread throughout my chest chasing the anger away. In fact, it was hard for me to remember what I was angry about.

I shrugged, not bothering to get angry. Why get angry about something you couldn't remember? It sounded like a waste of time to me. I turned my eyes and thoughts away from my mind, to the floating blue words in front of me. My stat sheet was still floating there in front of my vision.

"On another note, I'm assuming my stats are absolutely abysmal. Although that title would be badass if it didn't lock my waterbending ability…" I commented as I once again kept my mind preoccupied. "Can I change my title…"

'No other titles available, remove 'Southern Water Tribe Warrior' title?

Yes or no? '

As good as the title was, it was absolutely not worth it to give up the ability to waterbend. Bending was literally everything in this world that I found myself in.

"Wait, the world that I found myself in? What was my original world?" I asked myself, confused as to where my thought process had come from. A small amount of heartbreak lanced through my chest before I chased it away.

A lightbulb went off in my head, as something inside of me pieced together that the gamers mind was keeping things away from my head, so as to keep me calm.

"Deactivate Gamers mind." I commanded quickly, before I forgot what I was thinking about, or worse, more of my past.

'Gamers Mind Deactivated!'

That's when it all came flooding back to me. The panic, anger, and more panic returned to my chest. It assaulted me, making it hard to breathe. But it was more than that.

The reason for my panic returned, my memories. Memories of another life, in another world. I remembered my family, and the events that caused me to leave that life. I remembered a life well lived, and a glorious death. The comfort of dying well after protecting my family and killing their attackers wasn't enough to quell my aching heart at being away from them.

I was also relieved that I still had the memories. I was worried that the gamer had taken them all from me. That would have been a worse fate, in my opinion. I never wanted to forget them, the ones that I had left behind.

Somehow, I had found myself in the body of this Koda person, a warrior of the Southern Water Tribe. The Southern Water Tribe being an Eskimo like people in the world of Avatar: The Last Airbender. A cartoon series turned franchise that had captivated me as a child and into my adult years.

Although I did get upset for a moment, I managed to calm down after breathing in deeply and exhaling a couple of times. I was not one to allow his emotions to control him and panicking over the situation wouldn't help anything.

I pulled the furs covering my body over me, as the cold began to bite my skin, and looked towards the prompt that was still floating in front of me.

'No other titles available, remove 'Southern Water Tribe Warrior' title?

Yes or no? '

'Yes' I told the game, without even having to think about it. It was even more of an obvious answer, now that my memories of this world weren't being blocked by the game.

'Skill unlocked!

Waterbending Lvl 1

You resonate with the water around you, and you know you can manipulate it, but fine control is just out of reach. You may be able to influence a small ripple in the water at this level. The cost of techniques decreased by 0%. '

Just as the skill said I 'felt' the water around me. It was an extremely strange and foreign feeling. It was like something so small touching a hair on your arm, and you knowing that something was crawling on you. Only when I searched for the metaphorical water, I couldn't grab it. I couldn't really find it.

It was a maddening experience. Just like my other aggravating and panicking experience with the game that was now my life, I moved on so as not to go crazy.

"What about skills?"

'Observe Lvl Max:

Ability to observe the world around you, including other people and their levels. '

'Waterbending Lvl 1

You resonate with the water around you, and you know you can manipulate it, but that is still out of reach. The cost of techniques decreased by 0%.'

"…Seriously that's it? That's my only other skill? What about my ability to speak? What about my taekwondo? I literally just got my black belt."

If I could have deadpanned I would have. Unlike my memories however, this was not a cartoon. My skin didn't look like someone had drawn it. It was tanned and darker than I was used to, like the Inuit of my world had been, and how the cartoons had tried to depict.

"Koda?" A voice that scratched on the surface of my memories called out from the other side of the door.

The fur flap door opened and a man stuck his head inside.

'Bato Lvl 43

Warrior of the Southern Water Tribe and your father. '

Well 'observe' is handy as shit isn't it.

"Father, what happened?" I asked. I began to formulate a plan of being an amnesiac. Although I would have to find a good reason as to why. How could I spin this to where the people of the tribe would believe it?

The man had hair that was as black as the night and fell past his shoulder blades. It was a stark contrast to the white of the stained polar bear fur that covered his form. He was a handsome man, despite the lines that time had formed on his face.

"You don't remember?" He asked. His face fell into a frown. I couldn't help but notice the blue clothing stitched onto his fur cloak. It looked just like a real life version of the cartoon, except there were some stains here and there.

I shook my head at him. "Remember what?" I asked. "How did I get here?" I put on a face, acting my ass off.

'Skills unlocked.'

'Lying lvl 52

You can convince most children and teenagers, but only half adults of your lies.'

