
Chapter 28: More Planes, Pineapples and the French

Chapter 28

More Planes, Pineapples and the French

"And you know what's gonna be on your tombstone? 'Loser.'" - The Office (which I don't watch...)

"If we wait until we're ready, we'll be waiting the rest of our lives." - Lemony Snicket

Today's Review Quote Thing!

So, how WILL Yuni get those rings to Mukuro, shove them up his ass through the shitting tube? - Vanessa Celestine Blanchette

Please give my regards to Yuni-san and Fran-san, and congratulate their marriage on my behalf. - Paigecat

Not everyone gets their future predictions through the internet or netflicks. Most get them through random blurry visions that are never explain (unlike in anime where flashbacks thrive) or through some obscure ritual. That or Lambo (or Irei Shoichi) decides to troll people and spam everyone with the TYL bazooka. - shirokuromokona (Possibly the best thing I've ever heard in my life.)

I suck... at Chinese...Even though I'm Chinese... - Rikuo Nova

Almost the second I fell asleep, I woke up. Okay-not in the real world, in Mukuro's creepy dream paradise, but I wasn't getting sleep.

He looked incredibly annoyed, exhausted and just overall...like shit.

I winced, readjusting to the light (FUCKING SUN. Damn you, Sasagawa Ryohei.), turning to Mukuro. "Ew, what pissed in your shit tube?"

He rolled his eyes. "That kid you told me to find?"

I nodded. "Yeah."

"Well, I found him."

I tackled the illusionist, demanding answers. "How?! Where?! When?! I didn't even give you a name!"

Mukuro scowled at me. "Yeah, and you should die for that."

I waved that off. "Later. Now, details please."

He shooed me off of him, and stood, adjusting his clothes. "Well. I went to France and narrowed the population down to those with Mist Flames - not that hard, considering how awesomely skilled I am."

I snickered. "Sure."

He went on, as if I hadn't spoken. "And then I narrowed the Mist Flames down to the illusionists. There were about 3, 000."

I blinked. "Well. Apparently, we have to prepare for France to attack us mafia folks with illusions."

The pineapple king shrugged. "I dunno. But out of the 3, 000, guess how many kids there were?"

I bit my lip, trying to guess. "One-thousand three-hundred twenty-two?"

He snorted. "Not even close. One."

I was surprised. He...was really one out of a thousand (well, three-thousand, but you know what I mean.).

"You found him." I stated. It wasn't a question, because well, he had.

He sighed. "Yes! And he was a downright punk kid!"

I sniggered at the word 'punk'. Mukuro is so old-school.

"He called me a pineapple fairy and it took about all my self-control not to gut him!" he exaggerated, going on and on. "And then he...blah blah blahbetty blah."

I kind of tuned him out. I didn't really care what kind of names Mukuro had been called. *shrug*

"Yes, yes, I see. So where is he and is he coming?" I asked, getting aggravated with Mukuro's ranting.

Mukuro shot me a glare, but answered anyways. "He's in a place called Brouillard. I think that means Mist or something in French. I don't really know, go Google Translate it. But he's not coming."

I gaped. "Why not?!"

He shrugged. "He said something like, 'I don't want to go with some pineapple pervert!'."

I fumed. "And?"

"He said, 'If you want me to go live with your sister, or whatever she is, in Italy, then she has to come here to pick me up!'." Mukuro quoted, pitching his voice so it was all squeaky. ...did us, children, really sound like that?

"I'm not your sister!" I protested. "And I have to go to France?!"

Mukuro raised his hands, as if to say, 'it wasn't my fault'.

I groaned. "Thanks for the help. It was night in Japan when I went to sleep, and we've had like a what, ten minute conversation? so I can hop on the morning plane to France. That's about the same distance right?"

Mukuro stopped, as if he was listening to something. "Yuni-chan, it;s about 6:00 AM in Japan right now. And they're around the same distance, by plane, maybe a ten to twenty minute increase."


He smiled, and waved goodbye as the vision faded.

I woke up, in reality, my head pounding from lack of rest. Eh. I'd get tons of rest on the plane to France.

