
I Am The Tsar

In a white tent, a young child jumps and looks around. He sees a jug with water and gulps some of it down as if he hasn't had water in a long while. This young child is Vladimir Romanov, the current Tsar of Russia. I look around and I could tell I'm in the tent somewhere and a large one to be exact. I walk over to a uniform with white pants and a green top, red collar, and red sleeves, and a star-shaped silver medal over the heart. I rub my hand on it, liking the feel of the fabricate "amazing" escaped my lips. I put my uniform on, somehow knowing how to do it. I continued looking around and found a sheathed saber which must be mine since the size and length look likes it's meant for a child. I pull it out enough to see what it looks like and sheathed it back "magnificent saber" I then attach to my hip. I walked in front of the mirror and I couldn't help but admire myself and look at my face. "blond and blue eyes go great together." I make my way to the exit of the tent. I take one deep breath, exhaled, and stepped out.

Once out Vladimir and quickly raises his hand to block the sunlight and to see many tents and horses in front of him lined up neatly "Long live the Tsar!" two voices sound beside him and he quickly looks to his left and right to see men in a black uniform with red in the middle and silver knobs/buttons on the edge, red epaulets and black shako (hat) and a silver star and feather on top standing straight with a needle rifle by their side "at ease" he says the relax a bit. He looks at them and noticed they are the Russian Imperial Guard, the infantry one at least. The cavalry for the Imperial Guard wears dark green and has a saber plus they don't wear shakos. "take me to the general or generals".

He knows there have to be leaders other than him and he was right as he is being led by the two guards to another area with two men sitting at a table talking. One looks like he is in his 40s and the other in his 60s. "General Ivan and General Lev," Vladimir says once he saw them. 'system is it because of you' *yes host.* Both men stand and saluted "long live his majesty". He nods then goes to sit at the table they followed. "what's the situation of the troops, how many do we have and where are we?". The forty-four-year-old General Ivan starts, "Your Majesty, we have brought 10,000 troops. four units of artillery, two units are 6 pounders and two 12 pounders and we have carts with ammunition. For the cavalry we 500 of your Imperial guard,500 hussars,500 dragoons, and 500 Ulans. The infantry comprises grenadiers, line infantry,17th Jager regiment, your imperial guard infantry with and three units 3 units 6 pounder horse-drawn artillery.

Vladimir was shocked at what he was hearing, when General Ivan said about what they brought 'doesn't that mean we have more in the homeland' he says in his head. `. General Lev then carries on next "since Russia is closed off you got curious and wanted to see the lands past the western borders since its water to the north and mountains to our west and it was east or south and here we are your majesty. It would take about 14 days to get back to the fortress on our border and also the reason we stopped is that you fainted, and the doctor said it's because of the heat" Vlad could only nod and also thank the system for a good back story "ok. lets return mack to the motherland. Tell the soldiers to pack up. After giving out the orders, a soldier came running on horseback to the General snd Vlad. Vlad notices its Petrograd Hussar by the blue shoulder cape/sleeve. He jumps off his horse "long live his majesty" he greets before giving the news. "your excellency's we were scouting our route back, and we found two armies in the way at the outskirts of the forest. From the looks of things, they are at war and could fight either today or tomorrow. "Ivan dismisses him, tells him to return and also to keep them updated.

"Let's wait this out and have them fight and leave afterward" Vlads suggests because there is no point in fighting at the moment. *ding. quest* let the name of Russia and its Tsar be known*

*reward 500 system points and pimento seeds*

Vlad could already guess what the system what's him to do, plus the reward is decent "wait nevermind. Get the 17th regiment jagers and tell them to go at the edge of the forest and hide in the tree lines and also get the two units of the six-pounders and the horse-drawn six-pounders and have them load canister shots and be ready. We have been isolated and we should let our motherland be known,"

"yes, your majesty!" they saluted and left. The two guards from earlier and are still there and he tells them to take to the cavalry imperial guard. Once there, he greets the head of the guard and tells them to be ready soon they will move to meet potential enemies or friends and even both.

third one today.

chevar28creators' thoughts