'Acting Lvl 31

Your body's ability to match the lie you're trying to sell.'

'So I can unlock existing skills, good to know.'

"You were in a hunting accident. You hit your head…" Bato told me as his face shifted from a confused look, to a hopeful one. It was endearing how he wore his heart on his sleeve.

On another note, the fact that I hit my head was literally perfect for my amnesiac story. I had to roll with this one.

"Hunting… I-I can't remember father…" I told the man, while keeping a confused look on my face.

The hope turned to worry on Bato's face and then he held a finger up towards me. "Hold on, let me get a healer. Maybe she'll be able to help." Bato said as he disappeared from the tent's entrance. I heard him shuffle back, while yelling out a name that I couldn't quite make out.

I waited patiently, and eventually my father returned. This time thought he crawled through the small entrance in the igloo, and someone followed him.

'Varra Lvl 13

Elder, and healer of the Southern Water Tribe.'

"He can't remember what happened Varra, is there anything we can do?" Bato, my father, asked her after placing a hand on my chest.

The small description of the woman did not lie. She was an elder, as was evident by her hair that was as white as snow. She frowned at his proclamation which highlighted the lines in her tanned face even further.

"The mind is a tricky thing Bato…" Varra responded. I could tell that she didn't want to tell father the unfortunate truth. She had no clue what she was doing when it came to the mind, and I was counting on that.

Bato's cheery disposition disappeared once again. "What are you saying?" He asked as he got visibly upset.

"I've seen warriors crack their skull, and return to battle within the moon Bato. I've seen common injuries that robbed others of their lives. A couple of memories are nothing to worry about." Varra told him with a frown. She was obviously not a woman to hold someone's hand or sugar coat things. I could already tell that my memories weren't that important to her. It was my life that mattered.

'These are a hardy people, because of the weather and the Hundred Year War, if my theory about the timeline is correct.'

"You mean they won't return?" Bato asked, growing increasingly concerned.

I reached over to him and grabbed his shoulder. "It's fine." I told him. "I still know your name, and that you are my father. Other details might be fuzzy but I'm alive."

I needed him to accept this conclusion and move on. I didn't need him worrying about what actually happened to his son. That was something that I didn't even know myself. Had he died before I took over his body? Had I been inside all along, waiting to come to the surface? Had the game thrown me into a random body in this universe?

I didn't know, and I may never know. But I definitely didn't need him panicking over my lost identity.

"You said I hit my head? How long was I asleep?" I asked, trying to distract him further.

"Today is the seventh day." Bato answered almost immediately.

"That is a long time. Maybe that's why I feel fine?" I said with a slight uptilt to my tone. It was halfway a question, and halfway a manipulation that I needed to take hold in their mind.

"That is about right for head injuries, but you should still take it easy for the next few days." Varra answered for me, while she jabbed a wrinkly finger towards my direction.

I nodded at her. "So I can leave?" I asked.

She shrugged. "You're young. Don't go hunting for a while, and you'll be fine." The woman waved off as she crawled back out of the igloo.

'I'll have to do something about this world's knowledge of brain injuries if that is the response I get.'

I turned to my 'father' and shrugged at him. He repeated the action before turning around and reaching towards the clothes in the corner. He wrapped the bundle up before handing it towards me and slowly crawling out of the igloo. He did not speak much and I knew that he was sad for me, the body that used to be his son.

"I'll be outside."

I took the clothes that he offered with a smile. It was hard for me to let the man be so obviously upset. I was a father before and I knew that pain.

'Equip Southern Water Tribe Polar Bear Fur?

Yes or no?'

I waited for the man to get all the way outside and the flap to the igloo to close before I selected yes. Of course I would let the Game do everything for me. What else was I to do but take advantage of such a good perk?

I didn't leave immediately because I didn't want him to be suspicious of me putting on my clothes too quickly. Instead, the itching that kept bothering me returned. I knew it was my waterbending ability.

Once again, I tried to grab the itching on my skin. I knew that it was there, it was all around me. Only the feeling stayed just outside of my grasp once again. After that failed I wracked my brain trying to remember where water benders received their powers from.

'It was the only bending that wasn't duplicated from animals right? The moon was where they got their powers.'

That was when I remembered it.

"Push and pull…" I muttered as I remembered what the series described it as.

I brought my legs beneath me and fell into a meditative position almost instinctively and I didn't waste any time breathing in deeply. But still I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary.

It was on the exhale that I was interrupted.


I jumped out of my meditative pose and crawled to the entrance of the igloo. "Coming." I called out as I crossed the threshold into my new world. The first thing I noticed was the crunching of snow underneath my glove covered hands. I wasted no time in pulling myself to my feet and looking around.

