
Chapter 23: Lost (Or Finding One's Way Home)

Chapter 23

Lost (or Finding One's Way Home)

No time to look from quotes.

You're welcome.

Squ-chan and I parted ways at the airport, quite tearfully ("VOIII! Get the hell out of my sight!" "Fuck you, Squ-chan, fuck you." "VOIII! IT'S NOT SQU-CHAN!" "Sure."), if I do say so myself.

I debated. Should I go home, to Irina, hot chocolte and some donuts? Or to the Giglio Nero Headquarters, scare the hell out of Gamma, and eat all of poor Nosaru's cheezits? ...easy decision.

Unfortunately however, if I wanted to get to the Giglio Nero Headquarters, I couldn't take a taxi, because then the taxi driver would know where the Headquarters was and then I'd have to kill him and all sorts of nasty business like that.

So I'd have to walk. About 15.6 miles. Whoop de doo.

If you're wondering, 'WTF, Yuni? You could kill the taxi driver? Dafuq's wrong with you?!', then the answer would be, 'Yes, I could kill the taxi driver. Reborn-ojii-san gave me a gun, back before I left for the airport, or ice cream with Chrome, or even to see Mukuro.

Reborn loaded the bullets, flicking the safety on and handed me the gun.

I stared stupidly down at it. "What is it?"

He poked me in the forehead (it was such an Itachi-Sasuke moment, I wanted to die. Except out of happiness.), smirking. "It's a gun, stupid. It's to protect yourself from the Varia."

I blinked. "But I'm friends with the Varia."

"No. No, you are not." he pressed.

"Yes. Yes, I am." I rolled my eyes. And to think, I was the four-year old.








"No." I tried the whole backwards tactic.


...he actually fell for it.

"HA!" I grinned, happily. "I am. Sucker..."

And that was how it went.

So I spent about ten minutes figuring out which way was North, and started for it. I pulled out my iPod, and the listening device that Reborn had attached to me, and began hooking them together, downloading the information from the bug to my iPod.

Great. Now I have about 12 hours of me and Squ-chan screwing around on it.

What I did, so that Reborn would think that I had been sleeping, was I downloaded a different track onto it, back in the Japanese airport, and forwarded that one, through the satellite, to him. But there were two tracks on the bug, to simplify it. One was the one of me sleeping, and one was of Squ-chan and me screwing around for 12 hours.

So I transferred all the information from the bug to my iPod, and pocketed the listening device, choosing to fiddle with my iPod.

I grinned, remembering something from my past life, and began working on it.

Three hours (and 8 miles) later, I had re-created a song from my past life.

"VOI VOI the head VOI the...head... VOI VOI VOI Bel Bel Bel won! the...head...VOI!"

That was simply the beginning.

The VOI song. Ah, go Youtube it.

I, thankfully, has all the words, from the 12 hours of Squ-chan being a bitch, and me bitching back. Thank the Lord. I had been suffering from VOI-removal.

Then I spent the next two hours singing Mulan songs, as I just...walked.

"Let's get down to business~" I singsong-ed. "To defeat the huns!"

...what am I doing with my life?

Yuni-chan, I can't necessarily say that I know.

Ah, Mao-chan! Great, I'm not alone. Do you know how far away the HQ is?

Well, Yuni-chan, remember when Squalo-san kidnapped you?

I remember I was bitching, and playing a game of hide-and-seek with Gamma.

Ah, but details about your surroundings, dear.

...please don't call me that, its creepy as hell.

Oh, I apologize, Yuni-chan. I'm just naturally like this.

...sure. Okay, but I was in a forest, and then he caught me into a potato sack. But he didn't let me keep it.

Details, Yuni-chan, details.

I don't remember anything, haha!

Mao-chan sighed.

There were cypress trees around you, Yuni-chan. Do you see any cypress trees now?

I blinked, flinching back into reality. Cypress trees...cypress trees.

Umm, Mao-chan? What do cypress trees look like?

I felt like she was smiling, like she knew I was gonna ask that question.

They look almost like pine trees, Yuni-chan.

...err, those?