I grabbed my duffel bag, made sure that the Hell Rings were inside, and checked out of the hotel, waving down a taxi and getting my ass to the airport.

I booked a plane to France at 7:30 and boarded.

"Excuse me." I called, attracting the attendant lady's attention. "How long is this trip?"

She smiled, politely. "About 12 hours and 30 minutes."

I thanked her, and sat down, poking my headphones in my ears. This would be a long trip.

We've set forth,

And can't stop yet,

Because of a promise to meet again.

Without reason, your tears spill for me.

They didn't overflow,

But they were there beneath your eyelids.

There's nobody on the station platform.

I stop and watch, and I can hear your voice.

Looking for hope is like the many ships,

That have crossed a wide, endless ocean.

I'm not afraid to set sail.

From here, we'll start our trip by facing each new wave.

The color-changing town and crowds of people.

The smiling faces pass and go beyond,

The soft lighting of the street lamps.

I want to feel

The warmth of your cheek down through your fingertips.

Don't forget the time we chased after,

A dream the likes of which no one had ever seen.

All the days are back again.

Remember that we carried the pain in our arms,

And that we were glad together.

Now, we live.

Somewhere in my chest, a doubt that can't be erased stops me, but,

I'll walk again, all the way.

Because the power of believing,

Will take shape, and the way to go will come to me.

-To Beyond That Dream by Rie Kugimiya

I slept the entire plane ride, the Hell Rings creeping me out. I think my bag was glowing...

I got off the plane, at Brouillard Airport, and looking around. There was a giant lake off to the right, a town to the left, and a few scattered houses straight. Where to go...

I decided to go to the lake, mainly because I didn't like people, so if I found no one at the lake, it'd just be delaying my interaction with other human beings. Good thinking, Yuni!

Not really.

Mao-chan~ You hurt my feelings so.

You're the one who was listening to Fullmetal Alchemist songs on the plane.

Alphonse Elric is a sexy beast!

He's not real.

Neither was Hibari-sama.


I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS. Speaking of not knowing what things mean, what did you mean when you said that I had to become the Sky Arcobaleno? Aren't I already?

You are, in name. But in spirit, or flames, you are not. But I don't think you should worry about that. Do not do anything that you wouldn't have. Pretend I never said anything. I've been giving this careful thought.

What do you mean?

Whether or not I will become the Sky Arcobaleno for you, Yuni-chan. That is what I have been thinking of, so deeply.

What do you mean by 'becoming the Sky Arcobaleno for me'? You're not the Sky Arcobaleno. And you don't have to do anything for me, I can do it myself.

But I could be.

...you're making my mind hurt with all this thinking, Mao-chan, dear.

Just...be yourself, Yuni-chan. Don't worry about me anymore.

Okay...but don't do anything brash.

You won't have to in a while.


Nothing, Yuni-chan, absolutely nothing.

I stood at the lake, skirt hiked up to my knees, wading around in the water. No one had been there, but I was already feeling a little warm, so I decided to take a little time to myself.

I walked through the water, humming 'Special Illusion' under my breath.

"What are you doing here?"

The voice startled me, and I tripped on some invisible rock and I landed (with an incredibly obnoxious 'splash') in the water.

A boy watched me, not even bothering to help me up, as I unceremoniously stood up and marched out of the water. He was about my age, maybe a little older, with short turqoise hair, eyes that were the exact same color, and green -what looked like- tear tracks under his eyes. He wore a giant apple on his head- why, I didn't know. He was cute, I suppose, but didn't have manners. At all.

"You didn't answer my question." he pointed out, as I squeezed water out of my dress, brushing sopping hair out of my face.

I glared at him. "I'm wading. Got a problem with that, punk?"

Great. I'm turning into Mukuro.

The boy didn't even looked insulted, his expression almost thoughtful. "Wow. Are you a pineapple fairy too? Because this fairy I met in my dreams, two days ago, called me the exact same thing."

I blinked, and looked at the boy again. There was something almost familiar about that apple... "Are you...Fran?"

'Fran'- or at least, who I thought was Fran, focused in on me. I doubted that he was very impressed. I was, after all, covered in mud, water (but that was his fault), bags under my eyes from worrying over my plans all night, and those bright, piercing blue eyes of mine.