I was not impressed with what I saw. There was a collection of about 20 igloos spaced randomly around me. That was not a lot for a village. In fact, that was ridiculously low. My fears of already being deep into the Hundred Years War got worse.

And if that was the case. I was a part of a village of nearly zero Waterbenders, and zero resources. A dying people just doing their best to survive. That was not something that I looked forward to in this life.

'Why couldn't I have been in a time of prosperity like during LOK…'

"Where is everyone?" I asked as I kept looking around. I only saw a couple of figures moving around in the distance, and not quickly.

The landscape couldn't have been worse either. We were on top of a tundra with nothing but ice and snow covering us for miles. There were no mountains or other natural landmarks around.

"We are few now. The Fire Nation has taken much from us. The men are hunting, and the women are fishing, or crafting." My new father said as he held something out towards me.

I tore my eyes away from the bland landscape and looked at the object. It was a spear, made of some type of bone. I quickly reached out and grabbed it from his hands.

'Koda's Bone Spear

An 8 foot tall spear used by the Southern Water Tribe to signify manhood. This spear belongs to Koda.'

'Good thing I'm already a man, and a warrior if my old title was to be believed.'

"Come, the polar bear you saved still provides for us. Let us go eat, night is upon us." Bato told me with a wave, before turning and walking away.

I followed him, looking at the sky and not yet seeing a sun or even where light would be coming from. The clouds in the sky covered it from view.

I had a lot of questions, questions that I would have to ask at appropriate times. The main one was this: Why the fuck were these people still here? This place held nothing but hardship for them.

'These people need guidance, and if that fails, a shit-ton of work.'


My father's snores could have woken the dead.

It definitely didn't allow me to get any sleep. Even from an entire igloo away, as I was an adult with my own igloo, thankfully I would have one privacy. Although I wasn't sure if it was his snores, or the massively annoying itch that crawled all over my body. The sun had finally set, throwing the world into darkness. I couldn't see the moon because of the clouds in the sky, but I could feel it.

How does any water bender ever get any sleep when the moon is out?

'Moontouched Status Inflicted.

Waterbending cost is decreased by 50%. Experience gain to Waterbending is increased by 25%.'

Bato's snoring rose in volume slightly.

'That's it.'


That was at least one more thing that I had discovered about my gamer ability. I had an inventory system, although it was limited to twenty items and I wasn't sure it was limited on item size. The biggest thing I had tried was my spear, and that didn't have any problems.

A box appeared in the bottom right hand corner of my vision, inside of it was a RuneScape like interface of an inventory. I only had a couple of items inside of it and I wasted no time equipping my clothes. I pulled my fur blanket back quietly, so as not to wake my father. I was an adult but I'm sure he would have something to say about me not sleeping.

'Sneak lvl 34

You have done this before, but you aren't very good at it and have yet to learn to move quietly.'

I ignored the prompt and continued moving, albeit slowly. I would wait for Bato to snore, before I moved, and I would stay still whenever he was exhaling.

'Skill Level Up! +10 Exp'

I continued to ignore the prompts. It was easy with them being on the left hand side of my vision now. Soon enough I was outside of my tent, and I had already leveled up that skill three times.

'Either level 34 is very low, or doing good practices like not moving when he could hear me accelerates the growth of the skill…'

Soon enough I was far enough away from his igloo that I could move without fear of him hearing me. But I still crept along my way so as to not awaken any other village members. I was pretty sure that being a Waterbender was a good way to get put on the Fire Nation's list to kill. I definitely didn't need someone snitching on me for an extra meal.

Our village was at least built on top of a plateau-like structure of ice, and we hadn't colonized nearly half of that, so all I did was move about a hundred yards out of the nearest igloo before I stopped. All the while I was ignoring the feeling of the moon above me. It called to me, and I could feel its effects on my senses.

As I stood there, I realized that I didn't know what I was doing outside. But I knew what I wanted to do. I wanted to learn how to waterbend, and grind that skill up.

"Push and Pull huh? I'm sure I'll look like an idiot but here it goes."

I squatted, with my legs evenly spaced apart, and I brought my hands in front of me. With no other guidance, I brought my hands to my chest, breathed in deeply, and at the same time I did my best to pull at the itching feeling on my skin.

Then I pushed my hands back out, while moving my body with the motion, and exhaling at the same time.

Unsurprisingly, nothing happened.

But I kept at it, unknowing of what I needed to do. At some point I had closed my eyes and just kept going. I stayed like that for a while, at least a good 10 minutes before I opened my eyes again.

I stopped abruptly as I realized that I was doing all of this with no intentions in mind. I wasn't willing anything to happen, nor was I trying to influence a particular piece of water. I was just hoping that the ice around me would do something.