I gestured to some trees. I must've looked insane, after all, I was standing alone and pointing at a tree, like I was showing someone it.

...yeah, I looked insane.

Yes, you do, Yuni-chan. And those are cypress trees. Austrocedrus cypress, recently introduced to Europe, and normally found in botanical gardens. But the Giglio Nero surrounded its' base with these trees because-

No offense, or anything, Mao-chan, but I don't care. At all.

I tapped back into reality, and kept walking through the forest, humming to Mammon's Character Song, 'Maboroshi no Arcobaleno'.

"I don't need friendship or ability,

Glory is the thing that can be bought with money.

Come to me, all of you who have money,

I will snatch away all of it.

Come to me, all of you who have dreams,

I will change all of them with illusions."

...this song is too emo. And its about mugging other people. Yay.

Why am I singing so much today? First with Squ-chan, then with the VOI song, and then Mulan, of all fucking people, and now Mammon. I think I have a disease. Song-itis. Maybe Shamal would help- no, I'd kill myself before I'd let that creepy ass pervert anywhere near me.

And that, folks, is the kind of thing I think of, while trying to get to the Giglio Nero base. I've lost my sanity.

Out of all the songs that you have sang, in your mind, private or Varia base, I think I like your song the best.

Kokoro no Hoshi? What the fuck? It's so sweet, I get diabetes.

Will you sing it for me, Yuni-chan?


But I'm helping you get home.

...you're a manipulative bitch, Mao-chan, a manipulative bitch.

And you're a prodigious cake-consumer.

Touche. What about an Abridged song? Gokudera's? I just adore the Abridged...

...it'll have to do.

"And all the bosses say I'm pretty fly for a bomber guy.

Uno due tre quantro cinque cinque sei.

Well I grew up in the mafia, over in Italy.

I really loved my momma, but I hated Bianchi.

She fed me Poison cookies and even poison cakes.

And now when I look at her, it gives me stomachaches!

So I saw the shrink, and he said, 'Whaddya think?'

When he took down paper airplanes quicker than my eye can blink.

I said, 'Teach me, Doc!'

He gave me quite a shock, 'You're not a chick...so hit the bricks.

Well, its not a loss, cuz I've got bombs to toss,

and I'm gonna beat that loser kid who's next in line for boss.

Hey wait, this guy saved my life...I really wanna be your right hand man!"

Then there's the Bianchi part...I can't do it without laughing (because she sounds so emo in the Abridged...).

"Hey there little brother."

"Oh god, oh god!"

"Hey there little brother."

"Oh god, oh god."

"Hey there, little brother."

"Oh god...oh god."

"Ichi nii sen, yon go go roku.

I am in Japan,

the boss' right-hand man!

Helpin' Sawada Tsunayoshi any way I can.

When the bad guys show,

that's when I start to throw...my double bombs! My triple bombs.

But I'll never quit,

if the boss wishes it, I'll even work with the Turf Top and the Baseball-Idiot.

You lookin' for a fight? Well, I definitely got some bite.

Why don't you just suck my dynamite? And...

Hey, Hey, do that bomber thing!"

"SHUT UP!" someone yelled, out their car window.

I flipped them off. "Go fuck yourself!"

...the end of that song was so very strange, Yuni-chan.

I didn't write it.

Knock. Knock.

Nosaru opened the door, holding a box of (you guessed it.) Cheezits. "P-Princess? W-What are you doing here...?"

I plucked the box from his hands, waltzing into the building. "Just visiting."

"How'd you get here?" he asked, catching up and keeping pace with me.

"I walked." I said, with ease, heading for my mom's office. "How's Mama?"

"She's fine...?" Nosaru raised an eyebrow. "Why?"

I shrugged. "I dunno.

Err, the fact that she was supposed to die, in the plot?

...that won't happen for a while, Yuni-chan. In about nine years, she will die, and you will spend three months as the boss of the Giglio Nero.

How do you know that?


Oh, yeah, you have access to my memories, right?

Uhh, sure.

That makes you sound super suspicious. But we'll deal with that later.

Of course.

"Hi Mama!" I called, tossing open the door.

She looked startled. "Yuni? How'd you get here?"