I decided that I loved those eyes. They seemed to peer into the soul, and into the future- which in a way, they do.

He nodded, answering my question. "I'm Fran. How did you know and who are you, pineapple fairy lady?"

I wore an amused smile, forgetting that it was his fault that I was now freezing. "I'm prodigious and I'm four, my friend. I am, in no way, a lady."

He seemed to consider it, examining me again. "Well, I'm only four, but I can tell you're a lady."

I blinked, surprised at the- almost- compliment. "Oh, why thank yo-"

"Guys don't wear dresses."

...okay. Take that back. I'm feeling slightly insulted.

"I'm Yuni, next in line to become boss of the Giglio Nero Famiglia, a mafia family in Italy." I introduced myself, stretching out a hand.

Fran didn't take it. "I'm Fran, and I can do this."

He held out his hand, and a bouquet of dead flowers appeared in it. He handed me them. "Here."

I took the dead flowers, awkwardly. "...thanks."

He shrugged. "No problem."

"You know the, err, pineapple fairy? I sent him to find you." I said, quite straightforward.

"Oh, you're his sister?" he looked me over- for what was really the third time. "You don't look like him. But you might be secretly adopted. I saw a movie like that."

I sweatdropped. "We're...not related..."

Fran didn't want to accept this, apparently. "Maybe, when you were born, you were given to the Jiggly Zero people and you and the fairy are still related. I saw a movie like that, too."

I twitched. "They're not the Jiggly Zero, they're the Giglo Nero."

Fran didn't even pause. "Yeah, Giggly Hero."

"...you're annoying me a lot more than I expected you to." I confessed.

He flashed a small smile- more than I had ever seen him give in the show. "I get that a lot."

I decided I liked this boy.






The days going by are getting in the way of the new morning I'd found at last. It wasn't "next" that I was headed toward, but "bygone" that I was always chasing after. My incessant, merciless memories don't seem likely to forgive me, it may not be long before my turmoil spills out down cheeks wearied by my fumbling about.Will the rain ever stop? I've been cold for such a long time, so why does this rain choose me? Can I wrap myself up in it? The rain is unrelenting, and it's still coming down today, but tenderly under an extended umbrella, we share our warmth as we huddle close.

Fran...was probably a fail, but whatever, I loved writing him. I loved it. (plus, he's younger, so his personality would be a little more innocent, and less monotone. For now, at least.)


Vanessa Celestine Blanchette - ...would you mind if I actually used that in my story? I didn't even think of that, OMG, thanks!

Paigecat - Okay, thanks:) I love FMA:B, and I think I'm going through an Alphonse-love-phase, because I'd tap dat fine ass. ...I'll shut up now.

Michiyo - A pineapple sack, lol, I need one of those, ahaha! I should...buy a bag, and then an iron-on patch with a pineapple on it, and iron it on. It'd be da bomb diggity.

MeLikesROFL - There ain't no way that Yuni is giving up her FIVE STAR personality. Ain't nobody got time for dat! (Fucking Youtube, burning my mind.)

KatoKimeka-chan - She's gonna deny that he's her illusionist...for now, MWAHAHAHAHA!

Eruruu4 - There is not enough Itachi love, he's too damn awesome. But I think, I'm going FMA:B first, and then Naruto.

RyuuKagamine - Yuni-chan...does not have wings. She got on a plane and flew over, ahaha!

CuteDork - It's alright, bro, it's alright. I love your profile pic, DTK is the bomb . com. TRUE STORY.

Rikuo Nova - ...it's not Luce either, lol. And you suck...at Chinese...even though you're Chinese, oh that was hilarious!

Thanks for all the reviews, and I want to get to...err, 250? before the next chapter. When I get to 250, I will update that day (unless its Monday, cuz I have things to do on Mondays. And Wednesdays, too. THATS IT, I SWEAR)

Leave a review, dovies~


Expect an update...by Tuesday, at the least. I have no school Tuesday either. I haven't had a full week of school this year, cuz of being sick and snowdays, and...I'm lovin' it.