"Ok, let's try visualization." I told myself as I dropped to my knees and scooped some snow into my glove covered palm.

The itching that was all over my body moved to my hands immediately, and I knew I was doing something right. I cupped the ice in my left hand and brought my right hand above it. Then I imagined grabbing the snow and I pulled at it.

The blue CHI bar at the bottom of my vision dipped slightly.

A small stream of the snow left my palm and flowed towards my right before I was surprised, causing me to lose concentration and it fell to the ground beneath me.

'Skill level up! + 10 Exp'

'Waterbending Lvl 2

You resonate with the water around you, and you know you can manipulate it, but that is still out of reach. The cost of techniques decreased by 1%. Must be touching water to begin manipulating it.'

'Icebending Lvl 1:

Ability to manipulate frozen water. The cost of techniques decreased by 0%. Must be touching ice to begin manipulating it. Cannot change water to ice yet.'

'Title Unlocked: Novice Waterbender: CHI increased by 20% at night. CHI Regeneration increased by 100% at night. Equip? Yes or no.'


I smiled a big smile as I realized I had figured it out before I reached down and placed both palms on the snow beneath me. Then I visualized that I wanted a wave of the snow to flow up and around me.

I pulled back, while breathing in, and latched on to the itching feeling in my palms.

Snow leapt off of the ground in a snake like pattern and I continued to pull it around my body, picturing it flowing around me like water would. My arms moved in circular motions with my breathing as I tried pushing and pulling the snow around my body.

Soon there was a line of snow that completed a circle around my body much like how Aang had with the elements during his fight with the Fire Lord. But I could feel the control slipping from my body, and try as I might I couldn't hold on to the itching feeling. Eventually the snow fell to the ground around me.

I realized the cause of me losing control, and it was the empty CHI bar at the bottom of my screen. As I stared at it, I realized that it wasn't filling up very quickly.

'Skill Level up! +10 Exp'

'Level up! +5 AP'

'Skill Level up! X5 +50 Exp'

'Waterbending Lvl 5

You resonate with the water around you, and you know you can manipulate it, but that is still out of reach. The cost of techniques decreased by 4%. Must be touching water to begin manipulating it.'

'Icebending Lvl 6:

Ability to manipulate frozen water. The cost of techniques decreased by 5%. Must be touching ice to begin manipulating it. Cannot change water to ice yet.'

My eyes widened as I read the prompts. I had forgotten about how low level I was and that I only needed 50 Exp to level up. I hadn't really thought that I would level up just from leveling skills. And I was halfway to leveling up once again.

Not only that but Icebending had also passed up Waterbending by a full level. That was pretty indicative to me that using that sub element got more experience for what I was doing with the snow. Although, the ability to level both of them at the same time was something I was sure to exploit for the foreseeable future.



Level 2 (60/100)

Title: Novice Waterbender: CHI increased by 20% at night. CHI Regeneration increased by 100% at night.

CHI: 120* (100*/Hr)

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 10

Wisdom: 10

AP: 5'

Ok test time. What influences my CHI capacity and regeneration. My bet is on Intelligence and Wisdom.

I put one point into both of the categories I just mentioned and then pulled up my stat list again.


Level 2 (20/100)

Title: Novice Waterbender: CHI increased by 20% at night. CHI Regeneration increased by 100% at night.

Chi: 132* (102*/Hr)

Strength: 10

Vitality: 10

Dexterity: 10

Intelligence: 11

Wisdom: 11

AP: 3'

I grinned as my theory was proven correct. My Chi scales directly off of INT and the regen also scales directly off of WIS. I was about to dump the rest of my points into those two stats when I stopped myself. Down at the bottom of my screen, my Chi had completely refilled after I had affected my stats.

"Holy shit. I was already worried that I wouldn't be able to do that much training with such low Chi but if I can hold on to these AP points and use them as a means to refill my Chi while I train, that would optimize it pretty heavily." I muttered to myself as I realized the implications of the AP points and my chi.

I swept my hand down to the ground in happiness and latched on to the ice with my chi and pushed it, picturing a wave as I did so. A wave of snow about as tall as I was leapt off of the ground and spread towards where my hands were pointed.

I couldn't help but laugh at the euphoric feeling and revelation that I was now a Waterbender. I was basically using magic, as far as my old life was concerned.

I continued to play with my new ability well into the night.


A/N: Boom!

So this was always a plot bunny in my head but it never really got anywhere until now. Y’all let me know what you think about this. 

I will reveal the timeline in the next chapter I think, meaning where and when the character is in reference to the other series. Most will be able to figure it out by his father and where they still are. 

So what do you think Koda’s plot will be for the story? 

Twubscreators' thoughts