I shrugged. "I was in Japan."

... Mao-chan stayed quiet.

"That didn't answer my question. And what were you doing in Japan?" she demanded, going all mother-mode on me.

I laughed, nervously. "Funny story...I was kidnapped, willingly, by a mass murderer, then taken to Japan, to provide said-mass murderer with information about schools, then I went and ditched the murderer, to stay at the Sawada's."

Aria's forehead creased. "Sawada...as in Sawada Iemitsu, the head of CEDEF?"

I nodded. "Yeah, his wife and son. They're wonderful people. And Reborn is staying with them too. And then Tsuna - that's the son - went and fought the mass murderer, and then I went and saw some of the fight, and then Reborn kicked me out, so I went to the Sawada's again, and Nana bought me a pretty dress, and I got my hair cut - by the way, my luggage is in the lobby. Then Tsuna beat the murderer - who was taken away to Vindice - and then came home and was really sore and then-"

"Wait, Vindice was involved?" she looked troubled.

Vindice, Vindice, Vindice. They were past Arcobaleno, I believe, who had the spirit of the pacifier torn from them and survived, only because of Bermuda, that creepy guy, with the Flame of Night.

I hadn't read the manga, but I had read the wiki.

"Yeah, they were." I nodded. "A few weeks after that, Tsuna and us were out on an trip to the town, when Superbi Squalo showed up and then I told him to shut up, and he attacked, and then he stole the box of...err, candy, from Tsuna and then left. Then Reborn sent me home, cuz it was too dangerous."

Aria sighed. "Yuni...go to your room, please. I'll send Gamma up to keep you busy- I mean, to talk to you, later."

I laughed, brightly. "Okay, bye Mama~"

I skipped towards the door, stopping in the threshold. "I forgot to tell you, I know that you're the Sky Arcobaleno and the whole 'Seeing the Future' thing that we Giglio Nero bosses have."

Aria froze, as I left.

Yuni-chan, was it right to tell her that?

Mao-chan, you know that the Sky Arcobaleno know a hell of a lot. I, probably, know the most. More than my mother, Aria, more than my grandmother, Luce, and more than my ancient ancestor, Sepira. I know a hell of a lot.

I know that. But was it the right thing to do?

I only told her that much. If I told her about the events of what is to come, now then I'd imagine that there would be some sort of problem.

I hope you know what you're doing.

Mao-chan, you can see everything in my mind. You know what I'm doing.

...yes, but in the end, you'll still die, even if you tell her about her own death-

I know.

And will you?

...I don't know that.






But what I do know, is that I will never let an unnecessary person suffer, when they don't have to. I'll die before I let the world come to that.


Asumi Ayumi - Sepira was the ancestor of Yuni, the one who gave the Vongola the Vongola Rings, and founded the Giglio Nero. lol, almost everyone wants Gokudera.

cielovalkarie - Okay, thanks.

Sparo di Fiamma - Thats always the thing, it's Gokudera. Or Hibari. That's what everyone has been saying, ahahaha.

icecreamsundaes2013 - Mao-chan isn't Byakuran. That's all I'm sayin', ahaha.

Everren - Yuni is prodigious. 'Nuff said. Everyone says Gokudera or Hibari! Seriously! Thanks~

shirokuromokona - He is motherly, and in nine years (give or take.) she'll have no mom. And Xanxus is just over picky. But we all love him anyways, ahaha.

xXGemini13Xx - You like my writing style? I always have too much dialogue and like, seriously, no descriptions. I'm such a bad person, ahaha.

Paigecat - I've never seen Code Geass. To get the name, I went on babynames or something .com and saw that this means, 'True Center' and I was like 0_0 perfect. I have been thinking over the Fran/Yuni pairing, and I'm getting ideas.

Michiyo - Thanks for the donuts, bro, thanks.

MeLikesROFL - Well, Daemon Spade could share her body. Byakuran probably could, since, ya know, he's Byakuran. There's also Sepira, her ancestor, who can do anything.

A lot of people want Gokudera.

I'll keep the same question from last time.

Leave a review.

Expect an update whenever.
